two // the party

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One thing led to another at the party and all of the people I entered with, were now shitfaced drunk, besides Sid & I. I hadn't seen him in a few minutes. I decided to go to one of the bedrooms, crawl out the window, and have a smoke. I made my way through the sweaty bodies of underage drinkers. I entered the room where several people were going all the way. I walked to the window and crawled out as quietly as possible. The cold air hit me and I let out a deep sigh. "Luna?" I turned to see him. I smiled as a greeting. I sat next to him and lit my cigarette. "I would offer you one, but you obviously already have one." I laughed. He nodded, taking a drag. "So tell me about yourself." He broke the silence. I laughed. "There's not much to know." I blew my smoke. "I'm a sad girl with a heart of gold, but when I'm angry I'm your worst nightmare." I spoke finally. He nodded, flicking his ashes. "What about you?" I asked him. I was intrigued to learn about him. "Well, I'm not sure. I'm I don't really go to parties a lot, obviously," he gestured towards the house. "I'm really..really shit with words so this is difficult for me." He laughed. "No, keep going." I smiled. He nodded. "I was finished." He smiled lightly, throwing the cig bud somewhere. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" I spoke, taking a last puff. He nodded.

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