sixteen// window pane

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Sid's p.o.v.

She pinned me down. "Even though I'm fucking stoned I can still pin you down." She giggled. I laughed as she kissed my neck softly.
She snuggled into my shoulder and laid her body on mine. I was stoned but I was aware of what was going on. I felt secure, but vulnerable.

She rested on her elbow and trailed her fingers in a figure 8 around my chest. She giggled and smiled wide. "What's on your mind, Luna?" I spoke shakily. She shrugged. "I would never do this with anyone, you know, get so fucked up that I can't stand." I nodded as she talked.
She hummed and rubbed my shoulder. "I feel special." I said before kissing her forehead. "Well, good, you should. Because you are." I smiled.

"Sid, are you hungry?" She broke the silence. I nodded quick. She got up, and started for the door. Her skirt was all ruffled and her shirt sleeve was off her shoulder. She fixed herself before continuing down the stairs.

There was rustling at my window, I noticed that the window was open. I got up and went to close it. "Hello, Sid." Someone spoke. It scared the piss out of me as I turned around. "Cass!" I whispered loud. "Yes, Sid. It's me." She spoke. I rubbed my eyes. "You can't wake up Sid, you're not dreaming." She said as I blinked a few times. "Listen, I need you to get out of here."
"-did you get my messages, Sid?"
"I said get out of my house." I lightly pushed he towards the window. "But, Sid, you love me." She said as I helped her out the window and into the tree. "I did love you, Cassie. I don't now. I love Luna." I spoke. I knew I was sobering up as a headache suddenly hit. She laughed. "Oh, wow." She said. "Wow. It's unbelievable." "Cass, just leave." "-not before I say this." She steadied herself onto a stable tree branch. "You got thirty seconds, go." "-you came to New York looking for me. But you gave up." She said.
"You saw me and moved back, what was I supposed to do?"
She grabbed me and kissed my lips.
I pushed her away. "Talk to you later, Sid." She said as I was closing the window. "In your dreams, Cassie." I shut and locked it. I closed the curtains.

Luna hobbled back into my room with a bag of crisps. "Jackpot!" She sang, falling onto the bed. I smirked and laid next to her.

"You love me, Sid?"
"I do."

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