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I woke up worried about playing against Devin. I mean i shouldn't be worried should I.  "Hey we gotta be at the stadium in a hour your not worried are you"  Niall said. "What me worried no scared out of my shorts if thats what you mean then yes i am very scared" I said. "Remember the first i told you when the season started better yet when you first started coaching what i told you is you are a Doncaster Rover and don't you forget that" Niall said. "Your right i shouldn't be scared" I said. "That's the Louis that i know" Niall said. i got up and changed and drove to Williams Day. Once there i met the girls in the locker room. "Girls you all know what this day is about even though we lost Andrea we need to go out there and show Devin what we've got to show for it"I said. The girls and i walked to the bus and drove to Devin. The bus was filled with silence the bus was to quite. if you were on this bus you could hear a pin drop that's how quite the bus was. "Look i know you girls miss Andrea i do to we all do and we all know Andrea was the star player and she was the one that brought this team together sure we fought but we all got along becuase Andrea, lets go out there and win against Devin"Niall said. Once at the stadium the atmosphere went from 0-100 real quick. 


i woke up this morning sluggish i got out of bed and changed into my jersey. "Hey kid you ready" Hawk said. "For what to play against my old team and best friends these girls know how i play and they know what i'm capable of" I said. i pushed past Kyle and walked to Gia's room. "G are you ready if you are i'll drive you to the stadium" I said. "Ya i am hold on" Gia said. Gia walked out of her bathroom and grabbed her bag and we left. "You miss your girls don't you " Gia said. i nodded with tears streaming down my face. "I'm scared that i'll hurt my friends becuase they know me they know my playing style i'm  rough and they know that" I said. at the stadium Gia and i walked into the locker room. and the girls were there. 

Collin's POV 

The locker room was silent until a fimiliar face walked in. "ANDREA" we all yelled running towards her. "Hey guys" Andrea said. "Have you been crying" Rylan said. "Alittle only becuase i miss you" Andrea said. IF ONLY THE DREAM WERE REAL. the girls and i walked out and waited for coach tomlinson.  10 MINUTES LATER. Coach finally arrived. "Alright girls this is our time to  prove ourselfs to beat Devin and becoume great again" Coach said . "On three 1...2...3 go Knights" we all said.  as the game started. 


"Ladies and gentleman please give it up for Williams Day Knight VS the Devin Devils today is a great day for soccer" The Announcer said. the entire stadium is filled with screams. signs that say 'GO KNIGHTS' and 'GO DEVILS'. god i'm so nervous just kidding i'm not. I walked into the locker room. "Alright girls it's time to show what we got and take down the Devils" I said. "hands in GO KNIGHTS" we all said. "Alright here's the line up Collins, Sydney, Rylan, Jordan, AJ, Cora, and Jojo remember watch the ball watch everything watch what the other team does who knows what they can bring to the table" Niall said. we ran out to the feild got into our postions. the whistle blew and the game started. "GO" Hawk yelled. everything went down hill from there. i looked over and saw Andrea walking over. "Whatever happens we will always be friends" Andrea said. "We know that Andrea" Rylan said. "Andrea we need you back over here" Hawk said. Andrea walked back over to Hawk. the match started and i could tell Andrea didn't want to play against her friends. Collins and the rest of the girls played extremely well. "I have an idea"Niall said. "What is it" I said. "Switch Collins to goalie and switch places with Rylan so then she can have some field time if we do that we will gain points back" Niall said. i motioned to the ref for time out. the girls ran to the side. "Get some water i have a plan Niall what's the plan" I said. "Alright Rylan you switch out from Goalie and Collins you go in for Rylan's place" Niall said. "But why can't i stay in for Goalie" Rylan said. "Trust me alright i know what i'm doing" Niall said. the girls nodded and walked back to there places. The plan worked everything went out right. Collins stopped the ball everytime even when Andrea challenged her to it she took that challenge. Rylan passed the ball to Sydeny standing right infront of Andrea. Andrea Suddenly stopped Sydney stopped standing there with her foot on top of the soccer ball. "SYDNEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yelled. Sydney and Collins switched places. "TIME IN" Collins yelled. "What are you doing Collins you know how i play i could hurt you" Andrea said. "I know either way if we win or lose one of our teams will get the victory" Collins said running with the ball. Collins wasn't looking where she was going. Andrea accidentally slipped her foot under Collins foot. Collins collapsed Andrea kept running with the ball until she stopped right infront of the Goal. Sydney had a shocked face. "What are you doing Andrea" Sydney said. " I don't know" Andrea said. turning around and walking towards Collins putting her hand out infront of her.Andrea bent down picking up Collins and helping her towards the bench. "ANDREA go back over there and WIN THIS GAME" Hawk yelled. "NO i'm done with this team i'm going back to Williams Day" Andrea said. I looked at Andrea Helping Andrea Pick Collins back up and watching Andrea walk with Collins back over to the Goal. "Go ahead you got this" Andrea said. Collins kicked the ball into the Devin's Goal . Making the crowd go wild. All the girls ran out and Hugged Andrea and Collins. "WE WON OH MY GOD WE WON" i said. i felt accomplished. All i know at the end of the day is that you make things right or you make things wrong.  

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