Tricky Ricky And Risky Riley.

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"Don't worry, Carmin, everything is going to get better, it has too! ' Cause you guys are family and family sticks together. And I know he still loves you; he just got a little frustrated, it happens. Just give him time to think and its all be better." Hannah said rubbing my shoulder while giving me a sideways hug. We had just left class. Hannah's comforting words warmed my heart more than she would have thought.

As she said those words my mind drifted off to a very interesting conversation I had earlier resulting in what got me a detention after school. I couldn't help it. He hadn't left my mind all period and I doubt he would for the remainder of god knows how lon-

Well you know the rest.

"Carmin, Carmin, Carmin? You Dummy, Get your head outta your ass and smell the damn roses for once! I've been waving my damn hand in your face for 5 minutes!!" I snapped from my thoughts when Hannah shouted at me. She indeed was waving her hands franticly in my face.

"Huh?" I had forgotten I was walking with Hannah. I slapped her hands away.

"Oh my god" she proceeded to slap her hand to her forehead. "My best friend is a blonde who has Parkinson's disease."

"Hey, you actually believe in this school bullshit?" I gave her a look of disbelief.

"What, you mean the Parkinson's disease? C'mon, it's practically a legend" she emphasizes the word legend as if to prove a point. It doesn't.

"Just because our school is named after a disease doesn't automatically make it a legend" I retort referring to the fact our school was named after a well known disease that somehow has a back story, it's utter bullshit, if you ask me.

"No, you doof, I meant why- ahh, forget it." she threw her hands up in the air. She's so dramatic.

"Hey I'm not even blonde and that's an offense to blondes and and and.... you're a blonde too" I replied lamely. She had dyed her hair blonde last summer and hasn't changed it since.

"Exactly my point. Now c'mon let's go to lunch" she pulled me towards the cafeteria doors probably rushing to stuff her face.


"You know I love your dad, right?" Hannah randomly stated.

"What?" I almost screamed. Having almost choked first. Hannah and I were in the lunch line waiting to pay for our lunch.

Her eyes widened. "Oh, calm down, people are looking, and I don't like him like that. That's just gross" she shuddered at the thought pushing the fallen hair clip with a tiny bear on it out of her face.

I sighed in relief feeling stupid to even think that in the first place.

"Oh, thank god! You almost gave me a panic attack." I rested my hands on my heart to feel my beating heart. She shook her head.

"Tsk tsk tsk. I ain't no, you know, hoe." She whispered the last word. "I just meant if it wasn't for him we would still be eating those crappy lunch food they used to give us before." She shrugged.

I have to agree with her. If it weren't for my dad we'd all be in the hospital for food poisoning. My dad had connections because of his job and if they were anything I actually liked about his hobby would be the fact he helps me out when it comes to school. Not that the food we currently got is five stars. It fit lunch food criteria, if lunch food had criteria, but it's definitely an upgrade from the previous.

After getting out of the line we made our way towards our regular table. Rows of tables and chairs decorated the noisy cafeteria. All around were lively chatter. A backpack here and trash there. In the far corner if you looked really hard were a couple discreetly kissing behind two bags made for protection. Hannah was a cheerleader so she sat with her friends. I sat where she sat and she always sat with the varsity boys and girls that played sports and mainly the cheerleaders, the tables weren't separated so we were all just long Columns of random kids in a smelly lunchroom.

I felt nauseous, I knew I'd have to see Riley sooner or later, I was just hoping it was the latter. Although Riley was in most of my classes I'd somehow managed to be as far away from him as I could have gotten. Hannah had question my motives but I just told her my fight with Matthew got me shaken up so I wasn't in my correct mind to Focus.

I didn't care if she didn't believe me because I didn't actually lie. In all of my classes I couldn't focus, my mind kept wondering back to Matthew and Riley. And besides I don't lie, it's not like I hate to do it nor do I like love it or something it's just I'd lie if I have to or needed to. But I prefer the term extend the truth, or like go around it. Eh, you'll understand later when I do it.

As we made our way to the lunch table, greeting possibly everyone I passed by (even the people I didn't know), because Hannah was just that toe of a social bird. I couldn't help but feel dread as I knew Riley would be at the table. With the others just waiting for me. Like usual. In the same seat we've sat in for the past few months. Shiiiiiit. Loud laughter was heard as we neared our crew of laughing teens.

"What's so funny, nerds." I said sliding into the seat between Riley and Hannah not really looking for an answer. When I spoke everyone's head snapped up to meet Hannah and I with similar expressions of happiness.

"Hey, weirdoes." Hannah said after taking her seat besides me.

At that, everyone or almost everyone replied with a greeting in response from the table a large collection of responses, I couldn't exactly count them.

After I had placed my lunch on the table Riley chose that exact moment to grab my free hand, discreetly under the table, which just so happened to be my left hand that was on his side. Much to my relief no one noticed- Hannah didn't notice. His hand weren't as hard or calloused as I thought it to be. "Can we just talk alone, please?" He whispered in my ears before I had even sat down in the seat. Maybe it was the nervous smile he sent me or the reassuring squeeze after he had whispered those words that made me give him a stiff nod agreeing to talk. Just for a few minutes, I had said.

It wasn't after Riley had released my hand and we had excused ourselves and walked out the cafeteria then did I really question if this was a good idea, especially now. His revelation of actions really swept me off my feet, literally.

I wanted- no, needed to know where we stood with each other now. I guess there was only one way to find out and the only way to do that would be actually talking to him. As much as I didn't want to I had to. I didn't want to lose our friendship and I was confused. Shit needed to be cleared up. I couldn't bear not being able to talk to him and I know I wouldn't last if it came to that. I just hope it wouldn't get to that. I continued walking to find a place that would suit our conversation, away from prying eyes.

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