Chapter 27

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I needed time to think and the hour drive offered me exactly that. How could I get my head around everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours without getting dizzy? Still startled by Christopher's last revelation, I could barely imagine what he had done with her and how far it had taken them. If that relationship had been addictive for him, there was no doubt that her feelings for him were possibly as strong as mine. I felt bad for her. Losing Christopher had ripped my heart open and I'd only had myself to blame for my misery. Perhaps I would've gone insane too if he'd told me that it was over because he was in love with someone else. Has he told her about me?

I asked Siri to call Ursula's cell phone through the car's Bluetooth. I needed some girl talk. Ursula and I had met in high school. She was the tall skinny blonde and I was the chubby redhead, but we'd gotten along immediately. She was now editor in chief of one of the world's most renowned financial newspapers. She could make big bankers and businessmen quake in their boots, but the party girl in her was never hidden very far. It rang and rang.

"Hello," a decerebrated woman's voice grumbled.

"Whoa, rough night, Blondie?"

"Ally. Where the hell have you been? What time is it? Damn, I have one of those headaches."

"It's almost three. I take it that you girls went out last night."

"You bet. I called you. Where were you?"

"I had a... ahem... business meeting."

"On a Saturday night? Spill the beans, girl, I want to know every dirty detail. Please let there be dirty details. I need to know there are more than assholes in this world. Oh, before you start, you want to know about the absolute worst lay ever? It's a quick one. Pun intended."

I laughed. Ursula had so many date horror stories that she could've written a book about them.

"I'm all ears."

"There was this really cute guy. He says he's a comedian, but I've never heard of him. Anyway, that's not the point. He was funny in a show off kinda way, but he kept the drinks coming, so I thought: 'This could be interesting', you know."

"I see."

"So, we go back to his place and start making out in the elevator. I was like: 'Finally, I'm in for a good fuck'."

"What happened?"

"He jizzed in his pants before we reached his floor!"

I busted into laughter.

"Wait, it's not even the worst!"


"He was all: 'It never happened before, but you're so hot' blah, blah, blah. We reach his apartment and he asks if I want to read his press file while he takes a quick shower. I thought it was a joke, but he actually gave me a binder!"


"The guy is so full of himself, it's ridiculous. Red flag number two. I should have run while he was in the bathroom, but no, I stayed there like a tart to give him a second chance."

"How Mother Teresa of you," I giggled.

"Yeah, right. So, he comes out of the bathroom in, I hope, clean boxers. He was really yummy. Not overly built, but fit, you know. I was glad I stayed. We resume the making out and go to his bedroom. I'm naked on his bed, seriously hot and he kisses his way down so I'm like: 'Okay, maybe you're a little quick, but you're good with your mouth so far'. I try to encourage him downward, but he stops. 'I don't go there,' he says 'I find it disgusting'. Red flag number three. 'Never mind, just fuck me'. So, he takes his boxers down and enters me... crickets."

"What do you mean?"

"I felt nothing! Nothing! I'm not a hot dog down a hallway kinda girl, I mean I put my pinky in there and feel something, but I couldn't feel a thing. I almost ask 'is it in, yet?', but he starts grinding and grunting between my legs till he shudders... thirty seconds later."

I was laughing so hard, tears were running down my cheeks.

"You're killing me."

"Wait, there's more. He rolls on his back and says 'You're amazing. I think I'm in love with you.' Gah!"

"Oh my God!"

"Seriously? I couldn't run out of there fast enough."

We both laughed out loud like teenage girls.

"I'm sorry that your night turned out bad, but I needed the laughter."

"Your turn now. Please tell me yours was better than mine."

"So much better. I still can't believe it. Guess where I was."

"Don't know. I sure hope you were in bed with Gideon Cross."

"Better than that."

"Better? Gideon Cross and Christian Grey?"

"Kind of. I was tied up in Christopher Harrington's dungeon."

"Fuck me sideways! I just had an orgasm. The Christopher Harrington? And he has a dungeon? You mean like the Red Room of Pain?"

"Not to start an alpha male's pissing contest, but I think his is bigger."

"I'm so fucking jealous right now... Is he up to the hype? I'm sure he is. How could he not be? But I'm asking anyway."

"You have no idea! I lost count. Seriously, I'm so tired... and sore."

"I hate you!"

We both giggled.

"Ally, are you sure of what you're doing?" She said in a serious tone. "It's more than just sex for you, I know that. I don't want to see you go back into heartbreak territory. I'm the one who picked up the pieces last time, remember?"

"I know, but it's different now. He loves me. He said it, many times. He even pronounced the word marriage without flinching."

"He did? Oh, my God! You're gonna be so happy and so well fucked, it's gonna be indecent!"

"I know, right!"

"I'm so happy for you," she sobbed, bringing tears to my eyes as well.

"Hey! Don't burst the dam, I'm driving."

"Sorry, sorry." She sniffled. "No one deserves a happily ever after more than you."

"You do too, but thank you. I love you millions."

"I love you too, Sista."

"Actually, I have to go. I'm about to get into the underground parking."

"Okay. We'll grab lunch this week?"

"Sure. I'll call you."

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