From 2015 To 2016

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With this being a party hosted by Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield, you'd imagine it'd be the largest New Years Party ever... but only family were invited this time around (and their dates of course).
There were only fifteen more minutes left.
Thorin smiled, taking another drink of his ale. He had never seen Bilbo even tipsy before, so drunk was very shocking for him... but he liked it.
Kili and Fili did too, being the ones that made Bilbo take his first sip. All you saw from Dís was a shaking head with a smile plastered on it.
Everyone else (but small little Frodo of course) was also at LEAST tipsy. Like I said, it was a party hosted by not just Bilbo, but Thorin, who's kin were the drinking type for days.
Laughing was loud and boisterous, giggling too, and the ale running out fast.
There were only ten more minutes left.
"I think you should drink more often, Bilbo." Thorin said, chuckling when Bilbo punched him lightly in the arm. "This is a special occasion. I will most likely never drink like this again, so... too bad for you." A tongue was stuck out and Thorin smirked. "It's not quite midnight yet." The comment made Bilbo blush madly. "Oh you... shut up." The strawberry blonde laid his head on Thorin's shoulder. Thorin shrugged. "You can't make me." "Soon enough I will."
"Enough with this talk, guys." Butted in Fili. Kili then added on, "Yeah. We'd like to talk with you too, but the conversation got awkward for us." Bilbo spoke up, hiccuping.
"If you don't appreciate the type of relationship I have with your uncle, then go hang out with someone else, you two." Thorin smiled, petting Bilbo. "Yeah."
Fili gasped mockingly. "Uncle. You'd turn against us just like that?" Kili pouted. "Against your own nephews you'd choose this cheeky little twerp?" Bilbo growled playfully, whispering, "Twerp?" Thorin raised his hands to calm them all down and say something, but his sister entered in first.
"Calm down the lot of you. You're all drunk."
Thorn chuckled. "And you're not?" Dís huffed. "Of course not. Someone has to drive these two idiots home. They have work tomorrow because they forgot to ask for the day off, idiots."
Fili smirked. "Where do you think we get it from?" Kili nodded "Yeah! We're your kids!" Dís knocks them both upside their heads, growling, "I'm gonna kill you once you go sober."
There were only five more minutes left.
A small little Frodo waddled his way over to his cousin. He climbed up into Bilbo's lap and frowned. Bilbo smiled wide and said, "What's wrong my sweet little cousin?" Frodo looked around and whispered, "There isn't anymore food or soda." Bilbo looked at Thorin.
"Really? Thorin's family must have ate it all... on the table, right? There's still food in the fridge probably, so go get some in there. And some of your soda... And go to your room, you probably don't wanna be in here when everyone is smooching up against one another." Frodo made a face and jumped out of Bilbo's lap, screaming, "Ewwwwww!" Thorin smiled at this and whispered, "You probably gave the poor thing a mental image." Bilbo nodded. "That was the point." "You evil little man."
Thorin gripped Bilbo tight and locked lips with him. It wasn't until Dís punched Thorin because everyone else had stopped so he needed to as well. Bilbo smiled wide, hugging his love tightly, and he hugged right back.
Happy New Years!

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