Part 1: Chapter 1

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I don't know how I got there, but somehow I was in a dark room, alone, and chained to what felt like a pipe. My brain was throbbing, my heart was jerking rapidly, and it took everything in me not to start hyperventilating. 

I was freezing. My clothes were ripped to the point where it only looked like a couple pieces of fabric were draped on me. The vents above me were giving off a putrefying smell, and nothing but cold air was coming out of it besides that. 

'Come on, think,' I thought to myself, choking from the toxic gas coming into my body. 'A way out. There has to be a way out.'

"There's no way out, Michelle," I heard from a distance, a low cackle following it. My head swung up and I held my breath, trying to calm myself before I spoke. 

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, my voice low and innocent sounding. I looked around the room, trying to see where it was coming from. 

"Why wouldn't I? You brought this upon yourself, Michelle," a figure in the corner said, appearing out of the shadows. I couldn't see his face yet, but I could see a whip in his hand and hear the amusement in his voice. 

The things that were wrapped around my wrists started to tighten and I could feel my throat closing up. "You're... Unbe-... lievable," I wheezed out, tears coming out of my eyes from the pain I was in. 

He walked up to me, his face somehow still blurry to me, making me grow impatient to see who it was. 

"Oh, Michelle," he said musically as he crouched down to my face level. Without a second passing by he gripped onto my face and jerked it towards him, the smell of pine and blood mixed together entering my system now as well. "My little... beauty," he chuckled, the shape of his head tilting. My claws started to form, even the demon in me now slightly frightened and cautious of the man's next move. 

And to say his next move was surprising is to say the least. 

Without giving me time to process what happened the man's claws drilled into my face and he slammed his lips on mine, making me purse my lips shut as much as I could and start to scream internally. "I'm going to show who your master is," he growled into the kiss, before moving his head away from me and slamming mine against the pipe. I could feel a crack form and blood run out of my skull as he watched me, my vision going in and out of focus. I tried to scream, yell for help, even cry out someone's name, but I couldn't. It was like my brain and my throat weren't functioning. 

"If you don't want to play by my rules," he growled as the slash of  a whip sounded somewhere near by me. I closed my eyes and forced a cough, feeling something building up in my throat. When I opened my eyes to see what it was, all I saw with my blurring vision was a chunk of fresh blood spilling out of my mouth and staining my legs. "Then I'll make you."


I jerked awake - eyes wide open and watering - and started to scream and cry at the same time. 

As soon as I saw my door start to open I panicked and swung my night-stand at the door. "No! Get away! Get away!" I cried out as I crawled quickly to the headboard of my bed. "GET OUT!"

"Michelle, stop!" a guy said from the other side of the door as he shut it. "It's okay. Everything is okay. It's just me, Michelle." 

"No! Stay away!" I screamed as I grabbed a pillow and hugging it, wiping my tears into it. "Stay away," I whispered, tucking my whole head into the pillow, my whole body shaking. 

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