Part 2: Chapter 14

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Hey guys, sorry but with everything that's going on around me it's been really hard to continue writing. Here's a sneak peak chapter into part 2 of the book

Breaking all of of what's left in me

Hearing that I'd have to kill my brother to safe the living and the dead, I got to admit, was a very dramatic moment to me.

But not as dramatic Belial was acting today.  

After the episode in the hotel room I broke down and went back to my hometown, realizing that I officially had nothing left to lose. I told my parents that my old friends and I were sleeping over Stella's house for the last days of school because we'd never see each other again. They didn't have much of a hard time believing or allowing that. "Have fun honey. After Highschool comes a lot of stress. Enjoy while you can," my mom said with a small smile.

"Trust me mom, I know," was my last words to them before I gave a small wave and closed the door behind me.

I've been trying to keep as much distance between my family and me as I could. I hoped by doing so I'd to make them seem not important to me and make the assholes of Hell leave them alone.

As far as school and social life was concerned, I decided to face as much of my shit past as I could before war broke out. The last thing I need is to break down in the middle of a battle or interrogation because my brain keeps thinking about my math final, family's health, my mental stability, or my rape.

"Michelle I'll say this two hundred times if I have to," Belial stated urgently as I went to school two days after the hotel incident. "Putting your face out in public after you've learned not everyone around you is human is like asking for your death."

"Quiet frankly, Bel, I don't give a shit anymore," I bluntly retorted, making him sigh as he followed me to my English class. "I need normality in my life again. This is too much."

"Michelle, I-"

"Michelle," I heard from across the hall. His smooth and calming voice made me instantly melt, but the memories we last shared made me wince. As I turned to look at him I met a pair of sad, longing eyes.

I didn't know what to say or do in that moment, but as soon as I saw those eyes I knew I wanted to be good with him again. He didn't know what he did, he didn't understand what he was, and he didn't want that to happen.

I wanted to start over.

"Bel, can you give us some space," I asked as more of a command. He eyed Vlad cautiously before heading toward the direction of the cafeteria.

'I'm right here if you need anything... And I don't know if I like that nickname,' Belial mind-linked right before Vlad was in front of me.

"Hi," I said as I let out a breath. He looked different. He didn't look as youthful and happy as he had before. He looked older, stronger, and there was a sadness that seemed to never leave his gaze.

"I know this is going to sound stupid, and... and-"

"Why don't we find somewhere private to talk," I said with a small smile. He paused and sucked in a deep breath before nodding and bringing me to our tree.

The feel of being next to him was undoubtedly a feeling I missed. I wish we were normal. Human. People who could just chill and go to the movies and have dumb moments together. I wish we could have that.

When we got to the tree, I saw that they'd recently put an elegantly crafted wooden bench in front of it. In memory of Superintendent Milica Jankovic read a small plaque on the top of the bench.

"Is she dead?" I asked Vlad. He just stared at me.

"Michelle, I'm so so so sorry," he said after a long moment of silence. He lifted his hands up closer to my hands and asked me if he could hold them with his eyes. I breathed in slowly and nodded. "Michelle, no one told me that would happen," he said as he grabbed a hold of my hands softly. I closed my eyes and tried to relax into the feeling of his grip. I replayed a bit of our fun moments together as he continued to speak. "If I would have known I wouldn't have done that to you. I would've stayed away from you during that or tried to stop myself or-"

"Vlad," I said softly as I opened my eyes. Everything around me looked brighter than it did before and I felt safe and happy. I looked at him and saw his eyes widen a bit at the sight of me, but quickly go back to normal. "I know."

"I missed you, Michelle," he continued, picking up the pace of his speech. "Please don't hate me. I don't know why, but all I could ever think about was you since the first day I saw you. I know you've wanted your space and all, but I just can't not be around you. You're so unbelievably important to me, and I accept full blame and all that for the party, but please don't think of me any differently than before. My gram trained me and I'm better and-"

"I forgive you, Vlad," I said quietly, watching his sad face morph to a look of relief as tears poured down his eyes.

"Thank you," he said softly as he squeezed a little bit on my hands. I gave him a smile, took my hands out of his slowly, wiped the tears from his face, and hugged him. "You have no idea how much this means to me," he said softly, wrapping his arms around me and relaxing into my hold. "No idea."

I breathed in his scent and smelled the familiar pinch of orange and mint from before. A tear slipped down my face and I hugged him tighter. We didn't deserve this kind of life.

"What do u say we start over?" I asked him, hearing him sniffle a little as he hugged me tighter.

"Yeah," he said softly, burrowing his head into my shoulder. "I'd like that."

'Are you ok?' Belial asked as we continued to hug. I closed my eyes and listened to the world around me. People laughing, music blaring, the late bell for the first class ringing, the birds chirping. I moved my arms up from his back to his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

This was a moment of pure peace that I'd probably never have again, and it seemed to last forever. His slow breathing was synced to mine and his heart was beating so fast. It was a feeling I'd longed for for a while, and I knew that I'd remember this feeling for as long as it took to feel like this again.

'Yes Belial,' I said calmly as I stayed in that position with him. A small, light smile crept onto my face. 'I'm ok.'

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