Part 1: Chapter 7

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"Wait, wait, wait. Hold the fuck up. What do you mean, you don't want me getting-"

Just as Zach was about to finish his sentence a big patch of light hit us in the face, followed by a bunch of chunks of cement and glass chips. The light blinded me temporarily, before seeing a big idiot's head in the middle of the light.

"What are you waiting for? Jump up," Samael said, before walking away, making us look at him with annoyed expressions.

"Jump? Me? Seven feet in the air?" Zach said as he turned to face me. "I'm not a... supernatural... thing. How am I going to do that?"

"Zach..." I sighed out, scratching the back of my head. "There's no other way to say this. You're a monster, just like me. We aren't human, and never will be. I don't know what you are yet, but I know for a fact that there is no way in hell that you are human.

"You can get into my head and hear my thoughts, you can mind-link me, you're the only one that can hear my screams at night, and you can probably do other stuff, but you just don't know it because you're not educated on this subject," I told him quickly, trying to get as much information to him as possible before being able to jump and jet for it. The whole entire time he was looking at me like I was insane.

"I've been trying to not ask questions and stay calm about all of this... but this is fucking ridiculous Michelle," Zach said slowly, looking up at the hole in the ceiling. "How do you even... Why am I... This is so fucked up; I don't even know where to start."

"Let's start with jumping up," I suggested nervously, bending my legs slightly and jumping up to the first floor of what looked like an abandoned building. I looked down at Zach and told him to hurry and come up, before walking off to find if anything was left over in the building that we could use as weapons.

"You know, your ass looks a lot bigger with these shorts on," I heard an egotistical voice say behind me as I walked towards what looked like a damaged couch.

"You know, your face will look a lot bigger once it swells from me pouring acid on it."

"I love it when you talk dirty to me," he cackled as I crouched by the couch and shoved my hand into the rips and tears inside of it.

"And I love it when you're not talking," I countered, making his cackle die out gradually.

"Would you rather have me groaning in your ear, princess?" he whispered, somehow right behind me now even though he was around ten feet away from me earlier. But, I have to admit, after he said that I did get chills... From the wind that was coming through the broken windows.

"Yeah; you groaning in my ear while I torture you endlessly would bring me lots of pleasure," I said, just as I grazed something what felt like wet metal. "Hey, Samael," I said curiously as I carefully put my hand around the cylinder handle and started lifting it out. "I think I found something," I said softly as I finally got it out of the couch, seeing a gun with blood stains on it in my hand. I tightened my grip on it, feeling like throwing up everything in my stomach and licking up the blood at the same time.

Tell me that's not fucked up.

"See if there's any ammunition in it. It's useless if there isn't any," Samael said, making me clear my throat and clear my mind while I emptied the magazine to see if there was any ammo left.

"There's ten bullets..." I said in confusion, looking over the gun. "Isn't the limit on rounds seven in the U.S.?"

"Michelle, we're not in the U.S.," Samael said slowly, making me feel stupid as I put the gun back together.

"Right," I said with pursed lips, just as I heard a loud thump and a groan behind us. Both of us turned to look, just to see Zach laying on his stomach, his head bleeding. "Zach, oh my gosh," I said as I dropped the gun and raced to him as fast as I could.

"I can't feel my balls," Zach groaned as I rolled him over onto his back, seeing a huge tear on his skin going down the side of his forehead to his left cheek bone.

"How about your head?" I asked slowly as I stared at him wide-eyed.

"My head feels fine, why?" he asked, making me choke on my spit and cough as I tried to keep my cool.

"U-uh-hm," I coughed out, waving my hand in the air "No, um, no... reason.

"How about we get you up, huh?" I asked as I stood up, feeling Samuel's gaze on me as I grabbed him by the armpits and pulled him up slowly, his groans of protest and squirming only making my job harder to do.

"I'm not a fucking baby, I can pick myself up," he said as he tried to squirm out of my grip again. If it was any other day I would've shrugged, threw him to the ground, and walked away. Today, though... I don't feel like cracking any other part of his body.

"Zach, shut up and let me help you, you ungrateful bitch," I muttered, making him glare at me while I held in a laugh.

Why did I have to hold in a laugh? Because I sounded just like Samael there.

Once I got him up I looked around the building for anything that we could use to get the blood off his face. Most of it was on the floor and in his hair, and I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't noticed the blo-

"Why is there blood on my face?" he asked just as I found a rag hanging from a railing on a staircase. I quickly turned to look at him, just to see him wiping a chunk of blood off of his cheek. I was about to tell him not to freak out and the whole nine-yards, but before I could he did something I never would've imagined him to do.

He smiled at me amusingly.

And he licked his bloody hand.


two chapters in two hours, baby!

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