Chapter 27

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Major Time Skip~ 

      Shizuka pov 

     Totsuka and I walked down the streets of Shizume City. It was cold and you could easily see our breaths. Anna's birthday was coming up, and Totsuka wanted to give her a gift of the stars. He got a new camera after we found one online and simply ordered it. It was seriously the exact same camera. We all sighed when he ordered it instead of a modern one. But he was happy. 

      "Ne, Shizu-chan," I looked at him,"It's a good thing the sky is clear tonight, right?" He smiled. I nodded. It was true. The sky was clear, and the stars could be seen despite all the lights. But the place we were going to had an even prettier view. 

     "This is it. I hope they'll let us on the roof this time." He smiled and walked in the building. I didn't want to go up to the roof. Something didn't feel right up there. I looked to the top of the building and stared at it. Eventually, Totsuka had to pull me in the building and up the stairs.  Every step I took, a new, heavier feeling of dread crept in to my bones. I could feel my the flames go wild deep in my chest, yet I couldn't turn away. I clutched onto Totsuka's arm, his red comforting me only slightly. 

      "What's wrong, Shizu-chan?" I shook my head. This was for Anna. This had to be done for Anna. 

      Finally we reached the roof, and Totsuka started to film, first the stars, then we saw a white haired boy humming something. Something felt off about him. It was unsettling. I could feel the flames start to grow more restless. Totsuka tried to talk to him, more like having a one-sided conversation. Then, the boy did something we both didn't see coming. 

       I heard the sound before I felt it. It was loud, and it could send a ton of people into a frenzy. I felt the searing pain in my lower abdomen. Totsuka was down on the ground before I could even start a flicker of the flames. The taste of iron and copper filled my mouth. I could feel liquid dribble down my chin. The boy was talking but the words didn't process in my mind. I didn't even know when I ended up on the floor. I was on my side and facing Totsuka. He was on his back, and he was looking at the white haired boy. His eyes were crazed, and the grin didn't look good on such a young face. The words that brought me out of my trance were,"Colorless King." 

      "Oh, it looks like you even have the Dresedan's strain." I could feel him stand over me. I didn't look at him, but I could feel his gaze on me. 

      "Ah, it looks like it's in pain." The laugh was anything but comforting. It sent chills down my spine. 

     "How does it feel? To feel your King deteriorate every time he uses the Dresedan slate to call out his sword. Does he know that you are connected? Does he know that every time he uses that sword, it kills you?" My eyes shot towards his crazed ones. How does he know this? He laughed at my expression. 

      "I guess not." Then just like that he vanished. I could hear Totsuka call Izumo, and he was talking to him about something. Then, a sudden burst of pain erupted in my chest. I clenched my hand over the pain. It felt as if someone was lighting a fire in my chest, and allowing it to burn throughout my body. It wasn't warm like Mikoto's. It was far from it. It was painful. I started to cough, liquid leaving my mouth and splattering on the concrete. I looked at Totsuka who was staring at me. My eyes caught his soft brown ones. 

       "Does it hurt?" I gave him a questioning look. His breath was labored, and it must be painful to speak. 

      "Whenever a King calls out their sword, does it hurt?" 


     "On what?" 

    "What shape the sword is in." Totsuka looked at me with sad eyes. 

    "Don't look at me like that please." I coughed, more liquid leaving my mouth. 

   "It doesn't suit you." I saw him smile. His life was draining, and I could see leaving his body. I couldn't let him die. I owed him so much, I owed all of them so much. Without thinking, I felt myself start to crawl over to him. The pain in my chest never left, and the pain in my abdomen intensified with each inch I crawled. I could the warm liquid smear as my legs dragged in it. When I was finally in front of his face, I placed my hand on his cheek, which caused him to smile. 

     'Please, please, please give me the power and strength to help him, just until help gets here.' I begged in my mind. I was hoping the Slate could here how desperate I was as I focused everything in my palm. I didn't know if I was healing him or not, but seeing some life return into his eyes kept pushing me to continue. The liquid intensified in my mouth, so much I could feel myself start to choke on it. A warm feeling washed over the pain in my abdomen. It still hurt, but now it had a comforting feeling.   

          I don't remember when Izumo, Yata, or Mikoto got there. I just remember seeing the blazing red I loved. It was the warm red that was always there. I felt my self be taken from my Totsuka, then was met with gold eyes. They looked worried, and angry. They didn't suit those eyes either. I felt pressure on my abdomen, and winced in pain. The liquid turned into a little stream running from the corner of my mouth. I was gently lifted to an almost sitting position, my head leaning near Mikoto's neck as he buried his face in my hair. The hand that wasn't on my stomach was wrapped around me, and was holding my hand. His hand was huge compared to mine, something I failed to notice till right now. 

      "Shizuka-san!" Yata yelled. I looked at him. He was holding Totsuka and was looking close to tears. I didn't like that look either. I released Mikoto's hand and reached to Yata's face to wipe one of the stray tears, only to smear some red liquid on his cheek. I felt my eyes widen as I looked at my hand. It was covered in the red liquid. Yata looked shocked, and still close to tears. Totsuka was having a coughing fit, and it looked like Izumo was trying to keep the both of us awake. My red hand was taken by an oversized one. I looked and saw Mikoto was looking at me with his gold eyes, that held pain. 

     I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I felt the pain in my chest start again,  and I clenched my hands over it again, ignoring the the oversized hand that held to my arm. I started to cough, the liquid that was in my mouth now coming out even more. I could faintly hear the sound of a helicopter and shouts. I felt myself be taken from the warmth, and I could only shiver from the coldness. I could faintly see people getting Totsuka on a stretcher, and I could feel myself be strapped to one. That was when my vision started to go black. 

    I didn't like it. It was too cold. It was just like the place I escaped from. It was just too dark and too cold. With not red light or warmth to keep out the shadows. 

I AM SO SORRY!!! I know it's been awhile and I deeply apologize about that and the time skip. And, I JUST COULDN'T KILL TOTSUKA!!! I TRIED, I REALLY DID. BUT MY HEART AND HEALTH WOULDN'T ALLOW IT!!!  So hope you enjoyed this. LUV U ALL!! 

                                                                                                                                                 - Chizuru ;p 

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