The Eyes of the Wolf (pt. 2)

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C H A P T E R   T W O


When we arrived at my new school it was 7:35AM. I popped open the door and slid out of the seat. I grabbed my bag and shrugged it on; a mortified look was just then forming on my face. The school was small, gray, and looked a little run down but the students loitering around seemed happy. Jocks and cheerleaders hung out near the front doors, chattering happily. Average people sat in clusters of 3-6 around the courtyard while less than average (in terms of popularity) people read or spoke to each other one on one. 

Josh sauntered around the car and pulled me into one big bear hug before he kissed me on the cheek. I squeaked and kicked his shin as people began to stare. 

"Let go, jackass!" I hissed between clenched teeth. What the hell. Why did he just do that? I felt a hot rush of blood go to my cheeks. They were probably as red as the sleeves on my shirt. 

With a moment’s pause, Josh let go and ruffled my hair. "Sorry Amber," he glared over my shoulder at a group of guys who must've been checking me out, "I just don't like it when people look at what's mine." He said that looking directly at the boys who were eyeing me. They paled and practically ran away with their tails between their legs. 

"Yours?" I raised a brow. 

"Just kidding," He whispered into my ear, "But those guys were looking at you like they were stranded on an island and you were the last of the food."

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from my step-brother, "Maybe I like it when they look at me like that."

Josh messed up his face with the mere thought. Anger flashed in his eyes and he balled his fists at his side. Not the reaction I was looking for. 

"Joshy, I'm just kidding. Thank you, I hate it when people look at me like that!" I reassured him and placed my hand on his tense arm. 

He decided to just grunt at me before he walked around the SUV and got in. He rolled down the window and said his goodbye before peeling away as the warning bell rung. I quickly ran into the building. 

The layout of the school was simple; I found the attendance office quickly and told them my name. I got my schedule, read it, and headed off to my first class. 

When I opened the door to my first period class, everyone’s eyes met mine. I felt like they were sizing me up as everyone's eyes went up and down my body. Whispers filled the room but I ignored them and told my teacher my name. The teacher, Ms. O'Shay, smiled at me before addressing the class, "Class, this is Amber Jones. Amber," she addressed me with a warm smile, "is there anything you'd like to say about yourself?"

Did she really just ask me to say something about myself? I felt my face grow red, earning a few snickers from some blonde girls with fake tans and short skirts that clustered together near the windows that faced outside. I ignored them. I didn’t really care if they were laughing at me.

But you know, whenever I’m asked to “tell someone about myself” I suddenly can’t even remember my favorite food. It was pathetic really. I took a second, before blurting my response: "I-I... I really like pho-photography!" I stumbled over the words and shut my eyes tight. Damn my tongue. Of all the times to decide that it wanted to stumble and forget how to properly form words it chose now. My fists were clenched and shook slightly as people around be giggled. 

"Heh," a blonde from the group of blondies that snickered before said loudly. "N-nice t-t-to meet y-you." She mocked in a shrill voice that sounded a lot like nails on a chalkboard. As if the joke was funny the girls around her exploded into fake laughter with her. 

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