The Eyes of the Wolf (pt. 1)

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C H A P T E R   T W O


I felt my throat close as nervousness and fear took a firm grip on my mind. Was this the creature that I heard last night? It was most likely true. A cold sweat formed on my skin as I looked at the figure. Its fur was the darkest shade of black I had every laid my eyes on. The wolf was a huge contrast to the light around it. The woods were green and glowing, but where the predator stood; it was like a black void--it drew in your attention in and never let go. My eyes wandered along its large frame before my gaze settled on the wolf's face. I gasped at its eyes; they were the purest shade of gold and were flecked lighter gold specks. Around the pupil the gold grew darker adding an insane amount of depth to them. They sparkled with a high level of intelligence as it looked at me before anger flashed in them.

I took a step back, I could feel the fear radiating off my body in thick waves. But who could blame me? I mean, there's a huge (at least, I thought it was huge but then again I didn't know what the normal size for a wolf was) wolf just shy of three feet away from me. That could have been lunging distance if the animal wasn't chained to a tree! I gripped my camera to my chest, my palms were sweating and my usually always steady hands were shaking. My breaths came out in shallow shutters.

Despite my fears, I still felt that pull. I wanted to get closer to him. But my mind was screaming 'No, no, no Amber! Are you crazy?' I felt my forehead crease as I looked at the scary but elegant pitch black wolf. His posture was that of an uncertain animal. His head was raised and his ears pointed towards me while his fur prickled menacingly. A growl rumbled up his chest.

"I-I-I'm not going t-to hurt you," I stuttered. For a brief moment I wondered why I was even speaking to it.

To my surprise, the wolf stopped growling at me. My eyes must have been round saucers, but so were the wolf's. The long fur on his hackles that were standing on edge lowered a little. His eyes softened ever-so slightly and I felt a small smile tug at my lips. Did he understand? I felt my fear dissipate when that thought went through my mind.

"My name's Amber. Amber Jones." I watched its head cock to the side. He was silent for a moment and I saw some tension leave his body. His tail lowered and his defensive posture changed. His ears which were pointed foreword relaxed. His furrowed forehead smoothed out and his tongue lolled out to the side while his tail wagged back and forth at a steady rhythm.

The wolf sat down then, surprising me. His regal golden eyes met mine and didn't look away. This time I just saw comfort and that unmistakable intelligence.

There it was again.

That pull.

It felt like a rope was tied to my chest and was slowly being drawn in. Not taking a step forewords hurt like a slap to the face but the pain lingered mercilessly and angrily. The sensation to keep get closer to the wolf started at my heart and shocked its way through my veins; it mingled with my blood and made its way into my every cell.

Hesitantly, and ever-so cautiously, I took a step.

The wolf's body tensed but he didn't do anything. He didn't make a noise; he just kept his eyes focused on me. When I was only a mere step away, he shuffled nervously in his place. The pure silver colored chain moving slightly.

I sucked in a sharp breath. Poor baby. I stared down at the wolf's front paw. It was caught in a nasty bear trap. The fur around it was wet and dark with the wolf's blood. The grass around the poor wolf's wound was splattered with red. The trap itself was gleaming silver but the scarlet of the wolf's blood ran down like tears.

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