His Parents

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C H A P T E R   S I X


"'Kay." Was Alexander's response before we both hung up. There was no goodbye, which made my heart sink a little but at the same time, as silly as it sounds, I never wanted to say goodbye to Alexander – even if it was simply on the phone. The thought of saying goodbye made me think of rejection… something I never wanted to do to Alexander. I couldn’t even believe – for even a moment – that I thought of rejecting him when we first met.

                As corny as it sounds: Alexander is my everything. I couldn’t believe I survived these seventeen years without him. I don’t know how I would continue to live life without my werewolf. I would actually rather die than live without him. Wow. I sound lame. But it’s so true it’s not even funny. If I ever lost him I would miss his pitch black hair, his big warm brown eyes, tan skin, and god-like body. Being away from him caused me a physical pain.

I’m assuming the pain had something to do with the whole Mating Bond thing.

                “Amber.” A voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

                I looked at Josh. I had expected him to leave already. “Eh?”

                His forest green eyes were studying my face unblinkingly as he sat at the foot of my bed. I was curled up at the head of the bed with the phone cradled in my hands. His blonde brows were furrowed as he stared.

                “Can I help you?” That came out meaner than I had intended.

                Josh didn’t respond at first, surprise and hurt flashed in his eyes before it was overtaken by curiosity, “Who were you talking to, Amber?” He asked again.

                Oh crap. How would he react if he found out that I was talking to a boy? Much less a werewolf boy? A werewolf boy who happened to be my mate. Oh God, he would track Alexander down, beat the shit out of him, and then cut his jewels off with a blunt pair of safety scissors. As embarrassing as it sounds; I want Alexander to keep his “junk”.

Somewhere in my inner ramblings, Josh had scooted closer to me. His face was a mask of determination as he grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eyes. He was being such an over protective dicklett right now.

                “Amber, who was that?”

                “I said a friend.” I bit my lip nervously, why was he so determined to find out who I was talking to? Last time I checked this was America and I could talk to anyone I wanted to.

                Josh looked at me for a second. His eyes lingering on my lips. I know what you’re probably thinking ‘what they hey-hey is Josh doing looking at your lips?!’ Josh doesn’t love me like that. He was probably watching me bite my lip which is a tell-tale sign that I’m lying or nervous.

                He waited a moment before saying “Bullshit.”

                “You don’t believe me?! Your own sister?!” I gasped, putting my hand over my chest while my mouth formed a large ‘O’. I was feigning surprise and offence but Josh didn’t even bat an eye.

                “Cut the crap Amber Taylor Jones. I know you were talking to someone who’s more than a friend. And what the hell was that growl? Did your friend make that noise?”

                He was looking at me accusingly. I didn’t like that; even though he had all the reason in the world to give me that look. I had never lied to Josh in my life (besides the occasional white-lie, but Alexander was no little white-lie). Josh and I had been close after our parents married, though I do admit I was mean to him while Trevor and my mom were dating. I didn’t like the attention she was giving him. She was putting in a lot of effort to make him like her and then she went out with Trevor every freaking night (that wasn’t actually true, but it felt like it). I didn’t like her getting close to him because he was not my brother. He was some other guy’s son.

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