The Huntsman

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C H A P T E R    F I V E


To say that I was scared would be an understatement. To say that I was scared shitless would be a more accurate description of what I was feeling at the moment. It's not every day after you have a perfect talk with your mate and then you're ambushed by... by... well, let's be blunt here-- a mangy werewolf. 

Or Rogue. 

But I'm sticking with Mangy Werewolf. 

His hackles rose as he dug his claws into the soft earth. I felt a lump in my throat form; it was like he was giving us a preview of what he would do to our flesh. The saliva dripping from his mouth was disgusting to look at, but his teeth, those rotted yellow pointy things, made bile crawl its way up my throat. With the missing patches of fur, welts, scratches, and matted fur he looked like a sorry sight compared to Alexander's wolf. Alexander's wolf was beautiful, with glossy obsidian fur, and golden eyes that reminded me of the sun...

Wait Lover Girl, now was not the time to sit there and remember such a pretty wolf. We were up against a freaking Rogue at the moment. 

I shook my head and glanced at Alexander, his head was low while his wolfs golden eyes bore into the Rogue. He growled, and moved slowly to reach his arm across me and bring me behind him but at the same time keep me close. 

He was shaking violently, and I knew from what he told me, when werewolves did that, it meant that they were very, very close to shifting. 

Alexander didn't break eye contact with Mr. Mangy Rogue Werewolf, "Amber," he paused when the Rogue growled at him; a growl he returned "I want to you turn walk back home. Keep your hands up where we can see them, face him," he spat the word in the Rogues direction, "the entire time and don't turn your back on us until you can't see us anymore. Then, I want you to run like your hot ass is on fire." 

He wanted me to leave him?! With this crazy SOB Rogue that could hurt him?! Oh, hell no. 

My silence must have betrayed my thoughts because I felt Alexander's grip tighten on my waist, "Little Red, I'll be fine. Just go." In his voice I heard vulnerabilities; worry, fear, terror.  All those for me. A little human girl who happened to be the soul mate of a werewolf. 

I let out a shaky breath as I unclenched my fists and brought them up, showing my palms to the Rogue and taking a hesitant step back. The Rogues eyes flickered to mine and I swear I saw its pupils get smaller. The Rogue let out a bone chilling snarl before he tried to lunge for me but Alexander, quickly shifted into his magnificent black wolf. 

Seeing them next to each other sent shivers down my spine. Alexander’s wolf was easily twice the size of the Rogue; his aura of power was practically tangible. Alexander let out a gut wrenching growl that made the Rogue shrink back. The Rogue's rotting yellow teeth were still bared. He didn't want to back down despite how powerful Alexander and his wolf were. 

Not a very smart Rogue. 

The Rogues body tensed, preparing to jump at Alexander's wolf. When the Rogue jumped, an arrow flew into his throat. 

Alexander's POV

This rogue was considerably stupid. First, he shows up in my pack's territory. Second, he comes alone. Third, he thinks he has the balls to take me on and threaten my mate at the same time. 

I swear some of these dumbasses have a death wish. Tsk tsk. 

Anyway, back to the sorry excuse of a wolf in front of me. I didn't take my eyes off him as I gave my mate strict instructions on how to get out of here alive. And I just had to make a comment on her ass. I mean, it was perfect. 

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