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the alarm on my phone went bonkers. its the first day of the week. i have not touched any homeworks in the weekend. i am dead today. i jumped in the shower and have a hot shower to make myself ready for the day. when i got out of my shower, i took out my nike hoodie in white and my black jeans i bought yesterday. i topped it off with my black free runs i bought yesterday.

i was walking to school and listening to music while enjoying the morning sun on my skin. suddenly, someone pulled out the left side of my earpiece. i quickly turned to see who it is. i was so angry but when i saw who it was i stopped frowning.

"arent you supposed to be walking to your school or something," i asked since it was the second week of the first month of school after the summer. "well im a new kid somewhere and i think its your school," hachim siad cheekily. i rolled my eyes and laughed. "we wont be in the same class since you are one year above me," i said. he nodded. "we can still hang around right?" he asked. i nodded while grinning.

the walk to school was just a rough idea of how the school system is like. when we reached school, i met up with angeline and isabelle. i forgot to check my email. so i asked them, "have you guys received the email? i didnt check my email this weekend." they looked behind me in shock. "explain to us why mr hottie is here?" isabelle whispered to me. i explained to them how he is a transfer student.

"we have to be his friend until he finds his real friends. you guys dont mind right?" i asked. "yeah as long as you guys dont makeout around us," angeline stated while rolling her eyes. "not gonna happen anytime soon," hachim finally spoke. my eyes widened and i blushed. they gave me a smirk. "about the email, have you guys received it?" i changed the topic before my face turns tomato and things start getting weird.

the bell rang. time for the first lesson. in the first lesson, we were seperated.i walked into my class and sat down. i then took out my pencil and notebook and started scribbling down stuff. 10 mis has already passed and the teacher hasnt come into class. i was peculiar. i then texted hachim.

"did you get in trouble?" i didnt know why it was necessary or made sense but i'll just take it as a joke.

"some problem with my grades??" he texted back. weird.

5 mins later, the teacher came into class with hachim. what in the world is going on. i looked at him while he stared at me. he gave me a smile. everyone then turned to look at me. "okay class, we have a transfer student his name is hachim mastour be nice," the teacher introduced him to the class. he sat in the same row as me but 3 seats away.

"okay pass this papers down and start working on it," the teacher said. it was then passed down when it comes to me. it had another paper folded with my name written on. i opened it and it said 'did i tell u already that you look amazing today? - hachim' i blushed and quickly fold it back and put into my bag. i looked up to reveal hachim looking at me and giving a cheeky smile. i just rolled my eyes and continued my work.

the day went by so fast. it was really boring. i walked out of the school, nearing the gate. i then saw hachim saying goodbye to his new friends. he then waited. i walked up to him. "who are you waiting for, mastour?" i asked. "well there is this girl in my physics class and she's really pretty! oh here she comes," he got all excited. my heart shattered. the lucky girl was, rebecca gilmore. the kind of girl who thinks everyone likes her. the popular one. the one that gets everyone.

"well goodluck hachim," i said with boredom. i walked away. was i just a fling, or just a friend? i stopped my thoughts to avoid crying. i continued walking. i wasnt paying attention to where i was walking. i stumbled upon a quiet playground near the rich houses. i sat on the swing set. this is why i didnt have a boyfriend for a year already, i thought to myself. i looked at the swingset beside me.

all of a sudden hachim came running to me." farah im sorry for treating you like a fling but you are the only one i love. i promise i wont leave your side again," he said with tears in his eyes. probably rebecca has hurt him. he then hugged me so i stood up from the swing. he leaned in for the kiss so i did the same. i heard a faint music in the background. it got louder and i felt vibrations in my pocket. my phone, phone. someone is calling? IM DREAMING.

i woke up on the swingset and the sky was already orangy purple. i took out my phone and answered the call.
"where are you farah nur youseff?" my mom asked me through the phone.
"im on the way home. i got stuck in the toilet earlier on," i gave an excuse.
"make sure you are home before 7:15," my mom warned me.

great i dont know how to get home from here. i started walking around the residence and i can confirm that people who lives here has the money to spend.  suddenly, a black and white audi rolled up beside me. the windows rolled down and i continued walking but the car is going the same speed as i am.

"need a ride ms youseff?" a familiar voice asked.
"go ask ms gilmore if she needs any money. i dont need any help," i said eventhough i really needed the ride.
"well someone is jealous. are you sure you dont need a lift?" he asked.
i shook my head. "5, 4, 3," he started counting down and i stopped so he could stop the car. i then went in the car.

"there you go. that wasnt hard isnt it bunny?" he said with sass. okay mow he is calling me cute names like bunny?? "arent you too young to drive this precious?" i asked. he nodded his head. "i wont get caught love. im a good driver," he said. okay this is just disrespect. we were nearing my house already.

"you know what?" i asked. "what," he asked while getting the car to stop inront of my house. "i dont get you, mastour," i said while frowning eyes and looking into his eyes. his eyes were trying to find something in mine. "you dont have to, youseff," he said. he started leaning into mine. i attempted to push him away.

my hands hurt from pushing something harder and colder than hachim's body. i opened my eyes and saw a wall infront of me. i was on my bed and i checked my phone. 6:30AM, Monday. great. this was all a dream.



how'd you like that?
sorry for alittle late update!! but im trying!!
all these ideas are fresh from my mind so i hope you guys appreciate it alot!!

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