20 (finale)

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(The next day)

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" A voice shouted at me and startled me.

I woke up to see Mabel's face grinning down at me. "Yay! You're awake!"

"Mabel!?" I gasped.

"Dipper! I'm so glad to see you!" Mabel hugged me.

"How are you here?!" I stood up.

"Ty let me go!" Mabel grinned.

"Am I dreaming?" I rubbed my eyes. "This all seems fishy."

"It isn't a dream, kid." Stan came in all smiley. "Ty turned her in while you were sleeping."

"Well that's great!" I grinned. "But it just seems unlike Ty...what all happened exactly?"

"Well it's kinda a long story..." Mabel looked down.

Bill. Where's Bill?! "Wait where's your boyfriend!?"

"Relax, Pine Tree I'm here." Bill came in the room with a smile.

"Where's Ford?" I asked.

"Downstairs. Just take a breath. Everything is ok." Mabel held my hand.

"Ok." I sighed. "Tell me everything that happened."

Mabel started. "When it was time for Bill to go for his visit last night, Ty came into the room and stopped him. He said if Bill was leaving he might as well take me with him."

"Just like that?" I asked.

"I don't know what he was thinking during my stay but it sure means he's changed." Bill said.

"After he said that, Bill and I just looked at each other like 'did he really just say that?'" Mabel said. "Ty smiled at us and said 'you two are so cute'. By that time I thought I lost it. I thought I was going insane."

"I asked Ty why." Bill said. "And he told us that he changed because of Mabel and he sees the best in things now. He felt guilty for what he did for Mabel and I felt his guilt too. Demons can sense that."

"Wow sis." I looked at Mabel. "You got quite a gift there."

"I'm just glad he changed." Mabel smiled.

"So what about Ty?" I asked.

"Ty told us that he wants to live alone in a private world of his own." Bill explained. "And that's where he went. I don't think he will bother us anymore."

"Well that's a relief." I smiled.

"No kidding." Stan sighed.

"I'm just so glad you're home." I smiled at Mabel.

"We all are." Bill smiled, hugging Mabel in is arm.

Mabel smiled. "So Grunkle Stan, can you make me some Stancakes?"

"You got it, pumpkin." Stan winked and left the room.

"So I guess this is like a happy ending for everyone?" Bill smiled at Mabel.

"I guess so." Mabel smiled back at him.

"Okay you can be all smiley to each other but please don't kiss in front of me." I shielded my eyes.

"Don't worry we won't." Mabel laughed.

"Come on," Bill said, "let's all go play video games."

The rest of the summer flew by so quickly. Eventually Mabel and I had to go to college! It all seemed so quick. But you know what I learned from this summer? It's that you never really know who you care about until something happens to them. So from now on I will do everything I can with my sister, my uncles, my parents, even Bill. Family and friends are precious and I'd do anything to keep them by my side.

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