1. She Has Spunk

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Hey guys! So here it is the prequel to Escaping Death! :) I really hope you enjoy! I apologize for the delay but it was really difficult to get into Calder's head. He is very different than Gabriel as you will see :) 

I'd like to dedicate the chapter to bloomelina! If it wasn't for her I don't think I would have even considered a prequel or even written in Calder's perspective. But this isn't only Calder's story. It's...well you'll see in a bit!

Also, I'd like to give recognition to innamorare for this story's (as well as my others) bookcover! She also helped me as she helped me edit some of the chapter. She's a great friend and also is extremly talented. She's an amazing writer! If you haven't checked out her stories...I suggest you do it!!! :))

I think I should stop talking now....lol thank you again for your patience! So without further delay...here is Keepers of Time! :D Hope you all enjoy! :)


Chapter 1

There are three of them; one for each of us.

I stared at the blood thirsty eyes of the Kelifeo demon in front of me, its tongue flickering towards me wanting to get a taste of the blood that ran down the side of my face.   This one was a tricky little bastard.  It was cunning and it knew not to come near me or my sword.  Just a simple swipe of my blade and the demon will fall to ashes at my feet.

The blade was enchanted with a powerful spell.  It was magic embedded into our weapons to better acquire a successful kill.  It was harder for them to regenerate after a clean cut made by one of our swords.  It was virtually in possible for Kelifeo demons to survive after they had been wounded by our magic wielded weapons. 

It circled me, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.  Waiting for the moment when I would lower my guard but that would never happen.  I was ready and had eyes only for the Kelifeo in front of me, calculating the optimal moment when to strike, and send the demon back to hell.

 From the corner of my eye I saw my best friend Gabriel fighting off another Kelifeo.  He didn’t have his sword in hand, and was finding it difficult to kill the bloody demon without a blade.  Knowing Gabe and his combat skills he was probably holding his own.  He was a fierce fighter.  We both were.  We were always called on special missions (like this one) because of our unique combat skills.

Gabriel and I entered into training when we were merely fourteen years of age.  We were young but we were willing to learn.  He always believed that the reason we were the best in our age group was because of how young we began to train.  I always thought that it was because we were the best, naturally.

On my other side, I saw Kimberly (our newest novice) fighting her own Kelifeo demon.  She was the same age as us, nineteen, but her gifts hadn’t developed a few months ago.  She was a fierce fighter, fast and cunning.  Without any hesitation, I saw her decapitate the demon, bringing it down on its knees before it turned to dust.  I saw the slightest trace of a smile on her face as she crouched down to examine the remains.  She turned her gaze towards me and saw that I was looking at her.  She waved at me, a huge grin plastered on her face.  But then her expression changed into alarm.

It was just a moment of distraction but it was enough.

The demon took its opportunity and launched itself forward, slashing the front of my shirt with its razor sharp claws.  A burning sensation bites my skin and I feel blood trailing down my stomach.  The demon’s head jerks up and sniffs at the air, smelling the newly shed blood.  Bringing my foot up, I land a blow to the demon’s chest, hearing the snapping of bones as my foot makes contact with its lifeless body.  The blow sends it sprawling across the cave floor as it landed with a hard thump.

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