15. Message

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A few chapters back I asked if you guys would like to see a chapter written from Kimberly's p.o.v. and well....here it is! (: I couldn't help myself and wanted to post ASAP! But with this post only two days after my last I won't be posting another chapter until next week. I hope it will be soon :) 

Tell me how you guys like this and what your thoughts are at the end :D

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Without further ado....


15. Message


I ran as fast as I could away from Calder, my legs and chest burning with exertion.  When I got to my room I hastily shut the door behind me and began to pack.  Leaving Calder hurt more than I could ever have explained.  He’d finally kissed me and it was all that I had ever wanted since the day of our mission together.  He was stubborn and infuriating, but behind his cold demeanor there was more to him.  There always had been.

But I had to leave him as fast as I could once I got the message from my brother, Nick.  He was in trouble and he wouldn’t have called me, vividly giving me a message of his whereabouts if it wasn’t of dire importance.  If I had stayed any longer with Cal he would have read my mind and seen what I was receiving.  As soon as he put the information together, Calder would have stopped me from going to aid my brothers.  The next thing he would have done was go to the Council and informed them of the situation.  The Council then would contact the Russian Council – giving the matter to them since it was Nick and Halston’s home base.  It would be a never ending process!  They would do everything with consideration and precision, wasting away precious time to dispatch Keepers to them.

Time was a luxury my brothers did not have.  I would go alone and try to help Nick and Halston the best I could.  They were in trouble and I was the only one who could help them.  I was the only one who knew where they were.

A knock at the door disturbed my frenzied packing.  Quickly, I hid my brown leather messenger bag under the bed from prying eyes.  To my utter shock it was Lucas when I opened the door.  Disappointment filled my heart, softly tugging on its edges.  There was a small part of me that had hoped Calder would be the one at the door, wanting an explanation for my abrupt departure.

Lucas stood in the doorway, his hands stuffed in his pockets.  There was dejection written all over his light green eyes, sending a jolt of guilt through my body. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted to come by and talk about earlier,” he said sheepishly.  “Can I come in?”

“No,” He looked at me apprehensively, trying to read the expression on my face to give him any sort of indication of what I was thinking.  Lucky for me, he wasn’t Calder and couldn’t know in an instant what I was doing or thinking.

“I was just heading to bed. It’s late,” I said, hoping that he would leave.  It was late and I needed to get to my brothers before something worst happened.

He crossed his arms over his shoulders, a sign that I knew all too well.  He wasn’t leaving and I sighed in resignation.  I stepped to the side, letting him walk into my room as he took a seat on the edge of my bed. 

I closed the door behind me silently and made my way to the window seat, catching my reflection in the glass.  A small gasp of incredulity escaped my lips.  My hair was in disarray and my lips were red, swollen by Calder’s desperate kisses.  I racked my hand through my hair smoothing it out as best I could.  There was nothing that I could do about my mouth.  They would heal in a bit.  The ability to self-generate was in my blood, and the moment I realized that I began to see the red puffiness of my mouth lessen before my eyes. 

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