5. A Beautiful Light

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Hiya readers/fans! :) I am soo very sorry for not updating sooner but well, I had writer's block for a bit but that is now solved! I hope you all enjoy this chapter as there are new things introduced. Pay very close attention and maybe you can solve the mystery that will be introduced ahead :)

This chapter is dedicated to AphroditeKid! She's a really good friend and also an amazing writer! I love all her stories and she has started a sequel that I know you guys would love. It's fantasy, adventure, and danger :) Truly amazing! I recommend her stories for you guys to read and I assure you you won't be disappointed! :)

Hope you guys enjoy! Happy reading D


Chapter 5-A beautiful light

It was hours after the training session that I had received a telepathic message from Calder, telling me to meet him on the verandah located in the east side of the castle.  The sun was beginning to set, casting the hall with dim shadows as I walked through the winding corridors.  Other Keepers were bustling about getting ready for dinner in the dining hall as it was mandatory for each and every one of us unless you had special privileges or if the person was feeling ill and told to rest by Dr. Corvaul (our council doctor), but that rarely happened.  I suppose Beth would be on bed rest after today, but then at the same time, she looked fine when Calder and her left.

Was it only Calder who was blind to the chemistry that him and Kimberly shared?  If a fifteen year old can figure it out then why couldn’t he?  He needs a bloody hit to the head, that’s what he needs.  I chuckled from the thought.  Yes.  That was exactly what he needed.  Maybe then he would get his bearings straight and see what is right in front of him.

The idea of knocking Calder upside the head was pretty damn amusing.  Maybe Kim would be the one to do it for me – since those two were always bantering.  One of these days it would end up with her beating the crap out of him. 

“That would certainly be the day.”  I chuckled.


I snapped my head up and saw Jessie’s bemused expression.  She was standing a few feet from an open archway where the last of the sunlight was streaming through.  “You okay, Gabe?”

“Yeah.  I’m fine…” There was a sudden flicker of a light ebbing from the passage behind Jessie.  I stepped forward, disregarding Jessie’s calls of concern.  It wasn’t the last rays of sunlight that I was seeing but something different, something out of this world.  I narrowed my eyes and could see the slightest trace of a figure outlined by the window; the light surrounding its frame.  As I get closer, the light begins to glow and I’m utterly enthralled by whatever it might be.  It’s like I’m bewitched, caught in its magical hand, forgetting about everything except for the light in front of me.  Never in my life have I seen something so beautiful and peaceful. 

“Gabriel?”  Jessie called, momentarily breaking me out of the trance.

“Do you see it?”  I asked Jessie, keeping my eyes on the unearthly light.

I hear her footsteps on the wooden floor – distant and fragmented like if we were both in two different worlds.  “See what?”  She asks, walking besides me.  “I don’t see anything Gabriel.”

“You don’t see that light?”  I asked perplexed.  “Surely you see it!  It’s right there in front of-” As I said those words the light suddenly faded.  I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes, only to leave the trace of black spots in my vision.  I know for a fact that it wasn’t just the trick of the light.  Something was here – something had been here.

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