6. Loss For Words

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Dedication for this chapter goes to Nadie_Rae! She is just great and is one of my close wattpad friends. She is my WBFL! :P Hehe anyways, thank you soo much for always being there and hopefully school lights up so that you can post some of your work again! If you guys are a fan of her, don't you agree? :D 

Also, I'd like to thank innamorare for helping me with the details of the castle and the name! :) 

You guys asked for some Kim and Cal action...well here it is! :P Sorry, it's really long. I hope you enjoy! :D


6. Loss for words

Training sessions commenced, which meant that Beth and I spent most of the afternoon together developing her telekinesis.  Unfortunately, that also meant that Kimberly and Lucas were spending more time together and – not to mention – growing closer.  It was something that I did not enjoy seeing, and something that Gabriel noticed even when I tried to mask the emotions that were unreadable to everyone but him.

As the weeks went by, Beth began to get a grip on her gift.  She had come a long way from our first training session together; from being unable to lift a simple book to her lifting something that weighed more than fifty pounds using her mind.  It was extraordinary!  It was quite an improvement and I was extremely proud of the kid.  I also observed Kimberly from across the training room and saw that she had also improved from her first day of training with Lucas.  After the plate incident there wasn’t anything else shattered, well maybe except my…

I shook my head to clear my mind and looked at Beth levitating a fifty pound weight.  She was standing up, raising her hand as the weight lifted effortlessly in the air.  The kid wasn’t even breaking a sweat, and it showed how far she’d come since the first day when she nearly fainted because of all the magic she had used.  I vowed that I wouldn’t let her use magic to that extent again, and we worked from there - each day using a little more until she was using her full power, and was okay physically and mentally.  My method worked and slowly she began to build her strength in her magic and was able to slowly progress with her telekinesis.  By the end of her training she will be able to lift anything twice her weight.  Hell, maybe even quadruple her weight like a truck or a marble statue.  It would definitely come in handy in battle if she loses her weapon.  Beth could easily just plunge it into the demon and kill it without working too hard physically.

“Alright, everyone.”  Gabriel said, calling us all to attention.  Each group stopped working and turned to face him.  Their faces were a mix of wonder and awe as their eyes settled on Gabe.  The awe feeling was mostly seen in the girls since they all had some sort of crush on him.  They all respected him and thought he was ‘so dreamy and broken it’s mysterious.’  Broken, yes.  Mysterious?  I don’t know what to say about that one.  Dreamy?  Ha. Not even going to go there.

But all of them knew that Gabriel didn’t date, which made him all the more attractive in their eyes.  I will never understand the mind of a teenage girl.  You’d think that they’d accept that fact, but no they had hope that whatever he was going through will one day disappear.  Thus, falling in love with one of them, and having a happily ever after; riding off into the eternal sunset.

Yeah, right.  If such a thing ever existed.

“I’m very proud to see each and every one of you improving in your powers.”  I caught Gabriel saying.  Zoning out was beginning to be a serious problem for me.  Focusing, I paid my attention to what he was saying.  “You have definitely come a long way these past two months.  The strength, determination, and dedication you all have shown have definitely opened up my eyes to the potential each of you have in the future.  I believe that you all will be great Keepers and I know it’s too soon to make that assumption, but I’ve never seen a group quite like this one.  Give yourselves a hand for accomplishing your first five months of training.” 

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