12. Connection

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12. Connection

The next few days were agonizing as training commenced and we were ordered to stay in the safety of the grounds until further notice.  From my knowledge no Keepers were dispatched to fight the evil creatures that roamed the earth, not even full fledge Keepers.  It was absurd.  We were just sitting here, taking no action while demons were out in the world causing havoc and killing innocent people. 

It was infuriating being locked up like some kind of animal without being in its frequent habitat.  I needed to get out, but like a tiger I was caged in with no plausible means of escape.  It was maddening and there were times where I felt like I was going insane.  It had been too long since I’d made a fresh kill.  I needed to feel the release of all this pent of energy I carried inside of me and use it to rid the world of demons for the safety of humanity and time.  On our routine training round, fighting with my fellow Keepers wasn’t enough.  No one was a match for my strength and agility other than Gabriel and we usually ended in a grid lock; neither winning nor losing.

If only I could sneak out and go fight a demon…then I could get my frustrations out on something rather than someone.

No.  That wasn’t even a possibility. 

If I blatantly disregard their order I would get tracked the second they noticed I’ve escaped and bring me back to face the consequences.  The Council would probably even strip my powers without a thought, leaving me weak and vulnerable temporarily until they saw fit.  As much as I wanted to fight a demon and send it back to hell, it wasn’t enough of a temptation to possibly lose my powers for my disobedience.  

I just need to find something to occupy my time.   

Reading turned out to be my distraction.  After training was over for the day, Gabriel and would go to the library.  We would sit there for hours, pouring over dozens of books trying to find any kind of record that resembled the events happening now.  We spent four days, reading over ancient books that dated back to the seventh century.  Most of the book's binding were falling apart and its pages withered with age.  Translating wasn’t the problem as we both knew Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.  There was no language barrier when reading; the problem was finding nothing seemingly interesting. 

“How can there be absolutely nothing about this?  We both heard that this has happened before.  Where are the records?”  Gabriel asked, shutting the book he was reading.

“If it’s a secret like our fathers told us then the records would be sealed.  They wouldn’t be so careless to leave it lying around in a book.”

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair, frustration written all over his face.  “This is useless.  We won’t find anything in these books.  What is the big secret?  What could have happened centuries ago to want the Council to hide a matter of urgency from us?”

I shook my head.  “Don’t know.  Grabbing dinner might help.  C’mon, we need to eat something to think on our feet.”

He rubbed his temple, “Eating is the least of my concerns.”

“Well, it’s mine.  We’ll go see if anyone has found anything new.  I doubt that we’re the only ones trying to find answers.”

Reluctantly, he stood up from his chair and headed for the door.  I followed a few steps behind, letting him lose himself in his thoughts.  I was concerned about his well-being.  Ever since we’ve been back from Paris he’s been distant, weary, and distracted.  Not to mention that his skin was unnaturally pale and there were deeply etched dark circles around his eyes.  There was something troubling him; thoughts that I wasn’t privy to.  He’s completely shut me out, which makes me curious as to what he could possibly be thinking about. 

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