3. What Is Love?

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I couldn't resist posting this since I had so much fun writing this chapter. I think I'm getting quite good at writing in Calder's p.o.v :P Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy and hopefully get a vibe of who Calder is and why he acts the way he does :))

This chapter is dedicated to Jan_Bear04! She is just a great kid and has always supported me from the start and I am truly grateful for it :) Even though she is so young, she writes extremely wonderful stories with their descriptive detail and interesting storylines. You guys should definitely check out her work if you get the chance :) Thank you soo much kiddo for always being there! :D

Now....on to the story. Hope you all enjoy! :))


3. What is love?

The blaring speakers drummed with a steady pulse underneath the wooden floorboards.  There’s a cacophony of sounds blending together in the highly esteemed club – from the techno music the dj was spinning to the conversations being held all around.  Drink glasses clattered a few feet in front of me as a waitress dropped her tray.  Bodies swarmed around her, making her disappear from my line of vision.  I could barely hear Calder, with all the noise surrounding me.  It was difficult to tune out everything and not let my gift over power my senses.  Not only was I graced with the gift of time traveling but I also had heightened senses and an immense power over magic wielding.

Calder sat next to me with a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he talked about girls, a topic that was not up for conversation as he knew.  If our bodies could retain the effects of alcohol like a normal human body, then Calder would be beyond wasted by now.  He had downed two martinis, two bottles of red wine, and four beers, yet he wasn’t the least bit buzzed.  I, on the other hand, had only had two glasses of red wine.  What was the point of drinking when you couldn’t get drunk?  There were days when I wished I could do that very thing but our bodies self-healed very quickly and wouldn’t retain the harming effects that alcohol contained.  It just flushed it out; never allowing us to get drunk.

Calder kept on prattling about girls, a subject that he found entertaining to talk about.  He took amusement in picking out a random girl in the crowd and begins to judge who she was based on her appearance.  When his assumption of the right girl for me was made he’d press me to go and talk to her.  He always pushed it, always forgetting my reason for not being with anyone else.  He didn’t understand.  No one did.

 I felt out of my element at Gilroy’s.  This wasn’t my usual go to place and I didn’t understand why I ever agreed to come with Cal tonight, knowing his usual behavior.  I guess it was just impulse – not paying much attention to what the evenings events might hold.  There was a couple in the seating area next to us, completely engrossed in nothing but themselves.  A huge smile spread over her lips as the guy said something flattering and she leaned in to kiss him.  I looked away, thinking of what could have been – what I could have had.  I wondered how things would be different if she was here with me.  Would she have accepted what I am or would she have turned me away?  I wondered how she was and longed to see her, if only for one more time.

“Man, lighten up.”  Cal said punching my arm.  I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards my friend.  “You need to loosen up.  Look over there,” he hung his arm around my shoulder, beer bottle in hand, and pointed to the entrance where Tracy Vanhoul had just walked in with two other new novices; one of them was Kimberly.  “Ah, shit!”  He said as soon as he saw Kim.  He proceeded to call the waiter over but then stopped.  My eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement and he waved off my inquiry.  “Well, never mind that.  Tracy has a thing for you, believe me I know.”  He wiggled his eyebrows and I snorted.  “Why don’t you go over and talk to her.  Make small talk.  What do you say?”

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