4. Change Of Heart

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Hello my lovely readers! :) This chapter is dedicated to angelordevil_211! :D  She is such a great kid and has immensly supported me with my writing. She can get a little snarky :P lol but she's cool nonetheless! Thank you Carls for loving the story and always telling me what you think! :)) I know I torture you with Cal and Kim's relationship right now but it's all for a reason. Don't worry! :P

Thank you guys all for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)) Please remember to comment/vote! :D


4. Change of heart

The next day at the novice training session, I walked into a snake pit.

Well, that’s how it seemed to me anyway.  Gabriel and Kimberly were huddled in a corner of the room laughing about something.  The moment that I walked in they looked up and quickly averted their eyes.  It made me feel even worse about my transgression.  I clenched my jaw and walked towards the men’s locker room where I tossed my gym bag onto the bench as anger boiled inside of me.

Closing my eyes, I centered my being and focused on Gabriel’s mind.  In a matter of seconds I was able to get a clear connection of his thoughts. 

Perhaps I’m being too hard on him.  Maybe I should be the one to go and talk to him – tell him I’m not angry at him.  But then again, I believe that he should apologize for the things he said.  What he needs to do is talk to Kimberly.  Poor girl is hurting because of him.  He can be so blind.  I really wonder why I am even friends with him…He needs to learn that he can’t be selfish any longer.  There are people to put into consideration other than just himself.  There are young novices that look up to the both of us and he is setting up a bad example of the rest of us.  What would they think? 

A loud bang resonated throughout the room and I snapped my eyes open to see what the commotion was about.  Standing a few feet to the right of me was Lucas Icort.  He was the same age as me and a well-known heart breaker at least that is what the girls said.  But personally, I didn’t know the guy and never once gave him a second thought.  He wasn’t as great a fighter as Gabriel or I but he was alright in his own element, which was Pyrokinesis.  He had the power to manipulate the element of fire to his own will.  It came in handy when he was assigned to a rescue mission.  In a matter of minutes, every demon within the premises would be extinguished with only the dust of their remains to indicate their being.

“Hey, Cal, shouldn’t you be out there?  Gabe’s already started training.”  He said as he made his way towards the exit. 

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Quickly, I changed into black basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt.  When I emerged from the lockers, the group had already finished with the stretching part of training.  Gabriel shot me and indignant look and said, “Now, today you each will be pairing off with a Keeper.”  There was a low murmur of exchange between the novices as he said this information.  “I have assigned each of you so don’t worry about choosing a partner.”  There were sighs of disappointment from a few girls and Gabriel couldn’t help but smile and knowing smile.  He took out a paper from his shorts pocket and began to read of the pairs.  I couldn’t believe that he hadn’t run through today’s session with me.  After all he and I ran this class.  It was one of the many privileges/assignments we were given.   

You’re forgetting about how you were an ass last night, my conscious scolded.

“Jessie you’ll be with Grant.  Stacey and Lily; you’ll be working together…”  The two girls high-fived and Gabriel smiled.  “Nole you and Tori will be working together.  Ms. Fields and Mr. Collins; Kimberly you’ll be with…” Shit!  Not me.  If he paired me with her I was going to- “You’ll be with Lucas.”

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