7. It Is What It Is

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Hiya! :D So...I've been getting harrassed to upload so here it is! Gees....it's only been a few days and you want more?! Hehe I'm glad to do it though and am eternally greatful for your support and dedication witht he story :) This chapter is more of a filler but you do discover more aspects of a Keepers life :D 

Hope you enjoy! (: 

Picture on the right is of Calder made by angerlordevil_211! :D Also, the song has nothing to do with the chapter but it did offer the title (: If you guys haven't heard of Lifehouse you should definitely check them out! They are one of my favorite bands now! :D


7. It Is What It Is

Having a week of was certainly not something I was accustomed to ever since I can remember.  I had no recollection of ever getting a break since I was fourteen.  It was unheard of and I didn’t exactly know how to feel about the whole thing.  Ironically enough, it was exactly the unexpected turn of how my life was becoming.

What was a guy to do for a whole week without having to train?


“Paris?”  I asked puzzled.  What the hell were we going to do in Paris?

“A bunch of us are taking a trip down there.  Should be fun.  Thought you’d want to go.”  Gabriel said, grabbing an empty suitcase and starting to pack.  He aimlessly grabbed shirts and jeans from his wardrobe and tossed it into his suitcase.

“Who’s going?”  I asked, taking a seat on his desk chair and propping my feet up on the desk.  “Anyone that I could be seen associating with?”

He scoffed.  “Don’t you mean people who would want to associate with you?”

“Ha. Ha. Funny.  I mean it.  Who’s all going?”

Gabriel stopped packing and cocked his left eyebrow, his scar visibly showing in the light.  It would forever be a remembrance of the night when the Kelifeo demon subdued him.  “Don’t you mean to ask if she’s going?”

“Will you stop answering my questions with questions!”  Exasperated, I grabbed one of the paperweights on his desk and threw it at him.  He caught it before it hit him – not that I thought that anything more was going to happen. 

“Will you relax?  I’m just messing with you.  What is with you?  You seem more peeved than usual.” 

I gritted my teeth, annoyed that he could read me so damn well.  That’s what I got for having a best friend.  Did all best friends know the other so well like Gabriel and I?  I wondered about that.   Many of us kept to ourselves before we went through the rite of passage to become a full pledged Keeper because of the danger being a transitional brought on our lives.  Once you were highly trained you were sent on missions to prove yourself.  If we returned after our first one than it meant there was a higher chance of surviving the next one after that.  The system also was set to separate the weak from the strong.  The Council did not want Keepers who will be defenseless and powerless against evil.  Thus, the ones who died are nothing more than casualties for those who do survive.  What are a couple of hundred lives against thousands of us who survive, and fight evil for centuries?

It was different for me and Gabriel, though.  Ever since we were teenagers, it was certain that we would both survive by the skill we demonstrated from the very start.  Our determination, agility, strength, and wisdom at that age excelled most of our age group.  Looking back, I can see why we were chosen for many of the missions that we were assigned to, and it’s because we would get the job done and return safely home afterwards.

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