Chapter 3

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Aphmau's POV

I woke up in the morning and I saw that I was laying on Laurance, I started blushing like crazy and took his arm off of around me and slowly went upstairs to get ready. Cadenza was still asleep because she would probably have killed me if she saw what I woke up to. I went upstairs and took a shower, brushed my teeth, etc. I made the choice of cooking breakfast. I finished cooking breakfast and it was 10:50, you'd think Laurance and Cadenza would be awake by now, but they weren't. I made plates of food and dished them out to the seats.

I walked over and woke up Cadenza, signalling her to be quiet. "Shh, let's dump ice water on Laurance to wake him up." I whispered, we both giggled and headed into the kitchen to get the ice water. Once we had a full glass of ice water they both slowly walked towards the couch. I went behind the couch and Cadenza stood off to the side, "three, two, one!" we both whisper yelled. I dumped all the ice water on his head and he stood up soaked. "What the-- Why did you--- Ugh!" He ran upstairs and into his room. Cadenza and I burst out laughing. "Food's on the table when you want it!" I yelled up the stairs.

Cadenza and I both went back into the kitchen and ate our food, Laurance came down the stairs shortly after. We all just talked but mostly laughed over what we had done. Once we finished eating Laurance made Cadenza and I clean the dishes because of what we did we still found it funny and were giggling while we cleaned. Cadenza headed upstairs and I cleaned the last few dishes. Cadenza came downstairs a little while later completely ready for the day. Once we were all ready we went out the door and into Laurance's car. We drove to the pet stores all around town.

Laurance's POV

I can't believe they dumped water on me like that, well now we are on our way to go get stuff for the puppy, and the puppy in fact. The pet store called me earlier today saying to pick it up at 5:30. we've been going to multiple stores a lot today so it's only 3:00. We all decided to go home and eat lunch, then we can set up the puppy's things, finally we can get our puppy. The puppy's things will be going in my room because it's going to be my puppy after all. The only thing that's going to be out is it's food. Cadenza left while we were making lunch, she had a cafe shift from 4:00 to 7:00. So it was just me and Aphmau eating lunch.

"So, why aren't you at work?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I quit..." she said with no expression. "Uh-oh-um okay." I said confused. "I have a different job now..." "Really, what is it?" "Night job, I'll be going to online college though..." "Okay, cool." "Yea." We finished eating and I dried the dishes while she cleaned them. It was only 4:25 so we set up everything for the puppy and got a blanket ready to put it in the car in. "I am so excited to see this little puppy!" she said squealing. "Haha, me too." It was now 4:50 and we were super eager to get this puppy so we just paced back and fourth talking about how cute we think it's going to be.

It was now 5:20 so we hopped in the car and drove to the pet store, we got in the pet store at pretty much perfect timing, I told them my name and they had asked me to pay. I gave them $475 and they handed me my puppy. They old lady behind the counter said, "What a cute couple!" I don't know if she meant me and Aphmau or the dog and I. We left the pet store with this super adorable puppy wuppy! I decided to name the puppy Dakota. It fit the little girl perfectly! Aphmau and I drove all the way home and introduced Dakota and Thorgi, they loved each other. 'Thank goodness Thorgi is fixed.' I thought.

Cadenza came home at 7:15 and we all ate spaghetti with garlic bread. It was now 8:30 and we put Dakota up in my room for a nap. Cadenza put on Titanic, as much as I didn't want to watch it, I did. I left after 15 minutes and when up into my room. I started typing in my diary on my computer, I typed all that had happend since I last wrote. I looked at the time, it was 9:45. The movie was probably not finished yet. I started walking down stairs so I can go get drink of water, I got my water and started walking back up stairs. I noticed that Aphmau wasn't on the couch and it was only Cadenza. I went in my room and sure enough Aphmau was petting Dakota.

Aphmau's POV

I noticed Laurance was not beside me anymore, then I heard him walking down the stairs. I started walking up the stairs when he was in the kitchen. I heard the puppy whimpering so I went into his room and started petting her to calm her down, "Shh, Dakota sleep little angel." I whispered to the puppy as I comforted her. Once she was asleep I stood up and turned around, Laurance was watching me... "Heh, you have a way with little ones..." he said. "Uh, yea. I do, I-i guess." I looked down blushing. "Heh." he smirked. I walked out of the room and into my room. I didn't close the door behind me. I immediately just laid down and tried to go to sleep.

Laurance's POV

She was blushing! Yes! Yes! Yes! She must like me! I walked into her room and I could tell she was still awake but I went into her room anyway. The second I walked in she sat up. "What..?" she said. "Tired?" I asked. "Well, no. But what else do I have to do?" "I don't know you can walk Thorgi or something" "What!? It's 10:00, I can't go outside now!?" "Then why don't you watch the movie?" I sat next to her on the bed. "I don't really like Titanic." "Oh really, I've never met a girl who hasn't." "Well you just did." she said with sass. "Haha, I like your personality." She's blushing. "I-i umm..." I looked at her, she was staring at the floor. "I l-like you.." Her face turned completely red. "I like you too." I said with a confident smile. "I-" I cut her off by kissing her, to my surprise she kissed me back.

Aphmau's POV

He's kissing me! I'm kissing him? What is going on!? I stood up and left the room. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. "What just happend?" I was whispering to myself as I paced back and fourth in the bathroom. I finally came out of the bathroom and accepted what had happend. I walked downstairs and sat beside Thorgi, I laid my head on him and started contemplating if I actually like him... I fell asleep.

Laurance's POV

I kissed her... but she walked away. I feel so ashamed! But she said she likes me... she must have been embarrassed. I was still in her room so I walked down stairs and she was sleeping on the couch. So was Cadenza, I picked up Cadenza and put her in her room, I then moved Aphmau into her room and Thorgi followed. I kissed her forehead, closed the door, and walked into my room. I fell asleep.

1348 Words!

Sorry about it being 1 day but they kissed! OH. MY. GOD. >-< I can't contain myself! I am sorry I let it happen but oh my god! Eeeep! I must be Mino cby now with all these eee's ! Well, talk to you all later! Bye! ~Taylor

Laurmau*All Because Of Coffee Book 1* -Two Friends To Be More-Where stories live. Discover now