Chapter 5

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Aphmau's POV

I wake up and see my door isn't fully closed like it was when I went to bed last night. Oh well, I walk over to the door close it and lock it. I go into my bathroom and take shower, brush my teeth, hair, change, etc. Once I am ready for the day I skip down the stairs and Cadenza is making breakfast. It smells great. "Morning Cadenza, what're you making?" I asked her. "Sausages and eggs. They're turning out great so far." she said to me still focusing on her cooking. "Is Laurance awake yet?" I asked. "Hehe! Why do you ask?" "Just wondering if we have to dump water on him again." We both giggled at the memory. I fed Thorgi and got his leashes ready for a walk after breakfast.

Laurance's POV

I woke up and I could hear Cadenza and Aphmau giggling downstairs. I took a shower and changed. I started walking down the stairs to get breakfast. I put Dakota down and fed her puppy chow. She ate it and Cadenza, Aphmau, and I all sat down at the table and ate. "Either one of you know why my door was open when I woke up?" Aphmau asked raising an eyebrow. "Well... I may or may not have checked on you both when you were sleeping..." I said looking at my food. "That's not creepy at all~l..." Cadenza said giggling. "H-hey!" I fired back. They were now giggling. We all finished eating and Aphmau said she was going to walk Thorgi. "Can I walk him with you?" I asked. "Uh, yea. Just bring Dakota, she needs a walk too." She told me as she put the harness on Thorgi. I put a small harness on Dakota and attached the leash to it. I saw Aphmau shoving two small leashes in her pocket. "Why do you have those?" I asked gesturing to the leashes in her pocket. "You never know, we could run into stray dogs or one of the dogs could somehow break the leash they're using now." She said to me as she unlocked the door. "That's very smart of you." I said winking at her. "Both situations have happend more than twice..." She said giggling. We both walked out the door and onto the street.

It was a very peaceful walk. She told me a lot on how she got Thorgi not to be the king of walking you instead of you walking him. She made me laugh when she mentioned how much he used to pull. She said it was like he was breaking her hand. Sounds painful but I can't help but laugh. She showed me how to walk Dakota so she wouldn't pull as much as she did. We walked for one hour, and then we got back home. it was now 12:00, Aphmau went into her room for online college. I just hung around the living room and talk to Cadenza about things. Cadenza had work start at 2:00 and end at 6:00. She left at 1:30 pm and headed off to work. I just went in my room and wrote most of the things Aphmau told me about training in a file so I could remember. I couldn't remember everything she said but I wrote what I did remember.

Before I knew it, it was 5:30, I walked downstairs and started cooking spaghetti for dinner. I ended up finishing making it at around 6:30. I walked upstairs and knocked on Aphmau's bedroom door. "Hey, Aphmau! Dinner is finished so come down and eat. I feel like your mother." I said with a chuckle. "Okay." she opened the door pretty quickly. We both walked down the stairs and sat at the kitchen table with our food. Aphmau texted Cadenza, she was on her way back from work. About 2 min later she came through the door. We all sat down and ate our food. "Aphmau, how's the college doing?" I asked her. "It's doing good. At this rate I only have 3 months worth of it left. I guess I work fast." "That's awesome." I said.

Aphmau's POV

After we ate I went back upstairs and did the last bit of school work I had to do for the day. It was now 7:00 and I wrote the day in my diary. The one thing that stood out to me from today was the person also taking the online college. They were messaging me, they seemed really nice. Their name was Travis. He sent me a selfie and I sent him one of me too. It turns out he lives in this area too. I am going to meet him at the dog park in 2 days, I am excited. He told me I was pretty, I took the compliment but found it weird because I never met him in real life before. I left my room and went to Laurance's door. I knocked.

He opened the door, "Hey Aphmau, something wrong?" he asked me. "No, everything is fine. I just wanted to see Dakota." I said giving him a warm smile. He let me in and I started petting Dakota. I pulled out my phone and told him about the Travis guy I was going to meet. "Aphmau, when you meet this guy I'm going with you." he said to me. " Why?" I asked him. "What if he's some killer or something..." "We've already talked over Skype about work if that's what you're worried about." "How long have you been talking to this guy?" "Since we moved I guess..." I said looking down. "I'm still going with you." he said to me with a stern face. "I can defend myself, Laurance..." I stood up and walked out of the room.

Laurance's POV

Who does this Travis guy think he is!? He's probably some creep! I walked downstairs and Aphmau was watching a movie. I chose to watch it with her. We watched the movie until the end. It was now 11:00, I went into my room and wrote in my diary. Once I was finished it was 11:50. I changed into something more comfortable to sleep in and I went to bed.

1097 Words!

Ooo! Looks like Laurance has some competition going on! Also about the dog walking you thing, my dog Dexter is like that... That's where I got the breaking my hand part... He is my profile picture if you were wondering what he looked like! Sorry for the short chapter but I haven't to go to the store! Thanks for 50 reads on this story! Byee! ~Taylor

Laurmau*All Because Of Coffee Book 1* -Two Friends To Be More-Where stories live. Discover now