Chapter 9

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Aphmau's POV

I woke up but didn't open my eyes, I must have fallen asleep on the couch. This doesn't feel like a couch, and it doesn't smell like my room either.... I feel warmer than usual, I finally open my eyes and look around without panicking. I'm in Laurance's room... then where is he... I feel movement behind me and I close my eyes to pretend like I'm sleeping. I was hugged from behind pretty tight but not tight enough for it to hurt. "So beautiful." I heard him whisper. He was still hugging me. What the heck is going on. I am mentally freaking out here! I felt breathing on the back of my head, I am pretty sure it's Laurance. Why is he hugging me! Why am I in here! Why am I in his bed to be exact! Wait... no... we didn't... No! I must have fallen asleep and he couldn't find my key or something.. It's happened before... but that doesn't explain why the heck he's hugging me. Whatever... I know I didn't... or at least.. was aware of it... I can't think like this! I am just worrying myself! Okay! What do I do... he's obviously awake... Maybe I should go back to sleep... or fake sleep? I'll try to sleep!

I've been trying to sleep for what feels like forever. I feel movement from behind me and I am no longer being hugged. I hear a phone turn on and then off again, he get's up and opens the window. The bright light from outside is visible even when my eyes are closed. I can hear walking around the room and a door shut. I open my eyes a little and the bathroom door in his room is closed. I sit up and frantically look for my phone, I find it... it was sort of right beside me. I am sitting up in the bed. I check the time on my phone, It's 9:45. I hear shouting from out the door, "Laurance! You with leaving clothes around the house!" Cadenza yelled. She opened the door I didn't notice until she started stuttering, "Uh-umm.. I-I umm.." she looked down. "Uhh, C-Cadenza, I-It's not what you think." I said standing up. "W-why are you in here..?" she asked me squealy but confused. "I-I actually don't know why.. I fell asleep on the couch and I wake up here.." I tried to explain. "I am going to kill him.." Cadenza said in as calm of a voice she could. "Uhh.." I said. Just then a certain somebody walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. We looked over, I blushed and Cadenza's face heated with anger.

"WHY IS SHE IN HERE!" she yelled at him. "I think I'm def..." he said. "Answer me!" Cadenza said still angered. "Y-yea, why am I in here.." I asked trying to sound as not creeped out as I could. "W-well you see--" he started. I walked out of the room and into my room. I closed the door and laid on my bed with my feet still on the floor, I started making analogies of what I think he was going to say. One of which was that he likes me so much that he just hugged me... these analogies make absolutely no sense! I've been contemplating to myself for awhile now. Cadenza had been screaming at Laurance for 5 min. Then it all stopped, I heard a knock on the door. I didn't get up to answer it because I felt like I shouldn't move. Of course Laurance walked in, "A-Aphmau... Can I talk to you?" he asked me. I sighed and said, "Yea.." I sat up and he sat beside me. "S-sorry if I scared you.." he said looking down. I sighed again but this time more quietly. "A-also, how long we you aw-awake?" "Like an hour before you got up, why..?" "How come you didn't get up or freak out?"he asked me. "It's happend before, I just assumed the same thing." "O-oh..." he looked down. "C-can I ask you a question..?" I asked.        "Y-yea of course, anything." he said looking at me, I looked at him. "W-why were you hugging me?" I asked. "Heh, w-well... you see I-I just... couldn't not hug you.." he looked down again, he tried to lie but gave up. "O-oh, heh." I awkwardly laugh and look away blushing. I look back and he's smiling at me.

Laurance's POV

I am now in Aphmau's room, she's blushing but not looking at me. This makes me smile, I snicker and she looked at me. She's blushing more now, I smile bigger. She turns to me and kisses me, I am in utter shock but it doesn't stop me from kissing her back. After she kissed me she put her hands on my shoulder and said to me, "You need to pack." at first I was confused and then I remembered we were leaving today for the cruise. "O-oh yea!" I stood up and walked out of her room. I went to go pack the rest of what I need. I finished packing and checked the time, it was 11:30. Garroth was going to show up soon. I dragged my luggage down the stairs and put it in a pile. I only had one suitcase  so I was okay. I decided to go help Aphmau bring her luggage down. I went upstairs and knocked on her door. She didn't answer like always so I just let myself in. She was closing the last of 3 suitcases full she had. She even had a purse that was full. "Wow." I said looking at her luggage. "Is it too much?" she asked looking at it too. "It's a lot but girls need a lot of stuff so I guess I can understand why." I said still mesmerized by her amount of luggage. "Well, yea.." she said. I helped her move all her luggage down the stairs, we put them all near the door so we don't have to carry them far when we put them in the trunk of my car. I decided to help Cadenza with her luggage, Aphmau agreed to help too. We knocked on her door and she answers.

"Hey." she said. Cadenza had the same amount of luggage as Aphmau. "Need help bringing that down the stairs?" I asked. "Yea, it'd be nice." We all brought her luggage down and put it in the pile near the door. Then a knock at the door was heard. I answered, it was Garroth. "Hey Garroth." I said letting him in the door. He only had 1 suitcase and a computer bag, much like mine. Garroth and I dragged all the suitcases to my car and somehow managed to make them fit. I don't know how but we did. We all drove to the dock and parked my car in an underground garage that it can stay in for up to a month. I put it in for 4 days just in case something happend. We walked a short distance to the dock where the boat was. We were assigned 1 room with 2 double beds. They said room #36 and it was on the middle floor of the boat. They took out luggage and said that they'd send it to our room. We walked around on the boat while it was still docked, Not many people were on this cruise. I suppose that is a good thing.

We found our room and saw our luggage already there, we looked around the room for a little. There were 2 beds side by side but not too close. There was a T.V. with a dresser beside it. The bathroom was at the far end and it was huge. Cadenza called for her to have one bed and Aphmau said she has to share with someone. "Fine, then I'll share with you." she said to Aphmau. "Heh, fine. I'm sort of glad you said that." Aphmau replied glancing over at Garroth and I. "I am not sleeping with you!" Garroth said staring at me. "Then sleep on the floor." I told him. "No! You sleep on the floor." I said back trying to act like I was 6. Aphmau walked over and pulled on something that was on the wall. A small fold out single bed popped out. "I call it!" Cadenza yelled and ran to it laying down. "Great..." Aphmau facepalmed. I now realize the situation. Either I sleep with Garroth, Garroth sleeps with her, or I sleep with her. She is stuck because Garroth is being stubborn. "Oh no.." Cadenza said. "Sorry for you Aphmau but you kind of are stuck now..." she said. "So, my situation is I sleep with her or you. Or on my own?" Garroth asked. I noded. "Hehehehe." Cadenza broke out laughing. Aphmau scanned the wall for another fold out bed, she had no luck. A little while later the boat undocked and started moving.

Aphmau and Cadenza ran out to the deck and looked over. "It's so beautiful.." Aphmau said looking out at the distance. Garroth and I were shocked too. I never knew being out at sea was so peaceful. Most people weren't on the decks, maybe us and 2 other groups of people. We watched the sea for a while until it was 6:00. We all were hungry so we went to look around the ship to get food to eat. We eventually found a place and all sat down to eat. It was a restaurant. Aphmau sat beside Cadenza and I sat beside Garroth. We all ordered our food and talked, "So, Aphmau.. what are you gonna do about your bed situation?" Cadenza asked. "They sleep together and I sleep alone. No changing it." she said sternly pointing her finger at Garroth and I. "Nope.. Not sleeping with him." Garroth said. "You are." We continued to eat and before we knew it the time was 8:00 and we headed back to our room. Cadenza and Aphmau changed into pajamas, so did Garroth and I. We put on some T.V. that they were playing. It was really boring so we shut it off. Cadenza went to her bed and fell asleep. Aphmau laid down and fell asleep too. Garroth and I were on our phones, we just noticed that it was 10:30 and they both were sleeping. "Great..." I heard Garroth say. "Heh." I said. Garroth laid down on the bed and put things all around him so I could sleep there. "Are you kidding me." I said before he fell asleep. "Nope." he fell asleep. I had no choice, I walked over to the bed Aphmau was in and laid down beside her. I thought for awhile then hugged her like the night prior. I fell asleep.

1858 words!

Cute cute cute cute!, I feel like this is going to be a very interesting cruise! *High pitched scream* Oh my god! Thank you all so much for 250 reads! This is madness! I have no way to show my gratitude! Just thank you all! #Sappy. Anyways, I go now so, byee! ~Taylor 

Laurmau*All Because Of Coffee Book 1* -Two Friends To Be More-Where stories live. Discover now