Old life always comes back

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Hi, I was Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway a dhampir Guardian, but after Dimitri's four famous words that crush my world I left the world of Moroi. Many of my old friends are trying to find me, key word trying. But they always fail.
Now five years later I still live with baba also known as famous Moroi mobster Ibrahim "Abe" Mazur or Zmey.
After all those years I still remember the day I left the word of Moroi, don't get me wrong I still madly kill strogoi and guard baba but you get the point.


I run as fast as I could to my room not showing how much four little words could hurt me, only he can do that to me and he is still the love of my life Dimitri Belikov. When I got to my room I lock the doors and cry and cry till there's no tears anymore. I got up and digital a phone number I haven't used in a while. After two rings he picks up "Hello Kiz, how are you?" "Hi Baba, can I come live with you?" "Kiz what's wrong?" "Look I don't want to talk about it now. Can I or not?" "Of course, my jet and Paul will be at court in four hours to bring you here." "Thanks baba and please don't tell anyone" "No problem Kiz see you soon" "See ya"
Okey that is set, now for my packing.
After three hours I finally had everything, I decided to leave notes for my friends. First one was for my best friend and bond mate Vasalisa "Lisa" Dragomir.

I know you will be angry with me for leaving and I understand. If you want to know what happened ask Dimitri what he said to me. And don't be mad at him. But I'm also begging you to not look for me you will not find me. I will still check the bond time to time and took darkness from you. And if that old fool of a queen ever steps down be sure to be the next queen cuz you will be a hell of a good one. Know you will always be my sister please forgive me and stay safe for me! Miss you!
Love you sis

The next one was for the love of my life Dimitri Belikov or my comrade as I call him.

Dimitri, my comrade!
You know is hard to hate you after everything that happened, but know I forgave you long time ago for things you did as a strogoi, I know that wasn't you so stop filling guilty. Please protect Liss and Sparky and don't try to find me I won't be found if I don't what to. I will always love you my comrade, you are my soulmate, the love of my life, but you hurt me more as dhampir as you ever did as a strogoi. Meybi I will see you someday. Stay safe for me. I will miss you and love you forever!
Yours Always and Forever

The third one was for Christian Ozera or Sparky, Firecoach, Proyo,... use whatever you want.

Please be there for Liss and when will you step in a big boy pants and propose to her? Don't try to look for me you won't find me. I will be fine. Stay safe. And you were always like a brother to me.
Love you bro,

The last three were for Eddie Castile who is like a brother to me, Adrian Ivaskov who is also like a brother to me nothing more but we tried and my mom the famous Guardian Janie Hathaway.

You know I love you as a brother. Please don't look for me, I will contact you someday. Stay safe and become Liss Guardian with Dimitri. I will miss you!
Love you bro,

Please move on from me, I will always love you but only as a brother. Promise me that you will fall in love again with a girl that will love you back the same. I'm so sorry for everything, I hope you will forgive me someday. And please don't look for me I don't want to be found. Oh and stay the hell out of my dreams. I will miss you brother!
Little Dhampir

I'm sorry for everything and I forgive you for everything. I'm sorry cuz I'm leaving now that we are on better terms. I love you mom! And please don't beat up Dimitri and don't look for me! Love you,
your daughter

I set the letters on my bed with one last look at room and my old life, I leave with my things and never look back.

(End of flashback)

Now I changed my name into Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway Mazur or Guardian Mazur but along strogoi I'm known as The "Silent" Hunter or their worst nightmare. Me and Baba along with grandma, uncle, my team and all Mazur clan live in Turkey. My days go by as guarding Baba on official business or hunting with my team or alone. I have 8990 Molnia marks and 2 battle scars they are all over my back, ones a month I get my tattoos together so they don't use that much place. Oh, and Sidney is my own personal alchemist.
There are only seven people in the world who know my true identity as The Hunter. And believe me when I say that everyone in the Moroi world is looking for The Hunter. If we are talking of Moroi world Lisa is now the queen and engage to Sparky.Dimitri and Eddie are Lisa Guardians with my mom. And Dimitri is still a wreck and is back to antisocial god as some people call him. Adrian is dating Sidney and are really happy except they are hiding their relationship. And Jill was found as Lisa's illegal half sister, that is why Liss can be queen. Eddie and Jill are dating and are really happy.
Back to my new life. I still miss and love my old friends but I changed so much in the past five years. I still love, miss and hate Dimitri for what he said, but he is still my soulmate and will always be.
Mazur clan accepted me really good as I'm the one who will be their leader when Baba steps down, but their are still traditional's like: every guardian must wear mask for face and Mazur clan uniform with brochure on how high are you in Elite. I'm successor to Head Clan Master but I'm already Head Elite Guardian in Elite of Elite and I'm only 23. To be in Mazur clan you must have at least 3% of Mazur blood, but to be in Mazur clan Elite you have to be the best of the best. Or be in my team. In my team are Vika, Denis, Lev, Artur and me. All strogoi fear us. But they also call as The Nightmare. I kinda like the name.
Oh and did I tell you I got all the elements plus darkness it's another element and it's super cool, it gives you super speed and strength. I got all elements beacuse I'm special and this was my destiny or to be what all strogoi fear be their nightmare even if they don't sleep, be the best there is of a Guardian and be true to myself without the guilt of killing strogoi.
Baba is also teaching me of family business, ok some are illegal but who cares.

I was brought from my daydreaming by Baba
"Hi Kiz I need to talk to you" "ok, what's up?" "queen send a letter to me" "ok let me see it"

Dear Ibrahim Mazur,
I would like to see you, your family and your best Guardians to attend dinner with me, my friends and best off my Guardians to discuss a private meter in person. I will see you soon.
Queen Vasalisa Dragomir

"when?" I ask " in three days" Oh boy this is not happening, I'm screwed!

Hi guys this's my first fanfic so please tell me how I did, cuz my natural language is not English. Also:
Like it/ Hate it? Want another chapter? If so in next chapter they will going back to curt and let's see what next all I can say there will be a lot of drama. Now night beacuse here if freaking 3 a.m

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