Not again

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Hey guys I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry for not updating. I hope you enjoy this chapter and see you soon.
xoxo Katie

Previously on The Hunter and The Nightmare

I pulled away and smiled. This can't get more perfect, but it just got worse...

Rose POV

You got to be fucking kidding me, right when I thought everything is going to be ok strogoi attack. Why they can't just leave me alone for one day, I fucking hate them. They say good things don't last long. Well now I kinda get it. Because freaking Strogoi ruined my first date with Dimitri.
They came, getting us by surprise as everyone started to freak out. I told them to go to the church and I ordered Dimitri to go with them and make sure they are okay. He started to leave with them but turned around and said "Rose I love you" but before I could replay I got jumped on by a Strogoi. I quickly finished him but when I looked for Dimitri he was already gone with the rest of Moroi, except for a few fire users stayed so they can help out, one of them being Christian.
"Are you trying to kill yourself? Go join Dimitri, Lissa needs you. I can't afford to have a heart broken queen with a baby on the way in the end." I yelled at him. He nodded his head and went after them "Okay, but Rose" He said and caught my wrist and looked in my eyes worried. A look that a big brother would give me. "Be careful, Lissa needs you too. We all do." And with that he left and me and my squad attacked.
A Strigoi approached to me and I kicked him in the ribs before he could even touch me. He caught my leg and as he did I twisted my leg making him loosen the grip and kicked him in the face with it. As he fell to the ground i pushed the stake into his heart.
Next up, a girl that looked 16. She was turned young. Damn I hate Strigoi. She was in front of me in a second making me forget that they all had super speed. She grabbed my arm throwing me to the wall. I quickly got up pushing the dizziness away. She was running to me and as she did I did a roundhouse kick and sent her to the floor, making myself a opening of her chest. The next second she was dead. Really dead.
The fight was long and painful. We lost some Moroi and 2 guardians. Thank God non of them were my squad, but still. I was good, aside from the bruises and the blood on the back of my head.
As the battle ended we headed to the church too and I was surprised to see everyone okay. I was searching for the people I loved the most, to see if they were okay.
Lissa was sitting on the bench in the church and Christian had his hands wrapped around her, comforting her. She's okay, she's fine. That's all that matters now. But then again,there was something missing. "Rose, are you okay?" Lissa was already on her feet and she ran to me crushing me in her big hug. She was so worried. "I'm fine." I said as she looked around, she was about to ask something but I beat her to it.
"Lissa, where's Dimitri?" I asked her.  "He's been taken by Strogoi along with Eddie and..." She said but stopped in the middle "And who Lissa?" "And Adrian" And that's when everything went downhill the love of my life, my big brother and ex lover just had to be taken by fucking strogoi, wow I really hate them. Can life just give me few days of happiness? It is that to much to ask? Yupe I thinks so cuz everything gets ruined by them. So before I even know what was I doing I started running to Hans office. "Hans we have to go save them." I yelled as soon as I was in his office without even knocking. "Wow it isn't this Rosemarie Hathaway the reckless novice who just finished hight school you know you could be one of the best out there if you didn't drop out of being a Guardian, you could be the queens Guardian and take my place meybi, but you gave up on your Guardian title. So tell me how did you even got here it's just for Moroi and dhampir Guardians." He said and for ones I let him finish it so I can just trow it all back in his face. "You know what Hans I didn't trow it all away I am one of the best Guardians out there if not the best. So I can win you in a fight in a second if I wanted so just shut up cuz you are not the best I may be still very young for a Guardian but I have more experience and kills than you if you lived for thousand years." I said to him in a treating voice, and he had just laugh and said "Yea right, you meybi had a chance to kill at seventeen beacuse of the opportunity, but you ware never good enough you are just an ex Guardian who threw it all away, just a wannabe." Oh he's got nerve meybi I should tell him who he is dealing with after all he wasn't there when it got revealed I'm The Hunter and everyone is afraid of The Hunter and The Nightmare team "So Hans let me introduce myself to you. Hello my name is Rosemarie Hathaway Mazur or Guardian Mazur one of the best Guardians out there, but a lot of people also know me as The Hunter and the leader of The Nightmare team so I would show some respect." Omg I could laugh at his expression all thay, it felt so good to tell him that. And the scared look when he heard me say Guardian Mazur and The Hunter was priceless. "I'm sorry Guardian Mazur, but we can't send a rescue team after them, it's to risky. There are just two dhampir Guardians and one Moroi he may be royal but he comes from a big family, he won't be missed much." he said and boy was I mad. "So you don't want to go after them? Fine than my team and I will go, and when we come back you better be ready to fight me beacuse you got me mad and I have a feeling you want to fight me just as much. Good bye and I will see you soon." I said and left before he could even reply.
With that said I walked to Mazur house, already planning a plan to find them even if it means I have to look all over the world. And that is exactly what we did.

(A/N two days later still in Rose POV)

It's been two days and there is still no sign of them. My team and I are now in Russia. We ware on our way to Baia, one of my contacts told me someone was there who knew in which city they could be.
After few hours of driving to Baia we ware in a driveway of a house I stayed when I was looking for Strogoi Dimitri, how ironic I'm back here and again looking for Dimitri, but this time he isn't Strogoi or dead beacuse of my Hunter powers I would know if something happened to my soulmate, wow it's still weird calling him my soulmate.
Before I even knew it we ware stoping and greeting the awaiting family. "Rose, Vika, the  team, it is so nice to see you after all this time, we all missed you" said Olena she is like my other mom. "It's great to be here again, but I'm sorry it's under this consequences." "It's alright my dear I'm just glad to se my two amazing daughters." Olena said. "Thank you Olena you are like my second mom and I love you, but we are here beacuse one of my contacts told me someone was here that can tell me the location of your son and my friends. And someone told me that she is staying with you guys, but she couldn't tell you it's only me she can tell to. So where is she?" I asked. "Why won't you come in and find out" said Yeva, she ks being secretive I hope that is a good sing. We entered the house and I saw her...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So did you like this chapter or no? Do you think I should update if so vote and comment please.
And I have a question for you guys out there who are reading my story do you want to here it?
So does anyone live in London?
if so comment and I will talk to you soon.
xoxo Katie

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