Surprise, Surprise I'm back

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A/N Hey guys another chapter, this one is in honour of magiarianator Sorry if some words are written wrong cuz I'm not English.
Xoxo Katie
three days later...

Rose's POV

Right now we are on a jet to court. I'm scared to see my old friends, I haven't talked to them in five years! They are going to be so fucking mad at me! Sure I will be in mask like all us Guardians and my team but they will probably recognise me, I'm fucking screwed! 

I'm brought out of my daydreaming of how fucking screwed I am by my new best friend Victoria "Vika" Belikova, and yea she is his sister. I don't like to talk about him anymore, it's still painful. "Hey Rose" she says "Hey" "How are you?" she ask worried "I'm fine except I'm gonna see my old friends after five freaking years! and I'm the one who left with only letters for good bye! They probably hate me and will recognise me. So yea I'm fine." you could hear sarcasm dripping on my every word. "I'm sorry" she tries to apologise but I cut her of "Sssh it's ok Vika I'm the one who is sorry for snapping at you" I apologise. Yea I know what you think Rose apologies bu hu, who cares I said I changed, don't judge me.

We sat in silence till landing at curt. I pick myself up and say to myself Ok Rose time to be brave. "Okay everyone mask up" I say "There are only two Moroi here so me, Vika, Denis, Lev, Artur and Paul with Baba, the rest of you with grandma, format circle around Moroi and Baba leaves first! Vika, Denis you in front of Baba. Lev, Artur on each side and Paul with me behind him! Let's go!" I shouted.

Lisa's POV

I was waiting in airport for Ibrahim Mazur to arrive with his best Guardians to discuss business after five years in person. After five years we still didn't find Rose and I miss her like hell but I'm also a little mad at her for leaving. I didn't even know what happened when one of my Guardians told me they are here. We went outside and I approach them they all bow but I said them to stand, someone says "Move behind" Why do I think I know this voice? Think Lisa think! "Your majesty" Says Abe and kisses my hand.

Rose's POV

When we leave plane we are welcomed by a lot of people and the queen herself. She approaches us as we bow to her and I say "Move behind" we are so in sync like in army. Lisa has a little delay and I really hope she doesn't recognise my voice. Dad steps in front and kisses her hand and I'm so so happy I have him in this moment. "Your majesty" he greeters her "Ibrahim, I see you have your best Guardians with you. May you introduce them to me in their real names?" she ask. Oh, no I'm a dead woman when he says my name, hope he says Guardian Mazur and everyone with Guardians title, less chance to be recognised. "Of course, This are Guardian Simson and Guardian Belikova" He said and points to Denis and Vika. Thank you God that he used Guardian tittle. But everyone was little taken aback when he said Belikova. "This are Guardians Adamson, Battle and Gilbert" He pointed to Lev, Artur and Paul "And my head and most lethal Guardian Mazur, they are the best of the best" [oh tnx dad] sarcasm "Nice to meet you all" we all nod "I would like to see you guys all attend dinner tonight at 7 p.m." (A/N this is 7 a.m human time)
"And please without masks you won't be on duty." she said, and I'm officially a dead woman. "Of course your majesty" I'm a gonna kill him why did he had to agree. He knows they are gonna kill me when they see me! Ok they can't kill me cuz nobody can but you get the point.
In some point in my thinking Liss left with everyone else and we ware moving to Mazur mansion here at court. When we arrive I snap at Baba "Baba why in hell did you agree to something without our masks, you know they will recognise me!" I yelled at him and in that second regret it. "Sorry dad it's darkness I didn't go hunting in five days" I apologise right after snapping at him "Sorry Kiz, but you know they will recognise you sooner than later and you can't say no to the queen" Old man has a point. "Ok, but you know I would prefer later" with that I left to go find my room or reader apartment it's that big.
I'm going to see all my old friends and I'm scared, yea yea me scared I kill strogoi without thinking, but seeing my old friends after five years, yea I'm scared shitless of them. Most of all I'm scared of seeing him, Dimitri Belikov he is still the love of my life, my love, soulmate and my comrade.
When I was thinking how dead woman I will be I started to unpack. I finish unpacking and still had  five hours till dinner so I decided to go to gym.
I grab my gym bag and went to gym. When I'm there, I thank God no one is in the gym and start my laps and warm ups, than go to punching bag. In the middle of punching someone says "What did that bag did to you?" Oh no I would recognise that voice anywhere, I slowly turn around and see one of my old best friends who I also call my brother Edison Castile "Eddie, long time no see" I say to him and he stood there in shock for a second than did something that shock us both. He'd run to me and hug me in a bone crushing hug. "Rose it's really you?" He asked in tears "Yea it's me brother, I missed you" I say and hug him harder. "I missed you to sis, welcome back. Others know you are here?" "No Eddie only you and I would like to keep it that way for now" please say okay please "Ok but you must to tell them soon" Thank God. "Yes I will, tonight dinner time" I confirm him "Okay, see you around Hathaway" he said, ok how do I put this "Actually it's not Hathaway any more" ok this will work meybi. "Then what?" he is so curious "Meet Guardian Mazur" I say and his jaw dropped, but he fast recovered "So you are the most lethal Guardian in Mazur clan, meybi even world" he said impressed "One and only. I have to go, but see you at dinner and please don't tell anyone yet" "Okay only for you sis, see ya" With that I walk away from him and go to my room to get ready for dinner.
I shower and dry my hair with one of my elements air. All elements are very useful especially compulsion, Oh did I forget to say I have bad ass compulsion like strogoi and can move things around with it and not just in fight. Then I do my makeup: red lipstick and smokey eyes and wear my favourite red and black strapless dress that makes me very hot and beautiful and fits me perfectly.
After I got dressed it was 6.45 p.m (A/N 6.45 a.m human time) so I went downstairs and everyone was waiting for me and that means show time "Ok everyone we are going to mask up till we are in the room where dinner will be and I will say when we take them of ok?" "Yes Head Elite" Oh how much I love them. We started moving out the house the same way as out the plane. It took us five minutes to get to palace where dinner will be held. As we entered the room they introduced us with our Guardian titles and I saw all my old friends there including him, but it was time to take masks of so here goes nothing "Masks down" I said and the second they see me their jaws drop in shock except Eddies he all ready seen me.

Dimitri's POV

It was time for a stupid dinner with the Mazur clan, they got only the best of the best with them, some rumours say that The Hunter is one of them and also that the team I think they are called The Nightmare are some of them we don't even know how many of them are in the team or what they are but we suspect they are dhampir.
It's over five years since Roza left and I miss her so so much and love her to. After two years of looking for her I come back and become Lisa's Guardian as Roza wanted. I hope I see her soon. I love her so much it's killing me on the inside.
My daydreams ended when they introduced their best Guardians with their professionals titles. It's weird they are all wearing masks on the face. Someone in the back of them said something and their all removed mask. What shock me the most was that the one in the back their leader was Rose, My Roza. I could fill how my jaw dropped at the sight of her, she is as beautiful as ever. I stood there in shock thinking that I am imagining her, so I just watch her as Lisa runs to her and...

Rose's POV

Lisa was first one to recover from shock, she runs to me and she...


Thanks for reading. Write comment if you like or hate it. I will update if I get at least two comments that are good. And any ideas are welcome, message me. In next chapter will be explaining and bonding also forgiving. And shock of the new secret and discovery also don't forget drama always follow. Love you all readers, now night it's two freaking a.m and today school starts after a break so Night.
xoxo Katie

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