Chapter five

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   It is raining when I wake up the next morning, my mom walks in with a cup of steaming hot chocolate, "thanks" "just thought it would make your morning" "your the best mom" "I love you" "you too."
   I put on a white flowey shirt and dark jeans with some brown combat boots, perfect for fall. I straighten my hair a put on a beenie hat.
   Where Is my umbrella I think thumbing through my dresser. "Ahhhhh perfect" I walk out toddling my backpack over my shoulder.

   "Amber," she looks over, "hey Andy I heard about what happened with those guys, are you okay" "how did you hear" "my brother Jeff" "your brother" she joins me under the umbrella. "Jeff is your brother" "yeah you did not know that" "nope" I am so surprised, he is not a player, or a cheat, he was just texting his sister, then it hits me, he wasn't even cheating, we are not even dating
   I walk into the school, Logan is in a corner talking to Brice, I stare, he is literally chewing him out. I feel terrible, after all I said, he still cares enough to let Brice have it.
  I want to go up to him, to tell him I'm sorry, sorry fir saying what I did, and that he deserves a girl so much better, I make my way through the crowd over to Logan but Jeff stops me in my path.
   Logan looks over the quickly looks away again "hey Jeff" "Andy I want to talk to you" "of course" "hey about the other night, did I do something wrong" "what do you mean" "I mean you have not talked to me for quite a while."  "Hahaha, sorry, I've been busy" "hey I was wondering, if maybe ummmm you would want to join me for a movie," I can hardly believe my ears, a movie with Jeff." "Yes" "okay, can I maybe like have your number" "yeah"
   "Hey Jeffry boy" it's Britney, one of the shots of the school. "Hey Britney, nice Shirt" "thanks your hair looks great as usual" Jeff looks at me then leaves, "I need to talk to you about the play Jeff" Britney says all flirty like.
   Jessie Jeffs friend walks up to me, "how you doin today Andy" "I'm good how are you Jessie" "great, I can see," he leans closer, "that you are jealous of Jeff, because he just asked you out and now he is with another girl " "hahaha, no, and we are not dating, he just asked me to a movie" "oh really" "yeah" "I'll see you in class you shallow chick" "see you slacker" he waltzes away like he is a movie star, boy dies he get in my nerves.
   Logan is gone now and I just stand there, I can't wait until Saturday, Star Wars, the opening night shoeing, me and Jeff.
   Me and Jeff, oh no, I hope been planing this with Logan for a year, I forgot I was supposed to see it with him, oh well, I'm not sure we are even friends anyways.

   Days pass, it is Saturday and I am prepping for our date, I have our song 1000 years on repete. The whole time all I can think about is Logan, what if he comes early and I have to tell him no Logan I'm not going with you I'm a jerk and I blew you off.
   Then I hear long live, it's me and Logan's song, it is playing in my sisters room

Long live the walls that crash through
On the kingdom lights shine just for me and you
Long live that look on your face
And bring out all the pretenders one day
We will be remembered
   When I was younger I thought I would merry Logan, we chose that song out together, I remember that day,
   He had taken me to a Taylor Swift concert even though he was not a huge fan. He had worked so hard to get the tickets then spruced me on my birthday. On the way home we were listening to the song long live and I said this will be our song, and there it was playing for us as we rode home after a most lovely day.
   Ding ddng, "he's here, nobody get it" i bellow running from my room my purse swinging like a wild cat on a leash. I fluff up my hair smooth out my eyebrows and answer the door.
   "Hey Andy, you look great, he says smiling, he hands me a box of sweetish fish, I don't even like them but I take them happily anyway.          "Ready" "yeah" he walks me to the car.
   "Nice ride" "thanks" he opens the door for me and I step in. "So how has your day been going" he asks trying to make conversation, "good" I look into the review mirror, I can see a white truck pulling by my house and out steps Logan with a Booklet of flowers, blue rosrs, that means I'm sorry, "sorry for what, you sweet thing, you perfect guy, why, why do you have to toucher me I cry in my head.
   We pull up at the movies, it is packed to the brim, I glance over at the concessions, "half Carmel half normal popcorn is what Logan and I get" "you and who" "oh did I say that out loud" "are you dating someone else" "yes, I mean no" "oh, well then let's get Carmel and normal popcorn because that's your favorite" "thanks Jeff" "yeah,"
   I'm not feeling it at all, not a single vibe, the noise is intense and I feel guilty for what I did to Logan, he counted on me, and I let him down, the movie we have been waiting for all yeah.
   Our seats are at the top of the theater, I can see the roe where Logan and I always sit, right in the middle. The seats are empty, saved for Logan and me, well Just Logan.
   Jeff looks at me, "are you ready for this" "yeah I've been waiting all year for this" "so have I and I thought you would be the perfect person to go with." "Ohhhhh thanks Jeff" "want some popcorn" "I just forgot, I can't have Carmel because of my braces" I say, even though I have allready broken the rule like 4 times.
   The theater is full pretty much, there are a few seats, Logan's and mine are still empty. I pull my light saber key chain out of my pocket and hold it tightly, "that's cool," Jeff says pointing to my key chain, "thanks" I say.
   The movie is about to start and in walks Logan, he had a small bag of half Carmel and half normal popcorn, he is wearing a star wars shirt and has his light saber keychain hanging from his belt loop.
   I smile at Jeff and he smiles back, the moment I've been waiting for, and it is here, to be with the guy of my dreams at my favorite movie, I scoot closer to Jeff on my chair, my arm is resting in my armrest, I lean my head back and listen to the epic music as it begins, it is almost perfect.

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