Chapter 12

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"Do you know how mad I am" Jen was on her bed, and I was sitting on the bed next to her. "Why are you mad" "Brice said that you tried to break him and I up because you are jealous" I stared at her long and hard, that dumb bastard lied, he knew I was going to tell Jen, so he told her a dumb story to make me look dumb.

"Do you think I would do that Jen, honestly," Jen had a broken arm and a concussion. "Don't yell andy it hurts my head" "sorry" I mumbled, she had changed so much. I skid my hands through my hair, what the heck" I said.

"Believe you, after all, you are my best friend." I smiled, "good to hear" Jen looked so depressed, her car was damaged, Brice had told her, then she had gotten into the car to get a smoothy from mecdonrolds, and had crashed into another car.

Jen leaned up on one elbow, wincing, "I can't believe that jerk would frame me" I burst out. "Me too" she said lifting her head.

Jens room is small, if is a light purple, with a black and white lace bed spread, she has a cream dresser and black curtains. "Remember when we were in 9th grade PE" I said leaning on the bed.

I had just moved from Idaho clear across the country, it was the middle of the year, I was standing in a corner watching three girls chattering. "Yeah, we need to hit the gym this weekend, pump some muscle into those weak arms of yours Jen." The three girls happened to be Jen, joy and Jenna, funny that they all had j names. I walked up to them, "hey I'm andy, ummm, my dad owns the country club, you could come work out there for free." Then I knew after those smiles on their faces that we were unrepeatable.

My phone buzzed and I checked it

I need to talk to you

It's important, are you at Jen's
I'll pick you up

I set my phone down, well Jen bet better, and I'll bring you all your school work, don't worry, Brice will get it good.

She smiled a week smile, Jen squeezed my hand, "good, thanks andy" he face was pale, she looked so sick, I had to hold back the tears as I relieved my hand, I was leaving my best friend to go talk to jake.

Jake pulled up in his navy car, he smiled when he saw I was wearing his hoodie, "it's the only jacket I could find before rehearsals" "you missed me didn't you" he said a lopsided grin on his face. "I think you missed me" I said shoving him, he just did the same thing, then it was a shoving war to his car, leaving us both laughing and we fell onto the grass.

Jake hovering on top of me, using his arms for support, his hands barrier in the grass. "you know I've kissed you twice, and both times you never kissed me back" I just smiled, "is it like kissing a doll" I asked my cheeks growing red, "a little better" "you know, I seam to spend more time with you then I do with my own boyfriend" "maybe it's because he's  always with Britney" "why dint you like Britney, I mean your on the football team, and she pours her heart out to you" "do I need to go over this again" jake said brushing a piece of grass out of my hair. "Well you are like one of the most popular guys in school" "your pretty popular yourself andy, why do you alway put yourself down, your friends swarm around you" I smiled, his bright blue eyes meeting mine.

This would have been the perfect moment to kiss, but I have a boyfriend, I laid up slightly, shooing jake off me, he looked surprised, and slightly disappointed that he had made that huge speech and still did not get a kiss from his favorite girl. "Is this what you came to talk to me about" I said leaning against the car, jake joined me, he always looked like he was in a magazine, his sunbathed skin, bright eyes abs sandy brown hair perfectly styled. He was in a nice fitting rusty blue sweatshirt the slivers we a darker blue, and he had on tan kakhi pants and blue Nikki tennis shoes.

"Acutely no" he said looking at me intently as to draw an expression from my fave."what" I Finley said, looking back at him. "Britney set up that whole restaurant scam to get you in trouble with your parents and so you would leave your car at your work, she wanted to have more time with jeff, and she thought your parents would ground you." I just stared at him, "is this a joke, and you were in on this, you betrayed me" I growled, my face tightening with anger, the anger fled through my veins.

"Andy wait" jake chased after me" I kept running, my converse hitting against the road. "Why do you want me" I cried, "is it so you can get Britney jealous" jake stopped, "I don't even like Britney andy, she's too fake, and a snit, I don't want a snit fir a girlfriend" I swing around to face him, about eight feet away, "well I dint want you as a boyfriend, someone who joins a scheme so they can see me get in trouble is not in my friend range" jake just stood there dumbfounded. "Andy, I" "get get out of my life" screamed racing into the bushes, and he did not fallow, jake the                                                                                                       Caption of the football team, who has girls chase after him, swoon over him sat on the sidewalk and barred his face in his hands.

I had been walking around the park fir around two hours, there was a small hot chocolate stand set up, the lady and her daughter were raising money for charity, I Vaughn one and sipped it as I sat there on the bench cuddled in jakes hoodie.

All I could see was Jakes face in my head, him leaning over me, "is it like kissing a doll" "a little better" then I saw Jen, sick in her room, "get him good." Those three jerks, jake Brice and Avery, I wonder if she knew. The guy I liked so much was being taken right before my eyes, it was all because of Britney.

"Hey Logan" I yelled across the hall, it was Monday morning, my hair was straightened, I had on a black leather jacket and some white skinny jeans, with a golden sparkly shirt, and some ankle black boots. "Andy hi" Logan crossed the hall to join me.

Someone poked me from behind, "hey hell" I said, he joined us, putting an arm around my back, Logan just glared, and I smiled at him, he joined Jasmine who had on a white crop top and red skater skirt, she giggled and they trailed off to class together, "Britney" Jeff called out, when he caught sight of her golden city's, "hey Jeff, hi andy" her eyes narrowed, "so I heard about your little scam" I smeared, Britney slowed her pace, her hand plastered to Jef's shudder, "oh the one to save your friend" her eyes dark, "nope the one where you tried to get me in trouble" "ummmmm maybe I did, but you deserved it" Jeff just stared at me, "you can't just go up to someone and accuse them andy" he said bitterly, "oh so your on her side now, I shrieked, forgetting that I was in the hall.

Faces turned, looks of surprise, I stared into Jeff's face, "who are you" I muttered loud enough for him to hear. I felt anger riding in me, if this was a cartoon, this would have been the part where the persons eyes go from blue to red.

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