Chapter three

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   "Hey wait up Jen" I run up to her, "hey Andy how's it goib" "fine and dandy just life my name" "good" she seams pretty happy, but me, not so much, all I can think about is what Is going to happen after school.
   Then my best guy friend Logan runs over, "hey Andy hey Jen" he sandwiches in between us and throws his arms around us, "how are my best girls doing" we both laugh, he is always so happy and always knows how to charm a girl.
   I throw his arm off me and so does Jen, "I'm doing really good" I say "me too" Jen says. His eyes are a deep blue, they are always so lively, and just looking into them can make your day.
   "Hey Logan" it's Jasmine Cupertino, she has black hair with streets of blond and brown, it really fits her. She struts over to us in her skin tight jeans. "Hi jasmine," he says looking over to me, as usual. She comes and just splits me and Logan up, he looks longingly at me, I just smile and walk with Jen to class glancing back at him, jasmine looks so proud walking with Logan, her high hill boots clinking against the tile flooring. I meet Logan's eye and look away embarrassed, I never know if that kid likes me or not.
   Logan ditches school like one third of the time, I dint know know he does it, but he manages to get good grades.the late bell rings and I'm still in the hall, whatever I think, I'm late a lot anyway. "I'll be in class in a few minutes," jennica says walking over to her locker, her hair is down in loose curls and she has on a lace dress and Jean jacket, "I'll join you" I say fallowing her, math is a bore.
    "Just two more classes until I get to see Jeff" I say blushing "yeah that's fun" she pulls out a green and white striped notebook. "If only I had his number" "you should find a song for you and Jeff," she says, "yeah so whenever it comes on I can think of him" "yeah as though you don't think of him enough" she says nudging me, I smile, then the song comes in my mind, 1000 miles I heard it on the radeo and started thinking of him last night, I smile.

   I walk into language arts about two minutes late, a girls gotta get prepped with lip gloss and make sure they look good. There is Jeff, sitting in his seat texting someone, my school try's to push on every which way on phones, but it's just too much work.
   He does not even look up as I sit down, his eyes stay glued to then phone, I squint to see who he is texting,


Then the name meets a face, blond haired little miss flirt Amber Hansen, I used to really like her until just barely, I guess I get jealous easily.
   I read the text

I got the tickets for the movie
Good what about popcorn
Of course
Just kidding
Jeff love you
Hate you just kidding

I look away and my heart sinks, I can feel my throat dry up, I lay my head on the desk and frown, what a day, what a stupid dumb day. I get a huge hate for that sing that hour of class.

   I trudge slowly to the place where I was supposed to meet those boys, they are not there, I slowly look away and stare at a bird with a wing half bit off siting on a telephone, the wind blows my hair into my face and I wipe it away.
   I feel a tight hang on my shoulder, it grasps harder, I swing around and I am face to face with the older boy, "by the way he says, my name is Bradley, Bradley Wilkerson, and my brother over there is Oliver." I just stare, I want this to end, to just walk away with the poor little brown dog and call it a night, it has already been a crappy day.  
   "So you acutely came stupid girl, he spits on the ground, I feel my throat tighten, "what do you want" I attempt to sound brave, "let's settle this in the park, he points down the road at a small park nestled by trees pop cans and rubbish piled in corners. It is nearly dusk and my think sweater can't keep me warm much longer.
   "We settle it here" I say Sharply, rolling my eyes, the boy grabs me sharply and twists my arms behind my back, I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes, why, why did I have to mess with these monstrous guys, I should have just left the dog, "let me go," I cry at the top of my lungs, of course nobody cares in the crappy dark street, the houses are few and far between.
   "Your wasting your breath" the guy hands my locked arms to his brother and we meet eyes again. I dig my nails into the younger boys skin and I can hear him gasp, "hold tight Oliver, don't let a wimpy girl get to you, I feel the boys arms tighten and I flinch with fright. "Look what you got yourself into now," he says leaning in, our checks are almost touching, "just give me the dog" "I'm not that dumb, hid breath circles around me, a hint of steak and potatoes,.
   I can see the little brown dog lagging behind watching intently, "what did I ever even do to you" I say slowly, then I know after that I regret that sentence, "what did you do, you idiot girl, you should just mind your own business," I feel his cold hand tear against my face and the pain Sears up. "Before you go stepping where you should not be, you gave a brain, use it." His foot jabs into my leg and I almost topple.
   then all at once, I feel the hand loosen, and completely let go, the younger brother is trying to calm hid older brother,
   "The dog Is ours you good for nothing brat" he shoves me, and my back hits the concrete. I feel my head spinning, then I hear something
   Ohhhhh bro let loose, then one of the guys topples to the ground. I here a punch being flown at the other guy and someone say, "that's not hoe you treat a girl, yeah I scream in my head. The other guy falls, and they both lay there.
   Moments later I hear footsteps, they are gone, and the little brown dog is still there. Then I see the face, and I blink, is it so. "Jeff" I breath, he smiles, "I can't let you get spoiled and hurt for the tryouts can I" he says, his voice is almost ringing, like a song.
   All at once I hear the words to 1000 miles playing in my head

If I could fall into the sky
Do you think time would pass me by
Cause you know I'd walk 1000 miles
If I could just see you tonight

   He lets his hand down to me, and I take it, my fingers rap around it and I stand. "Wow, that was a tough fight, two against one, good thing I was here to save the day" "I smile, even though it hurts, " I'm glad you were" then we just stare, for a long time, this is even better then any dream, any ferry tale, because this is real, and it happened to me.
   I almost fall again as I feel my hurt knee let loose, then I feel his arm around my back, "thanks I say, "we sit down on the curb and the dog runs to us. He nudges his nose against me and I sure there, next to Jeff, all at once my imply night feels full. The pain in my knee fades a bit and I stretch it out. "So I don't even know your name, but I feel like I know you really well" "Andy" I say "irs short for Addison" "nice, I'm Jeff, good to Finley meet you" we both laugh.
   Time rushes by as we talk, talk about theater, about school, summer tv, and so much more. Then I glance at him one more, and his eyes shine in the dark, we look at each other and then he says "well I guess I'll see you on Monday Andy" he then slowly walks away. From where he came from, and he glances back, I step off the sidewalk and walk away from where so much happened in just a few hours, I glance back at what is just a small figure in the dark.

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