Chapter seven

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Just pick up Logan, I yell into the phone, I had been trying to reach that kid for an hour, no such luck. I lay on the bed, music playing in the background, my sister and her friend are playing ping pong in the basement, I can hear the echoing of the balls in my room.

My phone rang, I looked at the caller,

Jake Williams

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, why was he calling me.

Hey Andy
Wanna come hang out with me
Wanna come over
Do you wanna come hang out
I thought you and Britney were kind of a thing
No I mean she likes me
Well I'm dating someone
I know Jeff, he doesn't have to know you know
Ok I'll be there in like five
Sweet see you then hot shot
Yeah see you, and dint even think about smooth talking me, I'm dating
Just because your dating doesn't mean I am

Jake has great hair so he won't be a bore to talk to, plus he dresses great too.

"Hey Andy" jake says throwing an arm around my shoulder, he is such a player. "What's up player" I say in my best sexy voice, even though I feel like such a jerk. "Wanna hit the beach" "I didn't bring a swim suit" just wear those, he point to my clothes, "it's winter" I say, "then we can cuttle harder" "you perv" he just laughs, I do too, I feel a bit better, but I'm still mad and depressed.

"I hope Logan is not at the beach" "why" "ummm did I just say that out loud" "spill" his eyes grew interested "jake I don't know if I want to tell you" "come on Andy I know you can resist this face" "I could if I wanted to, but I'm in the mood to gossip, so listen close Jakey boy." "You know what would solve all of this, if you just go out with me."

"Jump in and we can talk about it on the way" I looked at his red truck with pleasure" "nice ride" "yup for a pretty girl" "true" I hop in the passenger seat, my hair wiping in my face.

I look at jake, he reaches a hand over and pushes the strands out of my face, his trademark. "Now tell me, I'm listening," "you just love gossip" "yup and from a girl like you, I'm all over it."

"Logan is mad because I like Jeff and I blew him off at the movies" "wow? Andy's playing dirty" "shut up" he laughs and pulls into the sandy parking lot . "Wanna rent a boat" "can you even drive one" I laugh" "yeah, only the best for my girl" "oh how sweet" I say sarcastically, "ohhh Andy is bashing my, watch it hot shot" "positively scared"

The next thing I know jake has me on his back, "want to go snorkeling" "yeah" "two please" we throw off our flip flops, even though it's winter, and we are sure to wake up the next morning with colds, it's so worth it.

We climb on the boat, jakes arm around me. "You can leave your arm around me because you paid for this little Palouse" I joke brushing my hair out of my face. "Oh I would do it anyway." "Good because I'm glad you do" I sit up, wind slaps me In the face, I look at jake, he us Judy staring at me, his eyes shining. "What if I kiddied you" he asks "then I would slap you" rough" "I'm not a slut" "I'll go with that" he says leaning in, our noses are nearly touching

Okay so, maybe I do kind of like jake, but I'm dating Jeff, maybe I wouldn't mind if he kissed me. "You'll go with a slap" I whisper" "after you kiss me."
I can feel myself blushing, I'm a horrible person, his lips brush against mine, and I just sit there and let it happen as butterfly's rush into my stomach" I just stare at him, I'm shocked that he acutely kissed me, I'd that the only reason he invited me over.

"See I'm not such a bad kisser" "nope" I'm just staring at the waves as they raise and then fall again. Sprinkling us. "Did I put you in that much of a trance" jake laughs "yup" jake looks closer into my eyes" "Andy are you okay, did you want to kiss me that much" she sakes me.

I Phase out of my thoughts of the waves, "the waves are amazing" I say dazed "yeah sure" I look at jake" "wait what just happened to me" I snap" "mood swing" "really" "yeah" "Sorry" I was thinking of how I'm a horrible person, "Jeff doesn't need to know you kissed me" "right."

The boat stops and we step off, "everything will be okay Andy" he days fighting his grip a
On my shoulder" "oh it's horrible" I say, then tears flow, oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing, "Andy you are going to be okay" he places both hands on my shoulders" and I just cry onto his shoulder. "There is no crying in the ocean" jake says bridging tears off my face "if they cause you that much pain dump them both."

"I'm not that heartless" I say, "good your done crying, I was beginning to worry" I laugh, "you and me both," I say.

We put our gear on, well jake puts our gear on, I'm not that smart. "Jump in" he says, "umm" then he pushes me and I fall
, but I fall laughing, I jumps in after me, and we both laugh

I hug him, "thanks jake," "no prob baby" he says jokingly of course" I just smile and look into the sky, If things were always this perfect.

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