Chapter four

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      "What are you doing here, you didn't even text me before you came over," it is Saturday, I am standing in Jennicas front entry, "I didn't know I had to" "well can't you see I have company" I stick my head in and guess who is sitting on the living room couch, BRICE. I quickly look away, "why him?" I ask, "what is that supposed to mean," "oh nothing"
   "I'm getting braces today" "scary, are you scared" "kind of" "there is like so much stuff you can't eat" "yeah I know."
   Brice is crunching on popcorn and glaring at me, I roll my eyes at him. "Go snuggle with your stupid boyfriend I'll see you later," I say backing away.
   I kick a rock off the path and it bounces off into the grass. I start thinking about Jeff, why would he be texting another girl, yet be nice and perfect with me, is he a player.

   Sunday is a bore, I lay in bed feeling my new braces with my finger. It was a long process filled with rules and stuff.
   Music is playing in my room, soft classical, "Andy get up for church" my mom walks into my room, well my stepmom. I have a little sister who lives with us, my dad and my stepmom. My little sister is 13 and a snot.
   I can hear her in the kitchen now, "why does Andy get to sleep in, it's not fair" "because her teeth hurt" I mumble. "Yummy pancakes and bacon" my sister Kylie says pulling a chair out. I clump into the kitchen my hair in a loose ponytail, "you look lovely" Kylie says snarly. "Shush" I say with a terrible lisp, "how i embarrassing you sound my dear" she says lisping even more
   "Quit mocking you sister Kylie" my mom Susan says handing my some toast and bacon. My stepmom is tall and thin with a pronounced face and thin fingers. She has a sweetness about her that does not fit in our sarcastic quick tempered family, I'm surprised she stays here.
   "I'm not hungry" I say "I'll have yours" Kylie says grabbing at the plate, "no I'll eat it later" I imply. "It will be cold and gross" "I don't care, it's not even yours anyway" "girls quit arguing" Susan chimes in. I ease away and sit leaning my palm against my forehead. "These braces suck" I say "good" "your so rude Kylie" I bellow...silence complete silence

   Hours later I'm back in bed with a growing headache. I can't call Jen because of our little fight yesterday, I just lay there feeling sorry for myself, I cry myself to sleep like a little baby.
   The morning comes fast and I Jolt awake by the ringing of my alarm, I can hear my mom prancing around downstairs, as well as the ringing of Kylie's alarm in her room. I lay up and pull my hair out of a hair band. It's 6:30 and my mouth is aching. I roll out of bed and just sit on the floor crying. I don't care about Jeff anymore because he is a stupid cheater. I pull on a black hoodie and some light blue acid washed jeans.
   The hoodie is from Sadie Hawkins dance last year, I went with Brice. It was a blast, we went to a movie and dinner and the dance. I was also with Jen and her date Brandon.
   Country music is blaring from my parents room, I know that my dad is getting ready just by the music.
   I flip on the radio and I'm comes music of my style. I pull my hair up into a top knot and throw on some makeup. Kylie walks into my room, her hair is straightened and she has like three coats of mascara, "can I barrow your white scarf" "no" "why" "because I said no" "you never share" "neither do you"
   she is wearing a jean jacket knitted pink shirt and dark jeans. I push her out and spay on some perfume.

   "Wanna order pizza for lunch" I ask Jen as we walk down the hall, "I'm going to lunch with Brice" "oh, well then have fun" "your just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend" "no I mean he, never mind" I walk off my stomach feeling like it's going to burst, I want to tell her, but what if I'm wrong, I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I text Logan and ask him if he wants to go for lunch, he's all over it, " anything to get away from jasmine he says meeting up with me.
   "I like your braces" he says grinning "don't lie to me" "I'm not, they suit you" "yeah you think so" he just smiles and gets two sodas. "Your a good sport Logan" I say sitting done at a table. "I always try to be a good friend" "well you do a good job" he slides in next to me. "So are we still seeing Star Wars this weekend" "of course" I whack him with my blue light saber keychain. "Ahhhh" he laughs and slides my drink over to me, cranberry cream soda my favorite, "wow you remembered" I say, "of course" he nudges me in the side with his elbow,
   Logan and I have pretty much been best friends for like four years, and whenever a good new movie comes out we see it togother; we have been waiting for star wars for the whole year, we even got matching light sabers.
   Whenever I'm with him he lifts my mood, I feel like I could talk to him about anything, so I spill.
   "Logan" "yeah" he turns and looks at me, his amazing blue eyes shining. "Did you know that Jennica is dating Brice" "yeah why, do you want him or something, because if you need a guy I'm here for you" I just laugh "no, I mean no I don't want him, and I would never want him, you deserve someone better then me" "no I was just kidding" he says quickly "he is a jerk" "what did I do" his face looks Interested, "I'm not one to gossip, but you know last year that we were dating" "you were, I thought your mom said you two couldn't date" "yeah I know, but the thing is that he is a cheat a player, I caught him cheating on me, with Ashley turner, and then he lies and says that she is his cousin" "that jerk, I can't believe he would do that to you" then he gives me a hug and I all of a sudden cry, I cry about everything, Jeff, Brice, Jen and just my life right now in General. "I think you should let her get it for herself" "but I don't want to brake her heart, she is my best friend" "well she won't believe what you tell her, you know her" "yeah but then she is gunna be like, why didn't you tell me and stuff."
   "Hey love birds" we both look over, it's  one of our friends, Morgan jones, "hey Morgan "hey chicken" "wow, shallow" "your chicken because you won't ask Logan out" "wow who ever said I liked him" Logan looks away, I saw his face, he was red as a tomato, "I mean I do but not in that way." Then all at once Logan gets up and walks away. "Logan LOGAN" I stand up, he looks back, then leaves.
   I sit back down, "what was that" "girl, your soooooo blonde, don't you know that he likes you" "what" my stomach is sinking in, "no." Now I feel like a jerk, I berry my head in my arms, I never felt this mean and terrible before.

Dear dairy
   All my friends are mad at me, well most of them, it turns out Logan likes me, Jen thinks I'm jealous of her boyfriend and Jeff.... Is a player, teens my dear dairy tears
Love Andy

   I turn on the radeo, and guess what is on, true friend

Your a true friend
Your hear to the end
You pull me aside
When something ain't right

   "Not", I scream, "I'm the worst friend, I don't pull Jen aside when something ain't right, I'm the worst friend ever."
   What can I do to help my friends like me again, love story comes on the radeo.

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

Then I see me running through the forest, not with Jeff, with Logan.  I start thinking, do I like him, or not, I can't, I mean I've only thought of him as a friend. I scan through the photos of him and I.
   Holding up gingerbread houses, his arm around my shoulder, and I am smiling. I always have felt so at home with him, he lets me be me.
   Him and I standing on the forth of July looking at the fireworks , we are both looking at each other, well who would not want to look into those eyes.
   Then my thoughts fall to amber, the girl Jeff was tecting, I am going to talk to her at school tomorrow.

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