You went to your house getting ready for going to Moonlight hill (just made it it's from jelsa). You wore a cute red dress and a gold bracelet and a pinkish peach flats it was 4:57 and you waited outside. He's car was there, he went out and saw you and he said "your beautiful. I have a surprise for you at moonlight hill." You said," Thanks. Really a surprise." He opened the door for you and you sat at front. Then, you arrived their you and him were sitting on the bench watching the sunset. Then he got something from his pocket and gave you a necklace in a red velvet box. You said,"Thanks it's so sweet of you."He said,"Your welcome can I ask you a question?". You said "yes, of course"!. He said," um.. This is gonna be weird but will you be my girlfriend?". You said,"Yes". You and him hugged each other and you kissed him on the lips for 5 seconds. You smiled and then he smirked. You and him had a picnic after eating, he ready two swings and hang it on the trees. You said, aww. You grabbed his hand and swinged he smirked at you. After swinging, you and him were at the bench sitting watching the stars. Then he faced you and he kissed you and you kissed back. After he dropped you In Your house.
Thanks guys for reading!! Sorry, it's short heheheh.