Chapter 2: New Member

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  Ruby Rose's eyes shot open. Sunlight was just starting to make its way through the window of her dorm room, casting a faint glow throughout. She rolled in her bunk to peer at the clock. Glancing the time, she couldn't help but smile. Climbing from her bunk slowly she silently made her way across the room, careful not to wake her room mates. She turned to survey the room, hands on her hips. There were a total of four beds in the room, two bunk beds on either side, with large window in the center of the back wall. It was small, but still large enough for all the girls to live comfortably. Ruby reached into the pocket of her pajama pants and produced a small metalic item. She held it to her lips, and blew into it with all her might.

  The sound of the whistle rang throughout the whole room, the shrill tweeting bouncing off every surface to amplify its effects. The other girls shot up like rockets, pulled from their dreams in a instant. "Gooooooooood morning everyone!" Ruby said excitedly. "Sleep well?" Her answer came in the form of a barrage of angry pillows, and she caught one to shield herself. When the pillows stopped coming, she peeked out from behind her own. "Is that a no?"

  Ruby's bunk mate, a white haired girl in her late teens, spoke first. "I was, until SOMEBODY decided it was a good idea to play marching band at.." She looked at the clock. "6 AM?!" Ruby beamed. "That's right, 6 AM! If we're going to spend this Saturday right, we need to get a early start!" Her enthusiasm wasn't shared as the other girls groaned loudly in annoyance.

  "The weekends are meant for sleeping in, not getting up at 6 in the morning ya dummy." This came from another girl, a golden blond with purple eyes. She pulled the covers over her face, slightly muffling her voice. "We can play games later, but go back to bed." Ruby shook her head, her short black-red hair swishing side to side. "Come on Yang, its the weekend! Why waste the day sleeping away?" She looked back at her bunk mate, who had also retreated to the warmth of her blankets. "Aww Weiss, dont be a spoilsport. I have the whole day planned!" When she got no answer, she turned to the last bunk. "What about you, Blake?" She asked in a childlike manner. "You ready to have some fun?"

  "Just five more minutes..." Blake said sleepily, rolling toward the wall, her blankets wrapped around her like a fleece cocoon. Ruby frowned, her bottom lip pouting out and she raised the whistle again. Her second wake up call was interrupted by a vibrating sound coming from the small tablet like device on her nightstand. She walked over and tapped the alert icon on her screen. It read "Morning Assembly. Please report to the Amphitheater at 7:30 AM. Alert; Morning Assembly. Please report..." She put the device down, and the other girls did likewise.

  "Well, looks like its gona be an early morning after all." Yang said while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  "Ugh, no fair." Replied Weiss, still burred in her bedspread. "Is it to much to ask for some decent beauty sleep?" Blake stood and stretched out her arms, her black hair tumbling past her shoulders, which was still suffering from a bad case of bead head. "Well, there's always next Saturday. Cant sleep through the assembly."

  "That's the spirit Blake!" Ruby said, and she wrapped the drowsy teen in a bear hug. "Now, wipe that sleep away, cuz team RWBY is going to have the best Saturday ever!" She then added, "After the assembly, of course. First dibs on shower!"


By the time the girls reached the Amphitheater, students had already begun to find friends and take their places. The large room was filled with yawns and questions, each student wanting to know why they had been summoned so early. The girls were greeted by another group of students, who not surprisingly were still feeling the effects of disturbed weekend slumber.

  "Mornin' Jaune!" Ruby said to her blond haired friend. He yawned as she embraced him. "Sleep well?"

  His voice was groggy. "Yeah, but I think somebody was playing an instrument in their room. Some sort of whistling noise woke me up. Did you hear anything?"

  "Wha-? Nope, Not me. Didn't hear a thing." She smiled a sheepish grin, hoping that he'd buy it in his half awake state. Behind her, Weiss rolled her eyes. Ruby turned to the rest of the group. "So, any idea what this is about?" Pyrrha, a girl with bright red hair and green eyes, gave a shrug. "I haven't the slightest idea, sorry." The dark haired boy named Ren, also shrugged. "Beats me." He said. "Any ideas, Nora?....Nora?" The group turned to look at their orange haired companion who was standing behind them. Or, at least sitting behind them. They looked down to find her in her chair, chin resting in her hand, snoring as she slept. Pyrrha gave her a gentle nudge with her foot and Nora's eyes opened. "I'm awake!" She said as she shot to her feet with a sudden burst of energy. "Did I miss anything?"

  Just then, the stage located in the front of the room lit, and a large projected face appeared. Pyrrha chuckled lightly. "I think you're just in time." The face began to speak.

  "Good morning students." Headmaster Ozpin began, "I know that it is early, but I would not have called this assembly if there was no good reason to." His voice, unlike the students, was alert and full of energy, which in turn seemed to wake up the students as they listened. "As you are all aware, Beacon Academy is where the brightest students come to learn the ways of the hunt. I'm sure that all of you remember your initiation trial, and the challenge it provided."

  Yang turned to Ruby in confusion, to which her younger sister shrugged. Around them, students were talking in hushed tones, wondering what the headmaster could mean by this.

  "That being said, we have the opportunity to witness a new student attempt this same trial. Now, seeing how we don't normal do this, he will be attempting this challenge with the condition that he complete it on his own." This brought more whispers from the crowd, and the projection changed to show a male in his late teens standing atop a large cliff overlooking a large green forest. He wore a suit of modern combat armor made from an extremely tough yet lightweight metal, that covered his entire body. His face was concealed by a full helmet, made from a grey metal with a black visor that gave the appearance of a glaring enemy, the slits running all the way down the front of the mask. He stood with his arms folded, staring out at the forest.

  Ozpin's voice started up again and the room grew silent as the students watched. "This young man will be taking his initiation test in the Emerald Forest. Like all of you, he will have until sundown to find a totem within the forest and return it to Beacon Cliffs." The screen returned to Ozpins face. "The trial will begin shortly, so all who wish to watch the young man's attempt may stay and do so. If not, you may leave now. You are dismissed." Ozpin's face vanished and replaced by a timer with a ten minuet countdown. Ruby watched as students began to file out, with a handful of more curious ones staying behind. She herself was interested, although her friends seemed to have little reason to stay. Her sister gave her a tug on the arm as she passed.

  "You guys not staying?" Ruby asked. She assumed she knew the answer already, but it never hurt to ask. Jaune shook his head. "As cool as that sounds, i'd rather get something to eat. I'm sure the kid will do fine." He turned to the rest of the group. "Anyone else hungry?" A mix of "I'm in" and "Me too." came from the group and they started to leave, leaving Ruby alone. "Come on, you're not even a little bit interested?" Weiss turned up her nose. "Why would I waste my time watching some random person do the exact same thing we all did last semester? I have other things to concern my time with, and staring at some boy isn't one of them." Her mind made up, Weiss quickly turned on her heels, her white skirt swirling as she walked out of the now almost empty amphitheater. Nora, who had fallen asleep again, was woken with a nudge from Ren, and she quickly followed the group out. She looked over her shoulder to shout a quick apology to Ruby, and then ran to catch up with the others, leaving her standing in the doorway alone. Ruby looked at her feet, rubbing her forearm. "Ok..see you later then." She proceeded to walk toward the stage, the timer now reaching 1 minuet. Letting out a sigh, she took a seat and watched the clock count down. "Alrighty then," she thought, "Lets see what you got."

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