Chapter 7: A Duel To Remember

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  Yang rested her hands on her hips, a cocky smile on her face. She eyed Nix as he entered the arena, his expression almost mimicking hers. She quickly sized him up. He was a few inches shorter than her, and didn't appear all that muscular. Although his average build still had some tone to it, hinting he was stronger than he looked. Plus, she had to admit he did have a nice face.

  "Well well, " came a mocking voice from the crowd, "Newbie thinks he stands a chance in the ring."

  Yang rolled her eyes. "He stands more of a chance than you do Cardin." A series of ooooohs and laughs erupted from the students, but Glynda raised a hand for silence.

  "Very well, Mr. Spherule. Do you know the rules of the duel?"

  "Uh, not really."

  Goodwitch didn't seem surprised with his answer. The professor tapped her Scroll and Nix name and picture appeared on the screen above the stage. A life bar ran underneath.

  "This bar represents your current status while in the duel. Once your bar turns red, the duel is over and your opponent is declared winner. Your Aura will protect you from physical damage, but only prevents you from breaking the skin. Other than that, this will be full contact. Please step into the arena."

  Nix stood a few feet away from Yang, his heart pounding. She was even prettier up close. "Wow, what a looker."

  Yang gave her knuckles a crack. "So, you're the new kid everyone's talking about. Seeing its you're first time, I could go easy on you, if you ask nicely." The other students laughed again, and Ruby rolled her eyes.

  Nix smiled confidently. "What, and ruin all the fun? No way." He put on his helmet and shook out his arms, loosening them up.

  "Ooo, confident are we? I like that."

  "Well then, care to make this interesting?"

  Yang tilted her head teasingly to one side. "How so?"

  "If I let me take you out for dinner."

  Nix could hear small gasps and whispers from the crowd. Yang herself laughed a little, the sound of it a sweet melody in his ears. Ruby however, couldn't believe what she was hearing at all, her jaw hanging open. "Is he for real?"

  "And if I win?" Yang asked.

  "Ill pay for the food."

  Ruby fell back in her seat, stunned. "He's for real."

Yang laughed again and dropped into a fighting stance. "Alright, its a bet. Hope you don't mind expensive taste."

  Nix did likewise. "Not when its free." Yang smiled to herself. "Ooo, I like you a lot."


Nix slowed his breathing, his heart pounding in his chest. His hands began to glow as he summoned his sword and shield, catching them as they fell into his hands. The crowd emitted a series of "ooohs" and "ahhhs" as the appeared, Yang herself dropped her guard a little, suprised by the weapons sudden creation. Her hands were back up in an instant as she bounced on the  balls of her feet, itching for the fight to begin. Nix pounded his blade on the front of his shield, getting himself hyped.

  "Alright, lets go!" He cried, and Yang grinned in determination.

  Glynda shouted "Begin!" and the students charged, a battle cry roaring from the two as they swung their first attacks. Their weapons clashed in a shower of sparks, Yangs gauntlet deflecting the boys sword to the side. His second slash was blocked, and Yangs follow up punch slammed into Nix shield. They traded blows, the sounds of clanging steel mixing with the cheers from the crowd. Ruby watched the event in wonder, cheering for both fighters as they dueled.

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