Chapter 8: Friendly Faces

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  Lunch was already being served by the time Nix and the girls entered the dining hall. The hall was quite large, with long tables stretching throughout. He followed the girls to a table near the center of the room, a group of students already seated there. One of them waved as they approached, the rest making room for them to sit. Yang sat down and patted the spot next to her. Nix lowered himself slowly, his whole body sore. He was quickly introduced to the rest of the group, four girls and two boys. Ruby went around and introduced them one by one.

  "Everyone, this is Nix, the new guy." She pointed to each person as she spoke. She started with a black haired girl with amber eyes. On her head was a large black bow that seemed to resemble a pair of ears, which went with her lightly cat like appearance. She wore a black vest over a white top, with one detached sleeve on her right arm, along with long black stockings that led to a pair of low heeled boots. " This is Blake, one of our team mates."

  "Hi." She greeted him in a calm voice, her attitude pretty mellow. Ruby moved on.

  "That's Jaune, the one in the hoodie." He wore a small breastplate and shoulder guards over his black hoodie and a pair of blue jeans. He looked up from his comic book and gave Nix a kind smile. "Hows it goin?"

  "Next to him is Pyrrha, probably the best fighter at Beacon." The girl smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. "Now, I wouldn't say that." Her hair was waist long and red, done into a ponytail. She was muscularly built, which backed up Ruby's statement. She wore a a pair of bronze greeves that started mid thigh, her top also made of some sort of sturdy brown material. Her eyes were a lively green, filled with kindness. She had a brown detached sleeve on both arms, with a bronze bracelet on her left. A small headpiece was partially covered by her hair. She extended her hand, and Nix shook it gently. "Welcome to Beacon." She said with a warm smile.

  Next came a boy with dark hair that also ended in a long ponytail. He had a single magenta highlight in his hair, which matched the color of his eyes. He wore a green tailcoat which gave him a monk like appearance. He regarded Nix with a tone simulier to Blake's, his voice monotone. "Nice to meet you."

  "That's Ren, he's pretty chill." The next girl however, was just the opposite. She rushed up to Nix in a flash, looking at him from all angles like she was conducting an investigation. She quickly snatched up Nix's helmet and looked it over in fascination. "Ooooo...shiny."

  Nix chuckled at the girls forwardness, Ruby laughing as well.

  "This is Nora. She can be a little hyper, so watch out."

  Nix laughed as he swiped his helmet away, and Nora frowned in mock sadness. Her outfit consisted of a mix match of colors, which Nix thought mirrored her personality. She wore a black collared vest over a white top, with a heart shaped cut out on her chest. Her skirt was pink and ended mid thigh, and wore a pair of pink fingerless gloves with her white detached sleeves. Her hair was orange and cut short, with bright turquoise eyes. Nix found her extremely likable with her boundless energy and playful attitude. He smiled and handed her back the helmet, which she took it with glee.

  "And finally," Ruby said, "there's Weiss."

  The white haired girl gave Nix a cold look, her gaze judgmental. The look sent chills through Nix's body, the mood suddenly dropping a little. Her hair was long and done into a ponytail that came a little sideways off her head. She wore an extremely light blue jacket over a white dress that ended around mid thigh, her wedge heeled boots coming up to her calf. Nix could tell her attitude was a lot different from the rest, giving off a more serious vibe. Although he was a little intimidated by her, he couldn't help finding her quite attractive.

  "Charmed." She said, a hint of ice in her voice. Nix felt as if a winters chill had blasted through him, and the girl stood. "Well, I have other matters to attend to." Nix watched her as she walked away, and Yang gave him a nudge.

  "Don't mind her, she can be a little difficult at first."

  "Yeah," Ruby chimed in, "She can be nice once you get to know her."

  "Oh, I bet."

  Nix glanced over at Jaune, who was still deep into his comic. His eyes lit up when he saw the cover. "Hey, is that issue 15 of X-Ray and Vav?" Jaune's head shot up.

  "You a fan?"

  "The biggest!"

  Jaune's eyes went wide and came to sit beside Nix, the two getting along instantly. Yang rolled her eyes and laughed. "Just what we need, another super nerd." The others laughed too, warming up to their new classmate. Nora wrapped her arms around Nix in a surprise hug.

  "Yay for new friends! Can we keep him, pleeease?"

  Nix laughed, and for the first time in a long while, felt truly happy.

  "I think I'm really gonna like it here."


The day rolled on and Nix moved from class to class, time flying by as he learned. Eventually the day ended and the students returned to their dorms. Nix walked back with his new friends, his room much to their excitement happening to be right next to theirs. He went to bed that night with a smile on his face, no longer feeling like the outsider at Beacon.

  The days came and went, Nix growing closer with the group as time went on, although Weiss still seemed wary of him.  He learned much from his classes, and enjoyed the company of friends in his spare time. Nix had forgotten what it felt like to be normal, and for the first time in years, things were going right.

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