Chapter 1: Fresh Start

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Life seems to never slow down in the city of Vale. The midday sun shining down on the citizens as they move from place to place, task to task. Birds sing and the whole place is alive with the sounds of city life. And at the center of it all stands Beacon Academy, a shining symbol of hope in the fight against the forces of darkness, and for one young man, his one chance at redemption.

  "I cant believe I made it!" He thought as he approached the main doors. The walk was long, but with each step, he could feel his excitement grow. He stared at the large fountain before him, a massive monument to Hunters and Huntress of old. He had heard stories of the Hunters during his travels, tales of warriors who fought against the Grimm, terrible beasts that wished to wipe out humanity. He thought briefly of home, with the weight of what he was about to do crashing over him like a wave, but he quickly brushed the feeling aside as he neared the large doorway. Students glanced at him as he passed but they did little to lower his confidence. He took a deep breath. "This is it." He reached for the door. "Finally, I can-"

  He was cut off as he collided with the door, falling flat on his back with a thud. Some of the students let out small gasps of surprise or giggled as he rose off the ground. One student came over an extended a hand. "Hey, you OK?" she asked as she helped him up. "Yeah, i'm fine, thanks. Whats with the door?" She gave him a small smile. "Well, it would help you pulled it." Behind her, two more girls hid their giggles behind their hands. The boy could feel his cheeks getting hot. "Great start, man!"

  "So, are you lost or something?" The girl asked.

  "What? Oh, no. I'm actually looking for the one in charge."

  She gave him a puzzled look. "Um, you mean like a professor?" The boy shook his head. "No, not like that." He put some confidence in his voice now.  "I plan on enrolling."

  The girl raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by another woman voice. "Ladies, it is time to return to class." The boy turned to see a blond haired woman approach the group and the girls walked away. The woman wore a white shirt leading down to a business skirt, her heels clicking across the stonework path. She stopped in front of him.  "And who might you be?" she said with folded arms, her voice firm. Clearly this woman was to be taken seriously, and her attitude put the boy on edge.  He straightened up to his full height although he couldn't stop his voice from wavering slightly as he spoke.

  "Nix Spherule, ma'am." He smiled at the woman, but it faded when her expression didn't change.  He cleared his throat. "I was, uh, I was was wondering who I could talk to about enrolling."

  The woman's green eyes narrowed slightly behind her glasses, her gaze turning to one of judgment. "Is that so? Did you attend a Combat School?"

"Yes..well, sort of." Nix replied. "I was -"

  "You do realize that this academy only accepts the best candidates to train and learn here." She scoffed lightly. "Do you have any combat experience at all?"


  "If not, I'm afraid that this school is not for you. Now, if you have an application you would like to submit, we can take a look at it starting next semester. But until then I will have to ask you to leave the campus." She swung her arm towards the the way he came in, and Nix could feel his chance slipping away. 

  "Please ma'am, if I could just explain-" he started, but the woman paid no regard as she walked away. As he started after her, the large main doors behind them opened, and a middle aged man wearing a black suit and trousers walked out into the sun. The man had a proud, yet relaxed posture as he walked, his cane shining in the summer suns warm rays.  He spoke as he neared.

  "Glynda," He said with mock surprise, "Aren't you late for class?" The woman regarded him warmly. " I'm sure the students would appreciate a few minuets to get settled." She threw a look over her shoulder. "I was just finishing with this young man here."

  "Ah, and who might you be, young man?" The gentleman extended his hand and took Nix's in a firm handshake. "Nix Spherule, sir." The man dropped his hand. "Very nice to meet you, Nix. I am Ozpin, Headmaster hear at Beacon. What brings you here today?"

Nix's heart began to pound. He still had a chance! "I wish to enroll sir."

The man smiled, which helped put Nix at ease. He adjusted his glasses, his soft eyes looking down at him.  "I see. Well, i'm sure Glynda has informed you that we are in the middle of a semester, so if you would like to submit an application we will surly give it a look over when the next semester starts." Nix's got an anxious feeling in his gut, but he wasn't backing down. "I'm sorry sir, but I cant wait that long. " Ozpin chuckled. "I admire your eagerness young man, but i'm afraid that we just cant take students on in the middle of a semester. Have you attended combat school?"

  "No, he hasn't." Glynda answered, shooting Nix another judging look. "I told him the same things you have but he doesn't seem to understand." She looked back at Ozpin. " I just don't see how he could preform at the level of the other students without proper training."

Ozpin nodded slowly in agreement, a hand on his chin. "I am afraid she is right. Beacon is a highly prestigious school, meant for those who have proven themselves to be above the average person." He regarded Nix with a soft but serious tone. "Without experience, you cannot attend this academy."

Nix's gut began to twist tighter as he listened. This wasn't going well. His mind raced, trying to come up with something, anything, that could help him. He could lie, say that he attended some combat school they haven't heard of before, but chances of that working here seemed slim. Giving up wasn't on the table either, so that left him with only one choice. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before speaking, choosing his words carefully.

"Please sir, all i'm asking for is a chance. I've worked years for this moment, traveled across the whole kingdom just to come here. I may have never attended any fancy combat schools, but I know exactly what we're up against, and I know the risks. Ill do anything, but please, just let me prove I belong here."

Time seemed to stand still as Nix's words hung in the air. Ozpin remained silent, his eyes locked on the boys. It felt like the man could see straight into his soul, the look on his face burning itself into Nix's brain. "What if this didn't work? What then? I cant go back home, so what do I do?" The boys head swarmed with questions, but a sudden voice tore him from his thoughts.

"Very well, i'll grant you one chance. But know this," His voice took a serious tone again. "this will be one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face." "Are you sure you want to do this?" Nix's eyes lit up, barely containing his excitement . "Yes I am, sir." Ozpin smiled and shook the boys hand again. "Well then, let us meet here again tomorrow morning at 8 AM sharp, don't be late." 

It was at this time that Glynda started to protest, but the Headmaster rose a hand to signal silence. He regarded Nix again before turning away. "I look forward to seeing your performance." With that, he motioned for Glynda to follow and he headed back inside. Nix waited until the doors were closed behind them before he celebrated. He jumped and punched the sky in triumph. "Yes!" He exclaimed as he ran back to town. He had a lot to prepare for, and he wasn't about to lose this moment. He walked with his head held high, for tomorrow, a new chapter of his life would begin, and all that he had worked for was abut to pay off.


Back at Beacon, Ozpin looked out over the city from his office. He watched the boy run back down the stone path back to town, his pack bouncing on his back with ever stride. He smiled to himself as he turned to Glynda who was standing beside him. She looked at him in curiosity. "I dont understand. Why give the boy a chance? What did you see in him?"

Ozpin tuned back towards the window.   "I saw spirit, Glynda. He will do me."

RWBY: Grimm WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now