Chapter 3: The Test

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  Nix looked out at the vast forest that lay beyond him, a seemingly endless sea of green against a backdrop of blue, with faint clouds streaking across the morning sky. Beacon Academy stood in the distance, nothing but a blurry collection of towers poking out of the treeline. A slight breeze blew with the cool air finding its way into the joints of his armor. It had been a long time sense Nix last saw a sight so peaceful as the one in front of him, the tranquility of it taking his breath away.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?" Came a voice to his right. Nix looked up to see Headmaster Ozpin standing beside him, a peaceful look on his face as he stared out at the landscape. "Don't let it fool you, the Emerald Forest is full of wild Grimm, and can be difficult to navigate as well." He looked at the boy beside him. "Are you ready young man?" Nix looked out at the forest one last time, wanting to remember as much as he could before getting started. After a few seconds he turned to the Headmaster. "Yeah, I'm ready."

  Ozpin smiled. "Excellent. Then please, follow me." Both men turned and walked to a wider side of the cliff, to which Glynda, the teacher from yesterday, was standing. Floating in the air beside her head was a small orb about the size of a grapefruit. It was metallic in color, and had what appeared to be a small lens sticking out the front side. A antenna stuck out the top. "We will be keeping an eye on you as you make your attempt." Ozpin said as they came to a stop in front of a fairly large square on the ground. The square was flush to the ground around it, and bore the schools emblem. "We are ready to begin the test." The woman nodded and looked at Nix, her eyes serious. "Step on the platform, please." Her tone sent shivers down Nix's spine. "Does this lady ever smile?" He thought as he took his place on the platform. It made a metallic clang as his boots made contact with its surface. The little orb floated in front of his face, the camera focusing on him.

  "Your task is to enter the forest and retrieve a relic from an old temple ruin. Once you do, you must the return here to Beacon Cliffs with the relic intact. Once you enter the forest, head north to the temple." Ozpin's tone turned serious. "Be warned, there are many dangers in the Emerald Forest. Not everyone who enters this test returns, so stay on your toes. The school will be watching, but you are on your own. Understood?"

  Nix straitened in attention. "Yes sir."

  "Then good luck young man, and do have a safe landing."

  Glynda took her place next to Nix. "Five seconds...four.."

  Nix dropped into a ready stance, focusing. His breathing became steady, and he flexed his fingers, loosening them up. It was only then when it clicked in his mind.

  "Wait, landing?"


  Nix was then hurdling through the sky like a missile, launched from the platform he was only seconds ago standing on. His cry of surprise trailed off as he flew farther away from the cliffs. Glynda gave the Headmaster a look. "I told you this was a bad idea." Ozpin watched as the boys figure shrank from site. "Have a little faith, Ms.Goodwitch. I believe he will do just fine."


Ruby watched the boy on screen as he tumbled through the air plummeting towards the trees below. Around her, students laughed and pointed, while some shook their heads in disappointment or hid their face behind their hands, not bearing to watch the coming impact. Her eyes widened as she watched, her heart pounding. If he didn't recover soon, he'd be torn apart on landing! She recalled her own experience with the landing stage of the test, and how she used her weapon as a breaking system. That seemed to the be the easiest way to do it, so she hoped he'd realize that soon. But now that she thought about it, she didn't see any weapons on the boy at all when he launched. Ruby began to get a sinking feeling in her gut. This was bad! Unless he had some trick up his sleeve, he'd end up as a fancy tree ornament. Ruby held her hands to her chest, silently pleading for the boy to make it.

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