Chapter 6: The New Guy

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  Nix's alarm woke him, the loud beeping tone disturbing his deep slumber. He reached out of bed and slammed the snooze button. "Morning already?" He slowly rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. After a quick shower he threw on a jeans and a t-shirt, covered with his favorite hoodie, a red one without sleeves. He made sure his hair was done and double checked his deodorant. Today was the first day of class for him, so first impressions were everything. He laced up his new sneakers and grabbed the backpack he bought in town the day before. Scroll in pocket, he checked himself over in the mirror one last time.

  "Lookin good, man. Lets do this."

  He opened his door and took a deep breath.

  "Time to rock some-"

  He collided with something solid mid sentence and fell back into his room. He looked up to see a large male student standing above him, a sneer on his face.

  "Watch where you're goin, newbie."

  Nix got up and watched the boy walk away, three others trailing behind him. He sighed to himself.

  "Great start man, just great. "


  The first part of the day went pretty smooth, with Nix moving from class to class. He sat through lectures, got textbooks, and actually learned more in one morning then he had in all his travels. History class fascinated him, although he found Grimm studies to be more about the professor retelling his glory days than actual study. He looked at his Scroll as he wandered the hallway, swiping through the days schedule.

  "Ok, History, Grimm Studies, now on to Combat Class." He around at all the different halls to choose from, all leading to a different part of the large campus. "If I could actually get there."

  He glanced around the crowded hallway, some students glancing at him as they passed. He tapped a passing girl on the shoulder and asked for directions. He wasn't expecting it when her eyes suddenly went wide, the girl gasping as if she just received the best gift in her life.

  "Ohmygosh, you're Nix, right?"

  Nix smiled awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, that's me."

  "I cant believe it! I have soooooo many questions for you! How'd you fight all those Grimm in the forest? Was it scary? Where'd your weapons go? Do you ha-"

Nix laughed. "Whoa whoa, slow down there. You haven't even told me your name."

  "Oh, sorry." She extended her hand. "Names Ruby Rose." Nix gave her hand a shake. She seemed younger than the other students he had met so far, but only by a year or two. She had short cut hair that came down to her shoulder, a slight red tint to it black color. She wore a black blouse that ended at her thigh with red under trimming, a small corset with red lace over the top. A red cloak trailed behind her, the bulky hood resting on her shoulders.

  "Well Ruby, I would love to answer your questions but I need to get to class. Care to tell me where combat class is?"

  Her eyes lit up again. "You have combat class right now too? That's great! We're totally in the same class together!"

"Oh boy."

  Nix shifted the weight of his back pack. "Well, looks like I'm following you then. Lead the way."


  They talked the whole way to class, Ruby bombarding him with questions. Nix couldn't help but take a liking to the young girl, her energy and cheerful attitude almost contagious. Plus, it was nice to have someone to really talk to rather than just a give a passing glance. The two were still talking when they entered the auditorium.

  "So you can just conjure up weapons whenever you want?"

  "Well, not exactly. My Aura can only create objects I've used before, but the larger the item, the more energy it takes to use it. The more I create it, the less energy it takes each time, so I can use it longer. I'm always learning to make new stuff though, just got to train a lot."

  A stern voice from the front of the room cut into their conversation. "Ruby Rose, Mr. Spherule, you're late. Glynda Goodwitch stood with her arms folded, tapping her foot as she waited for them to take their seats. Nix gave another awkward smile.

  "Yeah, I got a little lost on the way in, sorry about that." Glynda remained silent, giving him another one of her cold stares. Nix shuddered inwardly. "Seriously, does this woman ever smile?"

  Just then a boy came flying across the stage, slamming hard into the left side wall. Nix noticed a screen displaying what looked like health bars above the stage, the boys now displaying red. Nix looked to see the other fighter and laid eyes on one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. She was tall, with an athletic build and long slightly messy blond hair. Her eyes were a the color of lilacs, and they blazed with energy as she stood proudly on stage. She wore a short brown leather vest and boots, with black shorts and a belt with various pouches, her clothing accented with yellow to match her hair. She flexed her arms which each bore some kind of golden gauntlet. Nix was dumbstruck, leaning over to Ruby to find out who she was.

  "Hey, who's the blondie?

"Oh, that's Yang, my sister."

  "Your WHAT?!"

   Glynda gestured to the girl on stage as two students helped her opponent off.  "End match. Winner, Yang Xiao Long."

  Yang pumped her fists in the air, clearly fired up.

  "Booyah! Alright, who's next?"

  Ruby waved from her seat. "Way to go Yang!" She cheered, and her sister gave her a thumbs up. She leaned back over to Nix. "Yup, that's Yang for you. I can introduce you if...Nix?" She looked over to find the seat next to her empty.

  Glynda spoke up again. "Would anyone care to challenge Ms. Long?"

  A male voice suddenly came from the side of the stage. "I do."

Heads turned as Nix walked onto the stage, helmet already in hand.

  "I'll fight her."

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