Chapter 18: Nightmares

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Nix slowly opened his eyes with a yawn. Dawn had broken over the forest and sunlight shined lightly through the tent ceiling. He had slept well and deep despite his presence in the forest and felt well rested. He moved to sit up but felt a weight on his right side. He looked over to see Yang nestled up beside him, her head resting on his shoulder. She must have rolled over during the night and was still fast asleep, her breathing soft. Nix smiled as he looked at her, her beauty showing even as she slept. He moved to push her off but was stopped by another weight on his left arm. Curious he turned his head to see Weiss sleeping beside him, her arms wrapped around his. She cuddled the limb closely and Nix cheeks went a little red. "Oh come on, not you too."

The tent flap opened as Blake stepped inside, already changed into her normal clothes. She looked over at Nix and giggled a bit. "Morning. I see you slept well."

Nix shook his head with a slight laugh and struggled to sit up. "Yeah, and it looks like I'm no the only one. Care to help me out?"

The girl smiled and walked over to the still sleeping Yang. "Alright sleepyhead, rise and shine." She prodded her with her foot and Yang's lilac eyes blinked open. She yawned and looked at Nix. "Mornin." She said with a smile. She pushed off his shoulder and stretched with another yawn. Ruby stirred beside her as she woke as well, leaving Weiss the only one still asleep. Nix gently shook her awake. "Come on Weiss, wakey wakey." The girls face contorted slightly and she held his arm tighter, not wanting to get up. Nix laughed and started to pull his arm away, causing Weiss's eyes to flutter open. She looked at Nix with a half asleep expression then down to what she was holding. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed deep, quickly letting him go. The group laughed ans Weiss shot him a cold glare. "Don't. Say. Anything."

Nix swallowed and put up his hands. "I wont, I swear!"

Yang laughed and put an arm around his shoulder. "Alright you two, save the fight for the Grimm."

Nix stood and stretched. "Yeah, we better get moving. Lets do this."


The group quickly changed and met the others outside. After breakfast and a quick briefing, they broke camp and moved to the far side of the Valley closest to the extraction point. Nix puled out his Scroll and pulled up the battle map one last time.

"Alright guys, this is it. Remember the plan, we enter here and corral the Grimm towards the cave, that way we have less risk of being overrun. Once were done, we move up the ridge and get to the extraction point. Everyone ready?"

The group looked at each other and nodded. "Right then, link comms." Each member put a small earpiece in and toggled the switch on the side, everyone linking their communication channels together. Nix turned on his comm set which was built into his helmet, his friends voices coming in nice and clear.

Ruby looked over at the group and shouldered her weapon, switching it to its rifle mode. "This is gona be crazy!"

The group made their way down the rocky valley wall and hit the ground a few hundred yards away from the cave mouth. The area was eerily silent and put Nix on edge. What was stranger still is that there were no Grimm to be seen anywhere, the ground now bare except for the group of students. Pyrrha lowered her weapon and knelt. "I don't understand, the Grimm were just here." She stood and pointed toward the river. "The tracks are fresh, leading that way." Nora wined and let her hammer drop from her shoulder. "Aww, no fun."

Nix shook his head with a laugh when his HUD gave off an alert.

"Warning; Large entity detected." His compass showed a single red dot coming towards them, then three, then five, the dots multiplying until they became a single red mass. Nix turned towards the threats to see a large dust cloud coming towards them, moving away from the cave. The sound of hundreds of feet pounding the ground reached the groups ears and they all dropped int their battle stances.

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