Chapter 11: You Can't Control me.

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I dont know about this chapter...

He pulls out a chair and sits it next to me. I sit down, General still pointing a gun at my head. Talen pulls up a chair across from me.

Faint foot steps go past outside. Don't laugh in his face...

"Why can't you realize how much easier it will be for you here?"

I wonder this myself.

"I don't want to be part of this fantasy your living."

"It's not a fantasy Kenna. "

Truly I guess I just like fighting. Being this "Queen" makes me feel weak.

"You have an army, but there's nothing to defend against."

"My soldiers are untrained."


He sits up straighter in his chair. "You can join the rest of your friends in war then."

"General, give Kenna a dagger. Gather the troops."

"How do you expect me to kill an army with a knife?"

"I don't expect you to."

"Sir!" A guard barges threw the door.

"What is it?!" Talen's clearly annoyed.

"The prisoners they're all gone."

"How does that happen?" The General questions.

Talen stands up, pushing the chair back. He steps toward my chair.

"Tell me you had nothing to do with this."

I only smile sarcastically.

A hand connects to my cheek.

He just slapped me!


I march along side other soldiers. Talen and General riding horses in the front of the marching soldiers.

The soldiers around me have guns resting against their shoulders. And here I am with a knife.

After an hour and a half of walking on an old Highway a town comes into view.

Not so much a town but a neighborhood.

Two men stand at the entrance holding guns.

I could easily slip out of the troop...

No! I need to help these people.

The two men standing guard spot us. One runs into the neighborhood. Minutes later he returns with a 50 or so armed men.

50 against Talens 200. And he has hundreds back at the village.

Jake said it's the same thing every time.

Offer a society.

When they refuse invade.

Kidnap them and force them to join his army.

Kill the ones you have to.

Jake was right.

After one of the men refused Talen's offer, General order us to attack.

I simply followed them.  Once my troop had entered the cluster of houses I broke away from the troop.

"Hey!" A soldier called to me as I took off sprinting.

Talen's army was already entering the houses. I follow five men into a brick house.

A woman and a daughter sit at a kitchen table.

The dad must have been in their army.

Once the soldiers swing the door open and invade the little girl, no older than 11, started to cry.

She clung to her mother as soldiers tried to separate them. 

I ran to the soldier trying to pry the girl from the mother's grip. I grab his hair and shove my knife into the back of his head.

He immediately lets go of the girl and his feet fall from under him.

Instinctively, I grab the gun in his hand.

I quickly shoot the other four soldiers before they realized they were being attacked.

The daughter hugs her mother crying. The mother stares at me shocked. "Thank you."

"More soldiers will come, they will kidnap you." I don't waste time chatting. I look around the house to find an escape route. 

"Follow me." The mother and child follow me to a window towards the back of the house. 

I unlock, and open the window. I shut out and land in a floor bed.

The mother and I help the girl out, followed by the Mother.

I look around at the options.

There was a tall wooden fence that stretched along the back of the houses.

"We need to go over that fence."

The daughter stands on my shoulders and jumps over the fence. Then I help the mother by letting her stand on my hands.

"Thank you." She says before she disappears over the side of the fence.

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