Chapter 12: Theres nothing you can do for them

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Starting to wonder if I should start a different story and forget this one...

I pull myself back through the window back to the dead soldiers.

I grab another gun, knife, and spare magazine from the soldiers pockets. A gun in each hand, I run out the door.

Outside soldiers are dragging men back to General and Talen. The two just sit on their horses watching their army get bigger and bigger.

I decide to leave them around for a little while longer and start running the opposite direction.

If you shoot now, it will give away what side your on.

Once I knew I was out of sight from Talen and General I start shooting.

Soldier after soldier, I free men. Most run make to their houses, but one takes the deads soldiers gun. He, too, starts shooting.

Me shoulders are shoved and I fall onto the sidewalk. Dropping my guns to catch my self.

I push my body off the ground so I'm on my knees. A foot kicks my side. I fall back onto the ground.

I pull out my knife from my pocket to see a man holding a gun.

"How dare you kill my people!" He shoves the gun inti my forehead.

He isn't dressed like rest of Talen's soldiers.

"No you idiot! I'm saving you!" I jump to my feet, grabbing my guns.

The man seems unsure.

"Look, if I was with them I would have shot you already."

He seems to be persuaded.

"I'm wasting time with you." I take off down the road, following soldiers pulling innocent men.

I shoot a man from behind.


He falls on top the man he was dragging.

A soldier turns around to see his friend shot. He lets go off his prisoner and jumps on me.

My back hits the concrete followed by the mans body on top of me.

I pull my gun to shoot him.



Knowing guns are still useful, I swing and hit him atop his head.

He falls off me holding his head.

I get up, making sure to kick the man in the side, the switch the magazines.

I'm able to shot two more soldiers before seeing Talen and his army.

I'm running out of time!

I hear a scream to see the woman and little girl being shoved by three soldiers.

Why'd they come back?!!

"General!" A soldier calls and Talen and General come trotting.

I raise me gun to shoot.

SHOOT! I scream at myself, but I can't seem to shoot Talen.

In the corner of my eye I see something moving. Turning my head to look I'm thrown against a house's door.

My body slams inti the wood door, causing the door to break from the hinges. My back lands on the door's knob.

Screaming in pain a hand grabs my mouth.

"Shh!" A man leans down holding my lips. 

I push his hand away from my mouth. I stand up, wincing at the pain in my back.

He grabs my arm trying to help me. I twist his arm away.

Don't look weak.

I step on the broken door, back outside.

Talen and General were already leading the troops back to the village.

Somehow feeling responsible for the woman and her daughter I take off running towards the them.

"Stop." The man runs after me.

"I have to the save then." I pant.

"Theres nothing you can do now."

This might be the last chapter I write for a while. I'm thinking of starting something new. What are your thoughts: keep writing or start a new book?

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