-Chapter2- Waking Up

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I lay there unconscious for what felt like days, months, years, centuries, MILLENNIUMS ( ok, maybe a bit of an over reaction on that half Mel) but it felt like a long time, I couldn't remember what had happened for the life of me, maybe I just passed out on the sofa at home? As I stared to wake up, I saw a roof of a van...and it was moving.

I tried to scream for help but there was something covering my mouth- ducktape.

"Lads! She's awake!" I heard an Irish boy shout. I turned my head and came face to face with blonde haired, blue eyed, god-like being.

"Where the hell did that fine thang come from" I thought to myself "this could be better than I thought".

I heard a chuckle to my right and there sat another freakin sex god, he had he most mesmerising liquid gold eyes mixed with a dark chocolate brown. His browny black hair was styled in and his cheekbones looked like you could cut your finger on them if you stroked them. He looked like an Italian Gucci model- no kidding.

A throaty laugh was then released from his chest "ooo that was sexy" my inner being was telling me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere 3 other boys appear by my side.

One of the boys had the shortest hair out of all of them but was still in a quiff, he had the most adorable puppy dog eyes and had a birthmark on his neck. His shirt clung to him and you could see his six pack through the tshirt, I found myself almost dribbling, bit stopped myself before I did.

My eyes then wandered to the left of him, yet another gorgeous boy. He had ocean blue eyes and brown hair also styled up in a quiff, he had a cheeky smile on his face and he seemed like he had a fun and energetic side to him judging by the non-remove able smile on his face.

Last but not least, on the left of 'ocean eyes' was the sexiest, hottest, fittest, most gorgeous thing I had EVER seen, he had brown curly hair that you just wanted to run your hands through and not let go, and piercing emerald green eyes that would put could make you melt. His looks could make a Hollister model jealous! When he caught me staring at him, he sent me a cheeky smile and out popped 2 dimples "Oh My All-Star-Chuck-Taylor-Converse I think I have just realised what love at first sight is" I thought to myself.

Next thing I know, I hear an uncontrollable laughter come from the Gucci model, was I saying this stuff out loud or something?

Then it all came rushing back to me, I was kidnapped and I dropped my milkshake, biggggg mistake guys, you do not ever come between me and my food, oh these boys better hide when I get out of here because I'm gonna go ape-shiz on their asses!

Birthmark then took the tape off my mouth.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME PEASANTS?!" I yelled at them. They all covered their ears and started whimpering as if I had just deafened them all- I didn't scream that loud did I?

Blondie then spoke up "be quieter would ya? That really hurt our ears!"

"Sorry" I muttered, wait, why am I apologising, their the ones that now have me tied up in the back of their van, so then I started screaming again, until I felt an ice cold hand over my mouth, I bit into it, but whoever it was didn't flinch at all, in fact, I was the one that got the pain, it felt as if my teeth had just gone further back into my gums!

A few seconds later I found out the hand belonged to curly sex-god, he was sat there smirking at me until he spoke up "I'm Harry by the way, this is Niall (blondie), this is Liam (birthmark), this is Louis (Ocean Eyes) and this is Zayn ( Gucci model) and your ours now" my eyes widened in horror and the last thing I remembered was a cloth being placed over my mouth and slipping into darkness.



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Loveeee, Mia xx

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