-Chapter4- Harry

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"Well...what should we do then?" I asked him awkwardly, trying to brake the silence.

"How about 20 questions to try and get to know each other better?" He asked, quite proud that he had come up with that by himself.

"Ok then, you first"

"Full name?"

"Melissa Sophia Evelyn Ross, what's yours?"

"Harry Edward Styles" he then paused "pets?"

"One kitten named Vinnie" "nicknames?"

"Haz, Hazza....Harold" he said quietening down when saying 'Harold'. I burst out into laughter at that nickname which caused Harry to do so too. "Any nicknames you have?"

"Mel, M-Dog - to my bestfriend Annie, I'm fine with anything really unless its anything rude" I said narrowing my eyes at him. "What's your hobbies?"

"I like to go hunting...animals" "Any hobbies of your own Mel?"

"I love dancing, I have done since I started dancing when I was 2" "Favourite Movie?"

"Texas Chainsaw, yours?"

"Eww that's got so much blood and gore in it! How can you watch that?!"

"Quite easily really, what's yours?"

"White chicks"

"Ahh that films great!"

"Yeah that's why it's my favourite!" "Where are the others Harold?" I asked cheekily

He focused on a spot on the wall behind me, I followed his gaze but nothing was there, but about a minute later the other 4 boys turned up at the door...how strange.


When the lads went out to go hunting, I was excited to be left with Mel, she's very attractive and ever since we first captured her I've felt a strange connection between us, like when I'm even in a different room to her I feel a pang of guilt and pain run through my body as if I can't leave her alone.

She looked kind of awkward when they left, so I decided to suggest a game of 20 questions- I didn't need to do this though,mi already know everything about her, but just so I don't creep her out any more than she already is, I won't tell her.

When she asked where the others were I got kinda worried that she would suspect something, so I sent a quick 'brain message' out to Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis. "Mel is asking about you, come back now, but for god sake don't have any blood on your clothes" I sent to their heads hoping the wouldn't be too distracted to listen to me.


Me and the boys, well, minus Harry had just finished our little snack. There was a camping trip going on in the woods with 4 men, so there was one for each of us, but anyway, we'd just eaten when we all got a message from Haz "Mel is asking about you, come back now, but for god sake don't have any blood on your clothes".

All of us got back together again, checked each others clothes, and headed home.

When we got home we found that Harry and Mel had gravitated towards the kitchen and were now leaning against the black marble work surfaces, when we cam into sight, she stared at us with puzzled eyes.

"I only just asked where you were, that was wierd!" She said in her smooth melodic voice.

"Really? What a coincidence!" I said, trying to cover our tracks and by the look on her face she believed us.

"Well I'm thirsty, anyone else want a drink?" She asked turning around and opening the fridge, we tried to turn her around but it was too late, she'd already opened the fridge...


Howdy  ;)

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