-Chapter3-Waking Up Again

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When I woke up I was in a dark, stuffy, dirty looking room, it had a door in front of the single bed a wooden wardrobe to the right side of the bed and a dressing table with a mirror on to the left. The walls were a pale blue and there were a few cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. A shiver ran up my spine " urghh cobwebs" I whispered to myself, I have a terrible phobia of spiders.

A few seconds later I heard someone coming closer to this room, so I acted as if I was asleep. The door opened and I could hear footsteps coming closer to the bed.

"Hahahaha, it's funny how you think I think your asleep, it's quite obvious your not" a strangely familiar British accent chuckled.

I then opened my eyes to see curly sex-god - Harry, I think, smirking down at me yet again, what's his problem? Is that just a normal face for him?

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"Your heartbeat wasn't even" he said as if it was no big deal at all. How the hell does e know that he is stands about a metre away from me!

"How could you hear that, you weren't even close to me?" I asked him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Umm, well, err...it was really loud and I was actually really close to you but you....umm....didn't notice" he replied shakily.

Something about his answer made me not want to believe him, but I guess I'll go with it, after all I have been kidnapped by these boys, I'm sure the could do much worse if they wanted to.

Wait, kidnapped..."AHHHH ME! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs realising the reason why I was in this room.

Within a second all 5 of them were up here staring down at me.

"Calm down Mel" blonde ( who I think is called Niall) said to me...wait, how does he know my name?

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME YOU PHSCO RAVING LUNATICS?" I shouted at them. Which they all covered their ears at again- damn they've got sensitive hearing!

"We've always know you Mel, we've always been there even when you think you hadn't got anyone, but we were there- you just didn't know it" Gucci model Zayn told me. Ok, these people are really creeping me out right now, what the cow is gong on? Frickin pedophiles watching me, is that even legal?!

"What the pigeons is going on, your all freaks, what in the world would posses you to tell a girl who is scares out of her mind that you've been watching her all her life...if that doesn't freak you out, nothing else will!"

Birthmark then came and picked me up bridal style despite my furious thrashing around and took me down a set of stairs and lay me on a sofa. We were closely being followed by the other 4 boys.

"Your going to stay here with Harry while me, Zayn, Niall and Liam go out and...um...go to get some...food, ok?" Ocean eyes asked me.

"Well it's not really 'ok' is it considering I've just been kidnapped by 5...seriously hot....boys" I stated whispering the 'seriously hot' part hoping they wouldn't actually hear, but of course they all then laughed, causing me to go bright red.

"Well, we best be going!" Louis stated joyfully. "Bye!" He shouted when he reached the door.

"Bye!" Harry shouted back and then turned to face me "So, hot eh?" He said to me whilst smirking. I could feel my face heat up, what an embarrassing time I was up for!



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