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I've been trying to distract myself for a while now, doing anything I could to try and busy myself so I wouldn't have to see the boys.

Urghh I sound like some weird nerd that's afraid of NORMAL boys

Except there not normal, they're fucking scary

Oh shut up, stop acting like a stuck up rich girl

Oh sorrrryyyyy, geez who set fire to your tampon fuse?

Oh you did not just go there

Oh, I believe I did

I subconsciously started pounding my hand against my head wondering why I seem to be going so ape shit cray cray...


After what seemed like 2 hours, I had successfully managed to re-arrange my whole wardrobe into rainbow coloured order as well as matching my shoes with everything the boys got me, what am I doing with my life?

After 10 minutes of sitting on my single bed looking round my room trying to find something to do that will pass time, I decided on a shower.

I grabbed all my essentials for my shower that I hadn't already got in m bathroom and walked in, being careful not to forget a towel ( always got to be careful living in a house full of boys)

I set all my things down and started to heat up the water, after a minute I reached my hand up to feel under the steaming not waterfall and decided it was hot enough to get in.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped in the glass doors.

'This is soooo relaxing' my inner relaxation guru thought, I didn't want this moment to end.

Once I was clean and washed I stepped out of the warmth into the normal room temperature, which at this point felt like a bloody igloo.

When my eyes caught sight of the towel it was on the other side of the room. I carefully placed my feet down, padding my way over to the towel trying not to fall over.

The towel was right in front of the door, just as I was about to reach out to grab it the unimaginable happens...

The door opens...

To reveal......

"HARRY! GET OUT!"I shrieked louder than I thought that was possible for me, I charged for the towel not caring if I fee over wrapped it around me with lightening speed.

When I looked up, Harry was standing there, leaning against the doorframe eye-raping my whole body up and down and my current state popped into mind...I am naked...under a towel....just a thin piece of fluffy material....well shit.

"Get. Out. Now." I spoke through gritted teeth

A sexy, smouldering, yet playful spread across his face as he turned to leave, once the door clicked close, I grabbed into my towel ready to drop it when Harry popped his head back in my room

"You've got a great body by the way" he told me cheekily whilst dropping his right eyelid into a wink

I turned a deep crimson colour as he left and replayed what had happened just minutes ago in my head...urghh how embarrassing


I built up the courage to eventually go downstairs and face the boys.

When I got down the stairs I could see all of the boys in the kitchen and they all turned to face me in sync with wide grins across their faces.

They all had one of those looks on their faces where they think they know something you don't

Oh how I just want to slap the looks of their faces.

"Soooo, Mel Mel, have fun upstairs?" Louis casually asked me with a knowing grin on his face

My head flicked up to look at Harry who was their eye- raping me yet again with a smug smirk on his face

"Um, what are you talking about Lou?"I cautiously replied

"Oh, nothing, you know, Harry went up there and didn't come down for a bit" Louis replied trying to imply that something happened

'That bastard better not have' I thought to myself, but the jokes on me for forgetting that there is a bloody mind reader in the room

"He better not have what Melypoo?" Zayn asked smugly

"Ok, first of all, what is with all these nicknames? And second of all Harry, I need to speak to you" I practically shouted, marching over to Harry, grabbing his arm and dragging into another room.

Before we got to a different room, I heard a faint "Remember Hazza, wrap your willy before you get silly" from Louis which was shortly followed by a round of uncontrollable laughter from the others.

"Did you tell them?" I bluntly asked Harry

He simply shrugged. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" he replied smugly.

"Alright Harry, don't play games with me. Do you or didn't you tell them?" I tried again

He nodded whilst smirking at me.

My body took over. I reached up and slapped him, which I can guarantee it hurt me more than it hurt him.

He laughed at me. The bastard laughed at me.

I let out a strangled scream out of frustration and ran upstairs to my room and crashing down on my bed and screaming int my pillow, when I felt a breeze on my back, I looked you and there was an open window. Never even knew I had a window, so why would it be open?

I suddenly got pretty freaked out and looked round my room when I noticed a small envelope lying on the floor with my name written on the front in fancy lettering, I slowly opened the envelope to be greets with more writing,

Dearest Melissa,

I've been watching you for some time and that has only led to confirming my decision. I want you.

You have 3 days and I will come and get you at midnight, be ready my love, I'll be waiting.

All my love,


What. The. Fuck?


Hello :) nice seeing you here

How was it?






Love from


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