Chapter 58

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Kevin's POV

I walk upstairs and push the door open and stop when I walk in, she's standing in front of me wearing a dark blue lacey number and my heart starts pounding and my throat gets dry I walk in the room and make my way over to her and she looks up at me I walk over to her and runs my hands down her sides and I hear her quietly ask me "You like it?" I lean forward then kiss her and pick her up and place her on the bed, I get on top of her and keep kissing her then make my way from her jaw, to her neck then down to her collarbones pulling at the fabric with my fingers she reaches up and pulls off my shirt tossing it off and into the floor.

Grant's POV

I go to her house that night and when I get there I knock on the door and she opens it and the breath is knocked out of me, She's beautiful she is wearing a purple sundress with a gold pair of sandals I follow her in the house into the kitchen the lights are turned off and candles are sitting throughout the kitchen casting a warm glow and causing our shadows to appear on the wall the table is already set and the food is out and ready I take a seat and we start eating she made Chicken with some rice to go with it, after we eat she brings out dessert which is cake and I start freaking out thinking that I have forgotten something important but it couldn't be our anniversary after dinner she takes my hand and leads me to her room and I take a seat on the bed "I'll be back." Then she walks out of the room and into the bathroom.

Mallory's POV

I take a deep breath and steady myself, I know I shouldn't be nervous but I am and this is definitely not mine and Grant's first time. I take out what I bought from Victoria's Secret and look down at it I breath in deeply and let it out then put it on I look in the mirror then run the brush through my hair one more time then open the door and walk out of my bathroom and go back into the bedroom with Grant.

Grant's POV

I sit up and look at her as she walks back in and a few parts of me start responding automatically she walks over to me and I reach out and pull her in between my legs, she gets on top of me and ends up straddling me and I look up at her then she leans down to me and kisses me, I kiss back and start running my fingers through her hair, she kisses down my neck and I let out a moan when she gently bites down on my neck and I reach up to tug on the black fabric she's wearing and I guess I pull harder than I mean too because we both hear a ripping sound, I roll us over to where I'm on top of her, then kiss her and I feel her pulling on my shirt I pull it off and throw it in the floor then lean down and start kissing down her neck and I let my fingers slide over the smooth fabric that is covering her skin.

Kevin's POV

I look over at Vanessa who is sleeping, I pull her to me hoping that she won't wake up when I move her, she lets out a contented sigh as she curls up next to me and moves her head to my chest I wrap my arms around her and start thinking, in a few weeks she would be five months along and we would find out if we were having a boy or a girl and every moment we had together now was precious especially moments like this because I had heard that after the baby is born there is a six to eight week wait time where she can heal and everything goes back to normal, two months without getting anything it would be torture but having the baby would be worth it, I still wasn't sure about taking time off but I would need to make up my mind in less than four months as all of these thoughts are running through my head I begin to fall asleep as well.

Grant's POV

I'm brought out of my sleep by hearing her moan and she starts moving around then she yawns and rolls over and looks at me and her voice is hoarse "Hey Warbler." I answer back with my own raspy voice "Hey babe." She curls up next to me and I start rubbing her back and I figure now would be the best time to tell her "I'll be leaving in a few weeks when the fourth season of Glee starts back and I'll be gone for two or three weeks at the longest." "You're in the forth season?" "Yeah just for two or three episodes I think and I have three songs and dance numbers." She reaches up and starts running her hand through my hair "You'll come back right?" "I'll be home as soon as my part is over I promise." "Will you call and text this time?" "Every day I will blow your phone up if you want me to." "Yeah I want you too and I'm going to miss you." I start rubbing the side of her face with my thumb "We have two weeks before I have to go babe." "Let's make it count then." She leans toward me and kisses me and I kiss back and get on top of her and for now the only sounds in her house are rustling sheets.

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